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2771 No. 2771
My current internet is HughesNet, and it is awful.
I need some recommendations of good internet providers. Anything is better than HughesNet. Help me, HughesNet is awful in every way.
>> No. 2774
Where do you live?
>> No. 2775
Get AOL it's da bomb
>> No. 2777
Comcast sucks so much that the amount of suckage can only be described by the word "Comcast".

TimeWarner is surprisingly reliable and fast. I regularly hit 1.3Mb/s downloads when the other end can handle them (like Valve's servers).
>> No. 2779
Verizon: NOPE
Charter: NOPE
Timer Warner: NOPE
Qwest: NOPE
Comcast: NOPE

I hope this is wrong and I am just an idiot who put his address in wrong.

I must remain vigilant.
>> No. 2788
Yeah I remember when I lived in an area with no access to high speed internet.

I just ended up getting used to playing single player games in window mode to pass the time as things loaded
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