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24916 No. 24916
What's the point of giving a game an actual story if the story is going to be fucking stupid?
>> No. 24918
In some video games, story exists solely to justify the action. Despite what the snobbier gamers might have you believe, there's not actually anything wrong with that.
>> No. 24921
Are you ever happy, Moe?

Seriously, now.
>> No. 24940
Now try to be positive here, how do we know it's that stupid eh?
>> No. 24948
The ice is likely just a figurative thing to keep those parts of Unova a secret for now.
It's not literal.
>> No. 24950
Do you think they'd really just slap a glacier texture on a top-down map and call it a game? The perspective doesn't even match.
>> No. 24965
Whatever this one has, there's no way it can be more grating and annoying that Black and White 1 where.
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