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File 131326096763.jpg - (87.02KB , 453x715 , ScreenHunter_52.jpg )
22539 No. 22539
Which pokemon crime organization would you join if you could?

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>> No. 22541
Team Rocket, because Giovanni seems to be the least stupid and/or crazy.
>> No. 22542
Team Plasma seems like it'd have a better possibility of some teammates that weren't either crazy or so incompetent they'd trip over their shoelaces (or both.) An important part of fitting in is your coworkers. On the other hand, I don't want a Watchog.

At all.
>> No. 22544
If I were forced to choose
There is no way I would not pick Cipher
>> No. 22545
Aqua, just so I could be a motherfucking gangster pirate.
>> No. 22546
I dunno, I like the knight-y feel of team plasma. Just that they never really were all that strong aside from N and his dad. They needed better trainers with stronger pokemon.
>> No. 22631
What they needed was to not be a pokemon version of PETA/
>> No. 22659
But that was what made them cool.
>> No. 22675
Does the fact that they were secretly the exact opposite of that not count for anything?
>> No. 22715
PETA is never cool. In any form.
>> No. 22717
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Makes them hypocritical suckers. Their members were taken advantage of because of their love of pokemon.


Can't I eat my pig in peace?
>> No. 22737
Then what would you have made team plasma? I liked the PETA aspect they had, it made them interesting. I like to think that their message of pokemon liberation would have some effect on people like Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, people who see pokemon being hurt and abused a lot.
>> No. 22738
I would've given them a cover to hide behind. Some other, more outwardly malicious group, but still part of Team Plasma. Though only in secret.

This allows them to accomplish their more aggressive goals, and once everything is done the "real" Team Plasma can come in and save the day. This not only wins Team Plasma everyone's favor, but helps to keep other do-good people off the more aggressive half's back.
>> No. 22741
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The pokemon rights angle is good because it is a narrow focus for the organization. All the other groups were basically selfish in their quest (although magma and aqua might have been similar to plasma) but fighting for creatures who have to obey their masters no matter what they say is good motivation. I would love to see how Plasma and Rocket interact, Plasma would shoot Rocket members in the streets if they knew of the things they did to pokemon.

Get this,
Nurse Joy just sees pokemon as objects to be fixed for the trainers to continue their battles.
Officer Jenny makes sure that the captured pokemon stay with their rightful masters and will prosecute anybody who tries to interfere with the system of battles.

Joy and Jenny are clones created to perpetuate the status quo, they ensure that pokemon keep battling. You realize Joy and Jenny are NOT your friends.
>> No. 22763
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>> No. 22765
While I do wonder how there is a Jenny & Joy in every city, that seems a bit silly. I think that if anyone was to be sympathetic to Team Plasma's goals would be Officer Jenny. She see's pokemon being abused, bred carelessly, and so on. I''m reminded of that one nerdy guy who was kicked out of the Game Corner for using his Grimer to cheat. I imagine Jenny has her hands full with all sorts of pokemon related crimes.

So I could see her joining up with Plasma, thinking that they're just a group of pokemon lovers who are tired of seeing pokemon abused.
>> No. 25587
Team Magma are fucking idiots.

1. Build a secret lab inside an active volcano.
2. Drill into active volcano.
3. Awaken a giant volcano monster.
4. Steal huge quantities of rocket fuel.
5. Throw rocket fuel into active volcano.

There is no part of this plan that DOESN'T involve dying in a fire.
>> No. 25588
I think an important problem with this theory is that, well
Not everybody battles with their Pokemon.

I mean, yeah, MOST people do. They like Pokemon battles, they challenge people, all that good stuff. But there are loads of NPCs and Pokemon owners who don't really battle people at all. Pokemon in that world aren't there just to be trained, they're also pets, workers, entertainers, research subjects and friends. They're a part of every area of peoples' lives, violent and peaceful. All Jenny does is help against criminals (Pokemon-related or not), and Nurse Joy simply cures them of their ills. Neither of them tell you to battle, or in any way force you to.
>> No. 25590
While the fashion of Team Aqua is pretty sweet I'm going to go with Team Rocket: They're the only ones not involved in some weird, cult-like scheme to do stupid shit. They're just about stealing pokemon to make money
>> No. 25591
They even go about it in a pretty reasonable way, especially in HGSS so far as I've seen.
>> No. 25592
>> No. 25665
Weren't Team Magma's goals the exact same as Lex Luther's in Superman Returns?
>> No. 25666
Stand inside a volcano and throw rocket fuel into it and somehow magically create more land?
>> No. 25699
Oh my fucking god, PETA is endorsing Team Plasma

>> No. 25701
This is disgusting.

This is MORALLY disgusting.

I hope Nintendo takes the organization to court over this. Repeatedly. I hope Satoshi Tajiri takes all their money.
>> No. 25705
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>Getting mad about a game that's been around for ~20 years
>Endorsing fictional villains (who were hypocrites)
>Everything in the game is bloody for some reason, even the trees

>But the difference between real life and this fictional world full of organized animal fighting is that Pokémon games paint rosy pictures of things that are actually horrible.
>> No. 25706
>(who were hypocrites)
We are talking about PeTA here.

...why is ethical lower case?
>> No. 25707
You've taken something that epitomizes the best of human imagination, this fantasy universe full of innocent idealism, where people get along with each other and nature is our friend, where the worst the bad guys get is being thwarted by ten-year-olds, a fantasy that preaches the very preservation and respect for the natural world that you claim to want, and you've turned it into the kind of minimum effort over-exaggerated parody a child or a hollywood writer would come up with in a pitiful attempt to shock and horrify innocent passers-by into listening to your self-aggrandizing, self-obsessed, hypocritical philosophy.

There is nothing even remotely redeemable about you, Peta, as an organization or even as individual human beings. You are absolutely disgusting and I'm sure you don't even realize it, because you're all too full up with your own propaganda. I hope the people who did this are thrown in prison for life. I hope this gets the attention of plenty of irate parents and ends in massive, crippling legal action against this so-called organization. It's honestly well past time Peta were put in the ground and buried forever.
>> No. 25710

This might be going a bit too far, especially since your main gripe is that they're targeting Pokemon and not the MILLION OTHER THINGS wrong with Peta.

Really what flabbergasts me more is that they're doing the whole "POKEMON IS COCKFIGHTING" thing when it's not like 80% of anyone who became a teenager but was born in the 90's didn't make that exact same joke/comparison.
>> No. 25711
Honestly, what gets to me specifically about this particular stunt is that PETA are attacking something that champions the very ideology they're supposedly built on way better than they do themselves, and doing it in the most utterly ridiculous, self-defeating fashion of hyperexaggerated gore and shock content.

And then they act like they have the moral high ground about it.
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