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File 13643732865.jpg - (38.42KB , 640x384 , 3DS level graphics.jpg )
26077 No. 26077
Apparently, it exists.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeo... : Traileryoutube thumb
>actual gameplay

Nintendo 3DS - Pokémon Myster…youtube thumb
Nintendo 3DS - Pokémon Myster…youtube thumb
>not actual gameplay
>that voice acting
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>> No. 26078
I don't know why it took me so long to associate Mystery Dungeon and Chocobo's Dungeon as the same franchise.
>> No. 26079
File 136445606583.jpg - (269.68KB , 1280x720 , meow.jpg )
>> No. 26080
Anus Dungeon
>> No. 26081
I guess I had forgotten about Chocobo's Dungeon-- I mean, I knew it existed, but once I found out it wasn't coming to the U.S., I never looked into it after that.
>> No. 26083
Why is the map so blurry?
>> No. 26111
>Oh I turned into a Pokemans, just like I always dreamed and has happened in every one of these games
>Pokemon all talking to each other and shit

Nah man.
I quit the demo a few floors in.
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