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File 137671986430.png - (246.32KB , 612x341 , RedGreenPokemon.png )
26452 No. 26452
No Words, Only Screaming.

【公式】『ポケットモ…youtube thumb
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>> No. 26455
>> No. 26457
Always hated the art style of the original anime. This by a different studio?
>> No. 26459
Almost assuridly.

It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. If they play it out as being slightly more mature than the core anime it'll be a hell of a ride.

Now that I think about it, we're 4 years and a few months away from Pokemon's (American) 20th anniversary aren't we?
>> No. 26460
Apparently this is just a standalone special. Hoping they expand on it.
>> No. 26461
my optimism is lukewarm. I want to watch this and hope it spins off into a full series. Also, I would have loved for the style to mirror Ken Sugimori's much earlier stuff, with the semi dbz water colors. that's the best style. ever.
>> No. 26466
File 137691929355.gif - (219.73KB , 250x250 , young witch excited.gif )
Not being able to play the games (for technical reasons), the only ways for me to endjoi pokémon have been either watching the animu or reading the mango. The former deteriorated into pure crap, and now there is this new thing. I SO want it to be a series, or maybe turned into that once the fan response is >90% positive.
>> No. 26468
>> No. 26469
I'll see what I can do. Thnx.
>> No. 26606
File 138071421779.png?spoiler - (939.29KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2013-10-02-08h38m01s46.png?spoiler )
I like how they start foreshadowing mega evolution early on, and then when it actually happens he evolves into Mega Charizard X instead of Mega Charizard Y./
>> No. 26617
File 138079091117.gif - (948.16KB , 500x250 , Snorlax hyper beam.gif )
>> No. 26626
I can't find a subbed download for the life of me.

Anyone want to help a brother out?
>> No. 26631
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