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32915 No. 32915

Psssst wake up everyone its a new chapter
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>> No. 32916
Oh shit trebol is no joke.
>> No. 32917
I like robin in this outfit. Ussop too. Hell, arc-outfits are always better than the standard ones.

And yeah, Trebol is threatening. Same with Sugar. None of this shit would've happened if Ussop just shot the grape in sugars mouth like he did in his fight with Luffy. Dude needs to fucking step up now, he's more cowardly than he was in the previous arc.
>> No. 32918
Usopp's cowardice has always been a joke, so it'd be even funnier if he mans up out of nowhere and pulls some insane stunt to win the fight.
>> No. 32919
I hope now that its been shown that Sugar is capable of putting up a fight they will be willing to actually fuck her up as an enemy in combat and this doesn't become another Monet situation.
Its not like she's even a real child, she's just a fruit user who has some sort of immortality as a side-effect or such.
>> No. 32923
When does the 'good' version come out?
>> No. 32924
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It's a mystery. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe Friday if you're unlucky.

For now, volume 73 cover, shitty quality edition. Looks p good but I'd like to find a better scan.
>> No. 32925
I know it's part of his shtick, but Ussop needs to do something. I mean enough's enough.
>> No. 32926
Usopp and Leo are gonna fight Sugar.
Robin is gonna fuck up Trebol. You heard it here first.

just kidding, Oda won't make Robin fight anyone cause she's a woman; it'll be Cavendish or something
>> No. 32927
An interesting comparison.

Strawhats: Devil fruits include were-human, undeath, limb generation, and rubber. Five major unpowered members.

Baroque Works: Devil fruits include explosives, weight, were-mole, were-dachshund, wax, shapeshifting, metal, spikes, and elemental sand. Two major unpowered members.

CP9: Devil fruits include doors, soap, were-wolf, were-giraffe, were-leopard, and were-elephant. Two major unpowered members.

Thriller Bark: Devil fruits include invisibility, ghosts, and shadows. One major unpowered member.

Supernovas (minus Strawhats): Devil fruits include castles, musical instruments, age, were-tyrannosaurus, straw, magnetism, and limited spacial manipulation. Two major unpowered members.

Admirals: Devil fruits include elemental ice, elemental light, elemental magma, and gravitational fields.

Doflamingo's Weird-Ass Circus Crew: Devil fruits include springs, elemental snow, gas, spinning, weapons, modern art, eyesight, toys, swimming, flags, glue, stone, and strings. Five (presumably) major unpowered members.
>> No. 32928
Trebol's accuracy with the fly leads me to believe that he'll be brought down by Usopp. I just can't see Robin being very effective against stickiness. Of course, there's Franky to consider if diaper-boy doesn't give him too much trouble.
>> No. 32930
I love how she looks like a sentai villain.
>> No. 32931
Thank you for listing everyone's powers. There's no comparison there.
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