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File 130747961117.jpg - (88.61KB , 428x540 , Pokedex_3D_screenshot_4.jpg )
21865 No. 21865
Have you downloaded yours yet?

I'm not sure if Hydreigon's model is cool or kinda silly looking with the Muppet-hands.
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>> No. 21866
Did this morning. Aside from the giant eyes and plasticine-esque smoothness, it's pretty cool. How do I get more, though?
>> No. 21867
Literally, the only way for most.

Victini, the musketeers, Resh and Zek can be gotten if you just see their AR symbols somewhere, but all the other Pokemon have to be gotten through streetpass with other people who have the game.
>> No. 21868
Hey, now you can see how Samurott gets his sword out!
And it's twice as big as the space for it in his arm.
>> No. 21869

Try this.
>> No. 21874
All it's going to do is get us shadows of the Pokemon. You don't get them from the AR codes alone.

Although, I may have spoken too soon when I said
I turned my game on after sitting around home doing nothing all day to find I had a Ferrowthorn and a Sandile. So maybe playing other games for a certain period of time might get you Pokemon? No idea, now. I guess it's always possible someone around here has one and was close enough to my home for our 3DS's to Streetpass, but I really doubt the thing moves through walls that well.
>> No. 21875
Fuck, I get it now. You're given three free ones a day over WiFi just in case you don't have friends, okay.
My third was Watchog.
>> No. 21879
What the shadows do get you is an increased chance of getting those Pokemon through spotpass!
>> No. 21880
I don't know about you guys, but I can't pick up SpotPass updates at all. I closed my 3DS and everything.
>> No. 21881
Does the little icon on the home menu say "internet" at any time?
Be sure it's able to connect.
Also enable SpotPass.
>> No. 21882

Well, yes, I checked all that.

Someone told me elsewhere that you can't SpotPass the day you download the app.

That's dumb.
>> No. 21883
File 130772526510.jpg - (47.24KB , 320x240 , 1283891311524.jpg )
>Waited one day? Check.
>Wireless is on? Check.
>SpotPass enabled on system? Check.
>SpotPass enabled on Pokédex? Check.
>Turn on Pokédex, go to home menu, and close the 3DS? Check.

What the fuck am I doing wrong?
>> No. 21884
See I get things while I'm actually playing.
>> No. 21887
Now can I get some print out sheets?
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