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File 130101356733.png - (369.17KB , 1736x1344 , 1300567457825.png )
19836 No. 19836
If Black and White looked like this, would you still play it?

I think some of them actually look better like this.
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>> No. 19837
Man, the devamp project. Good times, good times, so much drama over what got in and what didn't. All in all though, it was a pretty big accomplishment.

...Yeah, I'd play it, I'm a sucker for faux-retro games like this. If it kept B/W mechanics, doubly awesome.
>> No. 19838
Funny thing, I was playing Blue version a couple of days ago and my mind tricked me into thinking it was my White version. When I went to Viridian City, I swear I saw the name of the city appear in a black line caption on the top of the screen.
>> No. 19839
Oh man, I'd play this like no there were no tomarrow. I loved the old the look of gen 1 & 2, it just feels right.

And one thing I definitely must say is that I actually prefer the music in those games as opposed to gen 3 & 4. I hated how things sounded in gen 3 with a passion. 4 wasn't bad, but ehh. Haven't heard 5 yet.

And that is my slightly off topic thoughts on a game like this.
>> No. 19842
What is that thing after Genesect?
>> No. 19843
Some /vp/ creation.
>> No. 19846
if they stuck with that style though out the entire series: yes

if they suddenly switched back to it: hell no
>> No. 19847
Tentaquil. He pukes blood.
>> No. 19848
Oh fuck yeah I would.
>> No. 20035
Nope. I never played Red or Blue, so I have no fondness for this sprite style.
>> No. 20051
lol @ original mew
>> No. 20053
File 130136876125.png - (516B , 56x56 , Spr_1b_151-mew.png )
Alternatively there's the one from Red & Blue, as opposed to Red & Green.
>> No. 20061
What on earth is that thing next to Genesect?
>> No. 20081
it's tentaquil, silly
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