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File 139490067823.jpg - (113.82KB , 500x449 , image.jpg )
33060 No. 33060
Hey guys, look what's coming out later this year in Europe and America! That other 3DS One Piece RPG was terrible, but this one looks much better and has some solid reviews so far. Game's also coming out on Wii U, PS3 and Vita. Probably digital download only here in NA.
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>> No. 33084
>Catch bugs!
>Go fishing!

Real fucking adventure right there.
>> No. 33085
Are you really bitching about sidequests?

Thinking about it both those activities are pretty in-character for the strawhats, most notably Luffy.
>> No. 33087
File 139516101751.png - (299.06KB , 631x354 , Boss.png )
You know nothing
>> No. 33092
Yo those two are like the most adventureish activities ever.
>> No. 33095
The marketing makes it seem like that's the core gameplay. It probably isn't, but I thought it was pretty funny.
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