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File 139099787531.png - (320.37KB , 632x1065 , 9023409623631.png )
32814 No. 32814
Steven Tyler edition

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>> No. 32815
So much shit happening all at once. And yet we're already short half of the team.
>> No. 32816
Damnit chapters are too short
>> No. 32817
File 139099981552.png - (55.81KB , 304x288 , 10575838796396.png )
So Sabo seems to have some sort of scar after all I think
>> No. 32818
But what happened to Kinemon? He just disappeared from page to page.
>> No. 32819
Anybody want to take a guess at [Spoiler]Peeker's[Spoiler] fruit power?. I'm guessing merge-merge or fuse-fuse.
>> No. 32820
I'm enjoying watching Doflamingo lose his entire shit.
>> No. 32821
Burn scar maybe?
>> No. 32822
File 13910235583.png - (95.67KB , 760x314 , lao g.png )
Lao G confirmed for best member of the Family. I didn't think he'd be this cucky.

Pica is either a stone or wall Logia. Or has the ability to turn his body into elements he touches. Diamante is a Paramecia and Trebol a slug Zoan. Calling it now.
>> No. 32823
So Diamante allows anything he touches to turn into a wavy flag material and then reform in a new shape?

Kinda like Inazuma's fruit I guess, but not completely.
>> No. 32824
I love the Flag ability. It's the first Devil Fruit in a while that has "wowed me" in regards to creativity and power.
>> No. 32825
Technically Bart shouldn't have any problems winning but of course there'll be asspulls or something to knock him out or disable him, his fruit is seriously op

His barrier stopped the god damn king punch. Flag guy, a wrestler and sabo with a pipe shouldn't be able to touch him
>> No. 32826
w-what about Rebecca? Did you forget about her? <:3
>> No. 32827
File 139105374986.png - (71.42KB , 513x236 , not thief.png )
>> No. 32828
Oh, Lao G... I get it now. I'm dumb.
>> No. 32830
File 139107672943.png?spoiler - (959.05KB , 1280x720 , megaanon-kamen-rider-g-avi_snapshot_09-59_2012-01-.png?spoiler )
Did someone say G?
>> No. 32831
Is that what he's a reference to? I just thought it was a pun.
>> No. 32832
No Lao-G has nothing to do with that, its just happens to be another.... G-Man.
>> No. 32833
Ahh but you must remember, the most likely thing being that everyone in that ring minus Rebbeca is way stronger than the King's punch.

I wouldn't have a problem if one of them end up directly breaking his barrier, as I'm sure it would be played out in a properly dramatic way.

I prefer the PowerManga puns. He did the wronG thinG.
Every week I have to endure the temptation of reading the chapter first in MS, but thankfully I enduo waiting.
>> No. 32834
I don't get it.
>> No. 32835
Jii-san is Japanese for grandpa. It's a pun.
>> No. 32836
Now I get it!
>> No. 32837
Also, "lao" is Chinese for "old."
>> No. 32838
Didn't know that. Neat.
>> No. 32841
I wouldn't be surprised if someone just nicks the fruit off the fish and runs away from the fight

Also I find it kind of odd how a top crew mate of a Yonko is in the fight yet none of the other fighters care, if he gets jobbed its a poor way to first establish Blackbeard's crew post timeskip
>> No. 32842
What exactly are they supposed to be doing? Running around in circles screaming for their lives? A "top tier" Yonko crew mate means shit in the New World, and Jesus seems to be pretty crap from what we've seen thus far of him. Super strength, that alone should go over well with Barto and Diamante.
>> No. 32845
None of the tourney contestants at the moment are the type that would give Burgess respect. They all have way more confidence in themself or their mission than fear of him.

Burgess may be able to break Barto's barrier, and he can probably handle Diamante's materials just fine. But he's not exactly the smartest man in the world, so Lucy and Rebecca could easily take him out of the contest without actually jobbing him. Hell, Rebecca's fighting style is basically a hard counter to Burgess'.
>> No. 32846
The more I see of Doflamingo's crew, the more I like them. A lot of them don't give off that evil vibe Doflamingo does.
>> No. 32847
He's like Crocodile, really.
>> No. 32848
I really have to question how many of his crew know about Sugars ability and how many actually think they helped their Captain overthrow the 'evil' Riku dynasty.
>> No. 32849
Why should they care that they framed and stole the country from a good king? They ARE pirates... not all crews are the strawhats.
>> No. 32850
Yeah, but even Crocodile seemed to redeem himself. He was more of a gangster. Doflamingo is just a dick.
>> No. 32851
How exactly did Crocodile redeem himself? By helping out his own escape from life imprisonment? The man did the exact same thing Doflamingo did, except he was even ready to kill the entire population if need be.
>> No. 32852
Croc has done nothing to redeem himself, he's still a total bastard and his crimes against Vivi, her kingdom and her people are unforgivable.

