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File 129503114031.jpg - (218.43KB , 1096x480 , 13617434_p0.jpg )
17752 No. 17752
Hoo boy, what a week, so much to see, so much too do.

Anyway, listen fella cause old Hal did his best but there were still 11 pokemon that just did not meet image criteria for this thread series so I apologize ahead of time as I'm gonna have to post non Gijinka image of them, I apologize for any undue dissapointment.

Anyway, here we go!
116 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 17870
File 129504791523.jpg - (151.72KB , 645x1001 , 14545716.jpg )
Oobemu #606

It uses its psychic powers to manipulate its foes' brains and rewrites their memory.

(you are not seeing a little girl in a hat)
>> No. 17872
File 129504850198.jpg - (286.99KB , 1000x750 , 14106507.jpg )
Hitomoshi #607

Hitomoshi's light burns the lifeforce it sucks from people and Pokémon. It lights its glow and, while pretending to to guide their way, sucks out people's life force.
>> No. 17873
File 129504864583.jpg - (311.66KB , 600x800 , 14850757.jpg )
Ranpuraa #608

It is feared as an ominous Pokemon. It roams aimlessly throughout towns in search of souls of the deceased. It appears when one is on the very brink of death and absorbs the soul the instant it has departed from the body.
>> No. 17874
File 129504871545.jpg - (237.47KB , 600x900 , 14881059.jpg )
Shandera #609

It burns the souls it sucks out. The swaying of the fire on its arms hypnotizes opponents. Anyone enveloped by the flame of a Shandera will have their soul sucked out and burned. Only an empty shell of a body remains.
>> No. 17875
File 129504885265.jpg - (293.77KB , 600x600 , 12807850.jpg )
Axew/Kibago #610

It smashes and eats fruit with its tusks. No matter how many times they grow back they remain strong, sharp tusks. It leaves gashes on trees and shrubs with its tusks in order to mark its territory. If one of its tusks breaks, it grows back immediately.
>> No. 17876
File 129504889638.png - (175.99KB , 400x600 , 15828394.png )
Onondo #611

It has tusks that can smash large boulders. Fights between Onondo over turf are extremely violent.
>> No. 17877
File 129504894062.png - (249.77KB , 800x900 , 14202260.png )
Ononokus #612

It has sturdy tusks with blades that will not chip, even if they slash at steel frames. It is covered in solid armor.
>> No. 17878
File 129504901994.png - (403.28KB , 567x1315 , 13526381.png )
Kumasyun #613

Its nose is constantly running. It attacks while sniffling up its nasal mucus. Its nasal mucus is the source of its attacks. When it's in bad health, its nasal mucus becomes watery, lowering the power of its ice attacks.
>> No. 17879
File 129504908631.png - (408.04KB , 600x800 , 14516292.png )
Tsunbear #614

It is talented at swimming, so it swims around in northern oceans to capture prey. It freezes its breath to create fangs and tusks of ice for fighting. It lives in cold lands in the north.
>> No. 17880
File 129504913376.jpg - (47.93KB , 384x512 , 15553684.jpg )
Furiijio #615

It was born inside a snow cloud. It catches prey with chains made of ice crystals.
>> No. 17881
File 129504925147.jpg - (271.56KB , 800x1000 , 14230171.jpg )
Chobomaki #616

When attacked by an enemy it closes its shell to defend itself. A sticky venom is fired from openings in its shell. It evolves when bathed in electric-like energy alongside Kaburumo. The reason for this hasn't been clarified.
>> No. 17882
File 129504931894.png - (424.50KB , 800x590 , 15060748_p0.png )
Agirudaa #617

It has become agile due to shedding its heavy shell. It fights with movements similar to those of a ninja.
>> No. 17883
File 129504961219.png - (441.23KB , 550x900 , 14541774.png )
Maggyo #618

It buries itself in mud at the seaside and lies in wait for prey. When its prey touches it, it releases electricity and paralyzes the prey.
>> No. 17884
File 129504966149.jpg - (390.89KB , 498x709 , 13805002.jpg )
Kojofu #619

Uses magnificent consecutive attacks. When it unifies its mind, the sharpness and speed of its attacks increase.
>> No. 17885
File 129504973124.png - (460.71KB , 640x493 , 15069689.png )
Kojondo #620

It fights by slapping foes with the long hair on its arms. It knocks around its foes as if it were using a whip.
>> No. 17886
File 129504980739.png - (919.40KB , 776x1080 , 13980355.png )
Crimgan #621

It captures prey running around in narrow caves using its sharp claws. The skin on its face is harder than rock.
>> No. 17887
File 129504996114.png - (142.00KB , 301x457 , gijinka____gobitto_by_onisuu-d33t9ek.png )
Gobitto #622

It is thought to be a Pokémon created with the science of a phantom ancient civilization.
>> No. 17888
File 129505005486.png - (1.65MB , 1000x1368 , 15829546.png )
Goruugu #623

It is said that the ancient people who created Goruugu ordered it to protect people and Pokémon.

