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25637 No. 25637
>> No. 25640
>Is it just that the grass absorbs the water? Is that why it’s super effective? Does the grass Pokemon literally suck the moisture from the water Pokemon, causing it physical damage? I guess that makes sense. No, wait. No. It doesn't.

But...it does. Water pokemon thrive and live with water in their body. It keeps them alive. Having grass eat that water would take it away and cause them to hurt. Because it's a part of them.
>> No. 25642
Why do GameFreak go out of their way to obfuscate the fact that eggs come from Pokémon...

>> No. 25643
Chansey's eggs are different.
>> No. 25645
Kangaskhans hatch with baby Kangaskhans... shit's fucked
>> No. 25646
There's such a thing as overthinking it, too. Why are Flying pokemon immune to ground attacks? Sure, it makes sense that they' just fly away from Earthquake, but that doesn't explain Bonemerang.

The fact is that for the sake of balance and consistent rules, you have to ignore real world logic sometimes. Water is weak to grass mostly because there are too many Water-types for the few (at the time the types were made, as there was really only one decent Electric-type attack in Gen 1--Thunder was too inaccurate to depend upon) Electric-type attacks to be counted on to control them.
>> No. 25647
It's not so much balance and consistence as making things simple enough for children to understand.

Then again, the first gen games didn't differentiate between Special Defense and Special Attack, special/physical attack split didn't exist yet, the Psychic types were horribly overpowered, Dark and Steel didn't even exist at all, NPC pokemon had infinite PP...

Just because things are the way they are now doesn't mean they shouldn't change. Maybe Bonemerang SHOULD be super-effective against Flying type. Maybe having a four-move limit isn't so practical any more now that the memory space limitations that caused it are no longer in effect. Maybe dual-typed moves are a good idea. Maybe maybe maybe. We'll just have to see if GameFreak have the balls to try stuff.
>> No. 25648
I thought Water being weak to Grass was primarily for the Grass->Water->Fire starter trio dynamic, honestly.
>> No. 25650
Why is Bonemerang a ground-type move anyway? Seems more rock-type.

Me too.
>> No. 25651
Why is Acid Armor a Poison type move? The Japanese name is just "liquefy" and it's described as literally the user making itself liquid. Nothing to do with acid.

Probably because it was originally given to Muk. And Vaporeon but let's not worry about that.

Still, no damn reason it's Poison type. It literally just alters the user's battle stats in a way that has nothing to do with Typing anyway. What's the point of making it ANY type?
>> No. 25652
I thought the whole Grass>Water thing was because plants absorb water with their roots etc. It always made sense to me.
>> No. 25655
I think it's obvious that the reason Grass is super effective against Water is that Sailor Jupiter had plant-based attacks in addition to her electric ones, and Sailor Jupiter's attacks should all be strong against Water-types.
>> No. 25657
Jupiter was elementally associated with Wood. The inners are based on the five eastern elements. So....yeah plant theme makes sense. And her lightning powers are thematically appropriate because SHE'S MOTHERFUCKING JUPITER, GOD OF LIGHTNING
>> No. 25718
>>Why do you get so much money for winning?

I always thought Pokedollars were worth about the same as yen, it makes the prices and payoffs make more sense.
>> No. 25719
I saw a post on Tumblr suggesting that the bikes and stuff were so expensive to make up for the free healthcare.
>> No. 25801
This is most likely, to make the prices more familiar to the intended Japanese audience.

Unfortunately, it makes the prices all seem ridiculous to the international market.
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