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File 138543277287.png - (425.44KB , 640x480 , Higuma_Mocks_Shanks.png )
32349 No. 32349
Was Shank's philosophy bullshit?
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>> No. 32350
Yes. Next question, please?
>> No. 32351
Live and let live?
Don't sweat the stupid shit?
Be kind to others unless they hurt the ones you love?
>> No. 32352
Don't let a dick ruin your good time.
>> No. 32353
But the best times are had with a dick.
>> No. 32354
Unless you are a lesbian
>> No. 32355
Well lesbians are sad all the time, so whatever.
>> No. 32356
i wish i was a lesbian
>> No. 32357
Seems like a pretty good one to me. Luffy is the one who screwed up in that instance.

Why you ask?
>> No. 32358
I'm really curious as to how its going to go down with him and luffy in the new world with luffy planning to beat them all

I swear I'll shed a tear if its a heart felt reunion but I know its implied they are going to fight
>> No. 32359
A: Luffy and Shanks have an amiable gentleman's duel to see who's better

B: Someone kills Shanks before Luffy can get to him.
>> No. 32360
>a heart felt reunion
>they are going to fight

It'll be both.
>> No. 32361
>Luffy tears off Shank's other arm
>holds the bloody limb above him in victory
>afterwards gives him a one sided hug
>> No. 32362
File 138565376094.jpg - (25.32KB , 730x482 , cxvxv.jpg )
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