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File 130154370346.jpg - (105.22KB , 1280x720 , bel is insane.jpg )
20119 No. 20119
A wild BEL appeared!
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>> No. 20121
I really hope she sticks around with the main cast for the rest of the show. Maybe to kind of parallel how the Adventure series has all four (Cheren, Bel, Black, & White). Plus, we need more not gym leader characters from the games.
>> No. 20126
File 13015868284.jpg - (10.86KB , 267x150 , DP22.jpg )

>I really hope she sticks around with the main cast for the rest of the show.


ポケットモンスター …youtube thumb

However, if you count the fishing episode that was delayed (canceled) because of the earthquake/tsunami, she has already appeared in 4 episodes.

Also, she's adorable.
>> No. 20127
【HD】【Pokémon】Nyanyany…youtube thumb

Posting in a Bel thread

(Bianca is such a silly namechange)
>> No. 20132
I only see Mexican girls with that name, which is weird why they gave her a Mexican name.

Also Bel is too fucking adorable. Every scene in the Emonga episode she was so HNNNNG
>> No. 20135
But Bianca is an Italian name.
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