(Seen here with a Kojondo)
>> No. 17889
File 12950502097.png - (151.83KB , 545x678 , 13615203.png )
Komatana #624

It fights by Kirikizan's orders. It clings to foes and gives them a beating by sinking its blade in.
>> No. 17890
File 129505027838.jpg - (446.14KB , 833x999 , 15834760.jpg )
Kirikizan #625

It corners its prey in a pack, accompanied by many Komatana. Kirikizan is the one to deal the final blow.
>> No. 17891
File 129505037070.png - (89.84KB , 291x598 , buffalon_gijinka_by_chibicyndaquil-d2yhu6e.png )
Buffalon #626

Even if it is dealt with a violent headbutt, its tufty fur absorbs the damage. It charges and headbutts anything indiscriminately. The destructive power will derail a running train.
>> No. 17892
File 129505042489.jpg - (157.15KB , 396x418 , 14043729.jpg )
Washibon #627

It will indiscriminately challenge foes to battle, even strong ones. It becomes stronger by battling over and over.
>> No. 17893
File 129505069166.jpg - (210.61KB , 885x895 , 15482560.jpg )
Braviary/Wargle #628

It will fight for its comrades without a second thought for danger. It can dance through the skies while grasping an automobile. A soldier of the skies with dauntless courage. It is said that it will get more respect from its comrades the more wounds it has.

>> No. 17894
File 129505084354.jpg - (51.66KB , 600x750 , 15840516.jpg )
Baruchai #629

It has a trait of finding a handy skeleton and using it to protect its bottom. It will chase around weak Pokémon.
>> No. 17895
File 129505091915.jpg - (119.18KB , 375x565 , 15181197.jpg )
Barujiina #630

It observes the ground from the skies and swoops down on weakened prey. Its trait is to dress itself up with bones.
>> No. 17896
File 129505099082.jpg - (88.40KB , 500x707 , 13721475.jpg )
Kuitaran #631

With its tongue of fire burning at high temperatures, it melts Aianto's steel body and eats the inside.
>> No. 17897
File 129505118031.jpg - (189.52KB , 500x500 , 13455340.jpg )
Aianto #632

It digs in mountains to make its nest. The complex, twisted tunnels are a maze created by Aianto.

(WHOO! Gotta love those crazy last minute finds!)
>> No. 17898
File 129505148028.jpg - (83.07KB , 500x600 , 14935042.jpg )
Monozu #633

It tends to bite at anything and everything. It can eat anything. It's dangerous to approach it carelessly. Due to being blind, it searches out its surroundings by ramming its body and biting. There's no end to the bruises all over its body.

(Oh! It's Blind?! Fancy that... doesn't affect it's overall accuracy or grant it mean look immunity though.)
>> No. 17899
File 129505158362.jpg - (234.13KB , 600x800 , 14037780.jpg )
Jiheddo #634

When it eats up all the prey on its turf, it moves to another city. Its two heads don't get along so they eat prey competitively, and as a result it always eats too much prey.

(could learn a thing or two from a Doduo... if they didn't just eat it on the spot.)
>> No. 17900
File 129505167072.jpg - (322.68KB , 400x986 , 15275655.jpg )
Sazandora #635

The heads on its arms don't have brains. It causes destruction, with its three heads eating up absolutely everything.

