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File 138747842990.jpg - (5.04KB , 343x147 , index.jpg )
32547 No. 32547
A thread where we post things which inspired stuff in One Piece.

The LAR Grizzly Magnum for example.
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>> No. 32548
File 138747854833.jpg - (67.88KB , 752x1063 , re4___red_hawk_ammunition_by_kaslawok-d29ugl0_png.jpg )
And Red Hawk, the official ammo of RE 4's hand guns and now the inspiration for Luffy's ace tribute punch.
>> No. 32550
File 138747916686.jpg - (39.37KB , 836x530 , Adolphus.jpg )
Adolphus from The Adventures of Baron Munchausen was likely a huge inspiration for Van Augur.
>> No. 32552
Isn't it just cause his fist gets.. red? And he names attacks after animals?
>> No. 32553
Likely nothing its pretty much just him. A damn goodfilm to reference.
>> No. 32554
luffy's attacks are based on firearms, his new more powerful attacks seem to be based on exact things rather than vague ones like "pistol"

I can't wait for Gomu Gomu No ICBM.

Hell yeah it is, it's got a real nice flavor to it that you can find in some of One Piece's beats.
>> No. 32555
The best examples are the admirals

Oda has good taste in classy actors
>> No. 32556
The West in general.
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