Fighting the world government during the war doesn't make you a cool guy.
Hell even Luffy hasn't forgiven him, he only agreed to break out alongside him after Ivankov reassured him, and he was still so wary that the second Croc attacked Whitebeard Luffy was there ready to smack him down.
>> No. 32853
Dofla is like a stronger Crocodile who actually succeeded in his plans

Just Dofla doesn't care about having getting an ancient weapon
>> No. 32854
Croco-boy hasn't redeemed himself, but moved forward by becoming a pirate again. The crux of his character was the crippling paranoia and inability to trust people that allowed him to concoct backup plan after backup plan; he admitted proudly that he had faith in no one and prepared contingencies for betrayal by every subordinate.

After the very operatives he had doomed to die with his "bomb-the-city-and-kill-everyone-but-me" backup broke him out of a prison ship and Goldenweek reminded him of his dream of being pirate king, Croc elected to stay behind and go to prison. He released his unexpectedly loyal Baroque Works agents from service and resigned himself to his failure as a genuine pirate captain, but about a year later got a fresh start on oceanic mayhem thanks to Luffy's mass breakout and the promise of killing Whitebeard.

Like Buggy, Crocodile is non-repentant for his horrible past actions... but has since learned the value of friendship and decided to at least be a cool guy.

...and Crocodile never facilitated mass child abduction for lethal chemical experimentation, so he still has that over Doflamingo.
>> No. 32855
Croco-boy a shit
>> No. 32856
>Like Buggy, Crocodile is non-repentant for his horrible past actions... but has since learned the value of friendship and decided to at least be a cool guy.
Only he totally hasn't. Crocodile learned not to sweat the small stuff and not give a shit, but there's nothing about him valuing his workers or being a cool guy. He's suave because he was always suave, but he's still totally a complete asshole the second he wants something.
>> No. 32857
Eh, maybe. Upon writing that giant block of text analyzing the motives of a character who hasn't been around for ages in a series where my track record for prediction is pretty much 0 for shit, I kinda debated not posting... but went ahead and did it anyway.

I've had 7 people respond to posts made by me in the past 30 days, which is far more social interaction than I usually get. I'm a sad and lonely fellow.
>> No. 32858
>...and Crocodile never facilitated mass child abduction for lethal chemical experimentation

It's so easy to forget how fucking brutal the villains in this comic are. Mostly because they're often goofy, and some come back as 'allies'.
>> No. 32860
Well let's see...

Alvida: Hold this one kid hostage because I need an idiot cabin boy

Buggy: I'm gonna blow up sections of this town, because fuck these people.


Don Krieg: I got my shit pushed in and I'm super butt hurt about it so I'm taking it out on you.

Arlong: Designs on eventual domination of an entire sea, inspired by agressive racism into almost genocidal proclivities. Orphans children. Slavery.

Crocodile: constructs enormous spy and assassin network to A) start a terrible civil war B) Find a powerful ancient super weapon. Devistates whole portions of a nation to further displace and destabilize the populace by causing dangerous sand storms and droughts.

Enel: La di da do Genocide. Having already destroyed the island of his birth, he sought two things, 1) To do it again. 2) THE MOON! Worst part is, half of his 'dream' comes the hell true and now he's moon king, lord of tiny robots.


Spandam: KING KONG AIN'T GOT SHIT ON ME! Much like many other members of the global security system, Spandam and CP9 are morally bankrupted members of the team that makes all the rules

Moira: I got my shit pushed in and I'm super butt hurt about it so IT'S THRILLER! THRILLER BARK! AND NOTHIN'S GONNA SAVE YOU FROM THIS ZOMBIE IN THE DARK! Essentially harvesting pieces of souls to power his military force... Who're zombies so let's add desecration.

The next two years are dealing with the governments bullshit methods

Hody: SUPER RACISM POWERS ACTIVATE! Assassinates standing ruler, begins civil war/coup de tat, perpetuates racism, advocates slavery and genocide.

Ceaser Clown: I'M KING SHIT OF ASSHOLE MOUNTAIN! Mass kidnapping for insane genetic experiments, producing WMD's, generally being a total shithead to everybody.

Doflamingo: slave trade practitioner, successful at coup de tat, takes advantage of a crewmates ability and not only turns people into toys, but slaves. Not only that, erases their collective histories from the minds of anyone who's ever known them.
>> No. 32865

Further proof that the Foxy arc is the best arc
>> No. 32894
Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad, Mindwipe-kun.
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