>> No. 17901
File 129505180930.jpg - (103.24KB , 641x1221 , 14921191.jpg )
Meraruba #636

People have come to believe that this Pokémon was born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is wrapped in flames. It lives at the foot of volcanoes. It repels enemies that come to attack by shooting flames from its five horns.
>> No. 17902
File 129505192110.jpg - (505.73KB , 600x750 , 15058720.jpg )
Ulgamoth #637

It is said that when the ground becomes pitch black with volcanic ash, Ulgamoth's fire takes the place of the sun. If it becomes involved in a fight, it scatters flaming scales from its 6 wings all over the surrounding surfaces to make a sea of fire.
>> No. 17903
File 129505199811.jpg - (171.05KB , 459x883 , cobalon_colored_by_hoigao-d34n143.jpg )
Cobalon #638

A legendary Pokémon that has opposed humans in order to protect Pokémon. It has a calm and composed personality. It has a body and heart of steel. It can make even the most ferocious of Pokémon obey it simply by glaring.
>> No. 17904
File 12950520553.png - (371.55KB , 900x1159 , pokemorph__terrakion_by_kingdomheartskeeper-d339iy.png )
Terrakion #639

It fought against humans to protect Pokémon who have lost their habitats due to wars between humans. The force of its charge is enough to penetrate huge castle walls with a single hit. A Pokémon spoken of in legends.
>> No. 17905
File 129505212315.jpg - (849.15KB , 800x2000 , 14172933.jpg )
Virizion #640

A Pokémon that has challenged humans to fight in order to protect its comrades. It is spoken of in legend. The horns on its head are sharp blades. With movements like a whirlwind, it trifles with and quickly slashes at enemies.
>> No. 17906
File 129505218791.jpg - (89.39KB , 800x700 , 15125997_p0.jpg )
Tornelos #641

The lower half of its body is surrounded by a cloud-like energy band. It flies at 300 kilometers per hour. The energy emitted from Tornelos's tail stirs up huge storms. It has the power to blow away houses.
>> No. 17907
File 129505224515.png - (152.95KB , 500x500 , 13942374.png )
Voltolos #642

There are countless scorch marks left on the ground where Voltolos has passed over and let loose thunderbolts. It shoots electricity from the spikes on its tail. It flies about in the skies of the Isshu region, letting thunderbolts loose.
>> No. 17908
File 129505241756.jpg - (353.89KB , 870x1500 , 11483554.jpg )
Reshiram #643

A Pokémon that appears in myth. It spouts fire from its tail that burns everything to nothing. When Reshiram's tail burns, it shifts the atmosphere with thermal energy and alters the world's weather.
>> No. 17909
File 129505246742.jpg - (352.06KB , 880x1500 , 11483864.jpg )
Zekrom #644

It creates electricity with its tail. It hides its body in thunderclouds and flies through the skies of the Unova region. A Pokémon that appears in myth. It has a huge power generator that creates electricity inside its tail.
>> No. 17910
File 129505252793.jpg - (181.63KB , 465x700 , 14356272.jpg )
Landlos #645

Because crops on the land that Landlos visits bear lots of fruit, it is regarded as the god of fields. The energy pouring down from its tail increases the nutrition in the soil, so crops will grow bigger.
>> No. 17911
File 129505260918.jpg - (240.75KB , 600x791 , kyurem_gijinka_by_junlumihay-d30q9g0.jpg )
Kyurem #646

It produces powerful freezing energy inside its body, but its body freezes from the chilly air leaking out. It has the power to create cold air at extremely low temperatures, but doing so causes its own body to freeze over.
>> No. 17912
File 129505268878.png - (1.63MB , 964x1223 , tserin___pokimono_application_by_llawlietyagami-d3.png )
Keldeo #647

It can move over water as if it's gliding by shooting water from its hooves. It fights with talented footwork. It runs about the entire world, running on the surface of seas and rivers. It appears at beautiful watersides.
>> No. 17913
File 129505274669.png - (401.44KB , 900x761 , ___after_by_l_shock_n_awe_l-d34hguz.png )
Meloetta #648

It freely controls the emotions of anyone who hears the melodies sung in its unique vocalization. There are many famous pieces of music that were created by taking inspiration from the melodies Meloetta plays.
>> No. 17914
File 129505282197.png - (164.75KB , 540x593 , genesect_by_cheshirecrocodile-d3630w0.png )
Genesect #649

It was feared as the most powerful hunter 300 million years ago. It was reconstructed by Team Plasma. They powered up the gun on its back.
>> No. 17915
DONE! FINALLY! Whoo that was crazy.

You guys enjoy all of this, or not, if this all annoyed you, point that out too, mores the pleasure just from the sharing of opinion.

So get to it! me, I'm gonna go give my eyeballs a vacation, later!
>> No. 17918
How *do* you snag all these images?
>> No. 17921
Careful image searches with the proper terms on several different sites.
>> No. 17995
Now see, if you'd waited a week, you could've done this in English.
>> No. 17996
>> No. 26205
I think I remember seeing the sinnoh version of this gijinka dex, do u know what happened to it? It was like a month ago, do you know where to find it?
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