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File 130898111762.jpg - (43.81KB , 550x700 , pmdbrt-psyduck.jpg )
22079 No. 22079
So what're you people hoping to see in Pokemon Infrared and Pokemon Ultraviolet?
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>> No. 22081
Does it matter? We won't be able to see any of them without special goggles.
>> No. 22084

No you won't be able to see the LEGENDARIES without special vision goggles.

The normal ones will still be good old fashioned visible spectrum types.
>> No. 22087
File 130903785352.jpg - (129.35KB , 1280x720 , [TM-Raws] Pocket Monsters - BW 036 (TVO 1280x720 x.jpg )

Call me when X-ray and Gamma come out.
>> No. 22093
File 130910056242.jpg - (98.77KB , 500x375 , 143e596d5514c4183798d811821611b5.jpg )

I want the two different games to have a different plot and vaguely different characters.

Have Infrared be about the protagonist and Ultraviolet be about his/her rival. Thus the plots of each game are connected as well as comparable. Give us an option to download and scan one or the other so our protagonist from one game is made our rival in another and possess the same party/team dynamics when playing.
>> No. 22245
no more fucking IVs and no more fucking HMs
>> No. 22257
But how will pokemon be special snowflakes without any inherent variance?
>> No. 22258
I like this idea.
I always loved ruby/sapphire because you get different bad guys with slightly different plans. They should bring that idea back.
>> No. 22271
More Pokemon with high Defense and Special Attack. And a speedy Ghost with high Attack.
>> No. 22273
Wii U intergeytion and Avatar customeyesing.
Hard words are hard...
Also where is Gray?
>> No. 22287
An evolution for Mawhile
And a cockatiel based flying pokemon
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