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24370 No. 24370
Sup /pkmn/,
Do you enjoy pokemon? Of course you do.
Do you enjoy roleplaying? Hell yeah.
Do you know what the fuck Pokemon Destruction is? Probably not, which is totally why this thread exists.

Pokemon Destruction is a brand new pokemon roleplay, very much unlike that awful 13 year old horseshit that seems to show up every time pokemon and roleplay are in the same sentence. The idea? More than one hundred years after the end of fifth gen is where we begin. Multiple wars have taken place in that time, and the regions have just finished getting over the last one. However, factions descended from those that fought in the war still remain, and a new war appears ready to break loose once again.

The three factions are Valiant, Rapture, and Sinister.
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>> No. 24371
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Valiant, which was once a mighty army of would be mercenaries and seamen dedicated to fighting off other factions, has now become a sort of adventurer's guild. Valiants are hired to do small jobs, and the faction has downsized by far from what it once was. However, their goal is still to uphold justice and prevent catastrophe around the world.
>> No. 24372
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Rapture, descended from the dedicated and religious faction Legend, has become a cult attempting to provoke legendary pokemon into purging the world. They believe they alone will survive, being that rapture worships these pokemon and revers them as gods. At one point, Sinnoh was entirely under the control of Legend, but since their loss in the last war, their control has been broken. Still, rapture is based in Sinnoh.
>> No. 24373
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Sinister, the final faction, was once a crime syndicate. Over time, betrayals and distrust crumbled the faction, and they exist now as various organized crime families operating together. Focused in Kanto, the goal of Sinister is to make money and if possible, extend their control over all regions. They are known to use underhanded means to take whatever they like.
>> No. 24374
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That's the basics of PD. If you're interested, just drop a post with your email and i'll send you the link to the forums.
>> No. 24380
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Have a link, anyway.


I make custom sprites and trainer cards for the site as well. Post here if you want one.
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