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20155 No. 20155
I just realized

During this fight ash improvised soak

that's why he was able to win!
>> No. 20156
Maybe that's what gave them the inspiration for the move.
>> No. 20158
In a similar vein, the Lightningrod ability.

I can't wait for a Thunder Armor one.
>> No. 20159
Volt Absorb?
>> No. 20160
Motor Drive might be better.
>> No. 20161
>> No. 20162
...Nnnno, no, that's just silly. Besides, Protect was a move before Thunder Armor happened.
>> No. 20163
I think... he cheated. He should have used iron tail to win.
>> No. 20164
Guys, guys. This is the Omega Pikachu, remember? The rodent destroyer of worlds? You're overthinking this. He just altered reality so thundershock would be effective, altering Brock's mind so he would serve as a companion for his human at the same time.
>> No. 20182
Dude, this was like, the 5th or 6th episode in the series. Iron Tail wouldn't exist for at least another year or two.

Yeah, it was totally under leveled, too. I remember Brock remarking about that.
>> No. 20259
I never understood why Ash gets shit for this.
He won but he decided that since he didn't win fairly, he didn't want the badge. He only got it because Brock gave it to him later.
>> No. 20261
Resentment from kids that always had a tough time beating Brock in Red and Blue? Unless you chose Squirtle or Bulbasaur, that battle was a pain.
>> No. 20262
...Unless you got the monkey pokemon from the route right next to Viridian town. Made it easy.
Besides, I was a real grinder. Always called it "training."
>> No. 20273

Pro tip: Mankey wasn't there in Red and Blue. He only first showed up near Viridian City in Yellow.

So if you had Charmander, you were in for fuuuun times. And even more so if you didn't nab a Pikachu, when you got to Cerulean.
>> No. 20320
Is that the term for anime Pikachu? I'd believe it.
>> No. 20326
I"m making it the official term. The ultimate deus ex pokeball needs to be clearly distinguished from all other, lesser Pikachus.
>> No. 20327
You could always fill your team with Bellsprouts or Oddish and take Misty down with filler pokemon you'll never use again
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