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24995 No. 24995
So, I've been thinking of doing something pokemon related, because I'm bored as fuck at the moment. I notice a few let's play threads here, but I don't really get the point of those. I was thinking about doing another pokemon style quest here on these boards at some point, if there was interest.

Anyhow, here's this quest thingy I did and this fanfic I wrote.


That said, I was wondering what sort of fan projects you guys have done out there. Fanart, music videos, dramatic readings of the pokedex, ect.
>> No. 24997
Well if you can draw even sort of ok you can kind of combine a few things.
You could start your own little 'webcomic' of sorts and catalog your adventures in a game of your choice. You could do something more fantastical that doesn't follow a game tit for tat (sort of an origional story), or you could do an MSPA type thing of any of the above and have posters input what happens next.

Here's something that pretty much everyone knows about, but I'll post it anyway:

I'll also see if I can get a friends Pokemon pen and paper DnD game rules to post too.
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