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File 130306571118.jpg - (40.15KB , 137x234 , STOP.jpg )
20740 No. 20740
>646 different species of Pokemon
Expand all images
>> No. 20741
File 130306578231.png - (171.83KB , 527x535 , 49cede007651548aba4c6cd95a4a561d.png )
>MFW OP can't deal
>> No. 20742
>> No. 20744
Don't you love variety? I love variety.
>> No. 20746
I've never really saw it like that.
I mean Pokemon evolve from one form to another.
So really I think the number is a little over 400, not six.
There are 649 different physical forms of pokemon.
>> No. 20747
You ever notice how there is coincidentally always a new region of Pokemon and the old region suddenly gets inhabited by Pokemon?
>> No. 20750
File 130307956130.png - (12.64KB , 554x493 , 1264571880741.png )
>649 different physical forms of pokemon.
>physical forms
>> No. 20753
>over 2 million species on earth
>> No. 20755
And that's not taking into account alt-forms on recent legendaries or the 28 Unown
>> No. 20869

I'm expecting an extension to the unowns to include greek letters or numbers.
>> No. 20870
File 130327202637.jpg - (79.00KB , 599x358 , bear-how-about-no-wj9.jpg )
>More unowns
>> No. 20871
How about an Unown evolution that only evolves if you have all variants of Unown, but unlike Unown it's actually useful?
>> No. 20872
But ! and ? are so endearing.
We need more punctuation like " , : ; and '
>> No. 20873
Numbered Unown next!
>> No. 20874
File 130327714320.png - (16.01KB , 400x384 , teethandhunger2_8.png )

How about Unown that evolve in to words then into sentences?
>> No. 20876
This is an interesting concept.
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