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File 130225250476.jpg - (6.63KB , 150x150 , mewtoke.jpg )
20387 No. 20387
I bought a DS and a copy of Oblivia
and got to the part where they're about to storm the radio tower
and then the DS battery light turned red
and the only charger that came with the DS was a car charger
and I don't have a car
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>> No. 20402
File 130229933281.png - (70.70KB , 480x457 , 6403569.png )
What the hell are you even talking about
>> No. 20403
isn't oblivia a pokemon ranger place

why do you refer to the game by the region
>> No. 20404
I think he's talking about Guardian Signs.
There's a point where you gotta save the radio tower.
>> No. 20413
File 130233536620.jpg - (28.44KB , 500x353 , tumblr_lismydJGnk1qgssjdo1_500.jpg )
Wuss goin on in this thread
>> No. 20479
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okay so I went to Radio shack to get one of those things that turns a wall plug into a car plug
because they didn't have DS chargers and both Game stops were out of business
and man this game is amazing
exactly what my sis said it'd be
it's like
stuff ties back to the canalave myths too even
about how humans aren't as close to pokémon anymore
anyway I'm having fun
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