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File 13849412704.png - (184.73KB , 750x536 , 037548488484.png )
32264 No. 32264

shit just got real
14 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 32283

He doesn't give a shit about your "one opportunity."

>> No. 32284
File 138497583965.png - (238.12KB , 308x464 , Inazuma_Anime_Infobox.png )
Just one?
>> No. 32285
Oda seems to really like the colour orange

I'm just glad he decided to go with the anime team's colour scheme for Kuma instead of his original idea
>> No. 32286
Why does doflamingo have a gun if he can shoot strings from his fingers like a gun
>> No. 32287
Oh wow. Great reply. You gonna send me to reddit, too? Call me a faggot while you're at it? You're pretty far away from 4chan, friend.

The man still gender-bent at will. That's not exactly the same wavelength.
>> No. 32288
maybe he thinks law doesnt deserve something that good
>> No. 32289

The only reason i'm not calling you a faggot though because a true faggot would appreciate dellinger. You're a disgrace to faggots everywhere
>> No. 32290
Why doesn't Law just use mes to leave his organs in a safe place. He wouldn't be getting killed right now if he had left his heart/lungs/etc with Sanji.
>> No. 32291
so did bon kurei, and ivankov. The lesbian wasn't a lesbian and the mincing faggots were fodder and thus defined by few characteristics like g-5 being ugly. I think crab chan is a pretty good example of what you want, he's just forgettable.
>> No. 32292
I don't hate the rookies, buddy. Just Law. He's bland and overrated and a Mary Sue. All he's done thus far is act mysterious and get his ass kicked at every opportunity.

Careful running with that edge, child.
>> No. 32293

What are you even talking about.

>lesbian wasn't a lesbian

>> No. 32295
ms.monday, she had a baby
>> No. 32296
I don't think she was ever a lesbian though? Girls can be muscular and straight.
>> No. 32297
oh i was referring to
I can't think of another musclebound chick in OP, except maybe lola
>> No. 32298
Did I miss something about Dellinger being gay? I just see a young boy in heels.
>> No. 32299
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>> No. 32300
Two questions:

Why did Brook have a big hurtie bump on his head between panels for no reason? And does Fujitora steer his ship by blindly flying it against stuff? This is the second time we've seen his ship "anchored" in a completely random spots where it shouldn't be.
I think that's his thing.
>> No. 32301

Brook was shoving Momo away from the phone, so someone smacked him. Probably Nami.
>> No. 32302
It feels good to shoot a guy with a gun.

Those heels are the only "indicator" he's gay, so what the hell are you even talking about
>> No. 32303
As well as his mannerisms and way of speaking. Also fucking high heels.
>> No. 32304
Are you implying that because a dude acts a certain way that makes him gay?
>> No. 32305
Hey, that didn't stop Ken hooking up with Barbie in Toy Story.
>> No. 32306
I dunno, are you implying a man who wears high heels and booty shorts casually in public is straight?
>> No. 32307
Normally that'd be a warning flag, but not in this series.
>> No. 32308
I dunno, what do you think of Franky?
>> No. 32309


>> No. 32310
>Is Oda utterly incapable of being subtle when it comes to gayness?

>> No. 32311
I don't see why he couldn't be.
>> No. 32312
File 138504662717.gif - (1.23MB , 674x390 , 1384828258362.gif )
>Is Oda utterly incapable of being subtle when it comes to gayness?

Why should he be? Flaming gays are awesome and as far as i can figure way more fun to draw.

Like, why does Oda draw massive super titties? cuz it's fun.
>> No. 32313
Cause variety and respect. Nobody is praising his big tit samebody disease. This is no different.

Source where?
>> No. 32314
What do you mean? The flamers are near consistently the best characters. The respect comes from the characters themselves, not their designs, which Oda consistently goes over the top for any character.

And this one doesn't have a masculine face, so that's actually new.
>> No. 32315
>> No. 32316
>The respect comes from the characters themselves, not their designs

So black face everywhere and mincing Asians with buck teeth and manchu mustaches are A-okay AS LONG AS THEY'RE NICE PEOPLE. Revolutionary stuff there, bucko. It's becoming increasingly hard not to sound like a Tumblrshit when compared to you ignorant delights.

But it's my fault for having these higher standards, really. Not only is Oda unsubtle as fuck, but Japan in general is completely black and white when it comes to gayness. Moar kung fu trannies pls
>> No. 32317
Well yeah, in that you don't have to be one of those social warrior 'tumblrites' to note that Japan is pretty fucked up at times when it comes to portraying other races or gay people and stuff.
>> No. 32318
That last part's pretty much it. You have the right to not like it, but One Piece is pretty much a World of Cariature.
>> No. 32322
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no source but this is something subjective

OP has never been about romance of any sexual preference and the characters associated with it largely are played for laughs (sanji and boa for example)

The okamas are held as the "only " gay characters because they are crazy and over the top with their gimmick. You could argue that if there are gay characters you just flat out wouldn't know because Oda has no reason to throw it in your face since he avoids romance. It's basically left for the fans and shippers which is what Oda is probably fine with as he focuses on the actual god damn story.
>> No. 32323
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I just think that this is all being overcomplicated and that Oda simply draws what he finds fun, therefore he designs characters he thinks are fun to draw.
>> No. 32325
As long as their character extends beyond the stereotype. Something to show how human they are. Kindness is only one aspect.

For the record, I am gay myself. I just happen to be capable of understanding that people wont actually take Oda's designs with any level of real world expectation.
>> No. 32326
>Draw ordinary character
>No assumptions made

>Draw obviously flaming and flamboyant character
>Hurr why does every gay character have to be like this

Last time I checked, One Piece wasn't a steamy romance manga. Not everything has to be a PSA on equality and respect. Jesus.
>> No. 32327
jesus, Dofla is so xbox hueg

I always felt like he'd be better just normal sized, it'd fit better with his whole personality and character since he's this seemingly untouchable, blackmailing demon with invisible string powers, combining to make this neat contrast where this flamboyant guy with a flamingo theme holds immense power you can't even see both in terms of abilities and influence

but his ridiculous size alone intimidates
>> No. 32328
Yeah not anymore, cause he keeps proving them right and not doing anything different. If you wanna do wacky caricatures, that's fine, but vary them, otherwise people will think you have a seriously warped image of certain people.

This is so fucking stupid I don't even know where to start. So I won't.
>> No. 32329
Then either shut your trap, or leave.
>> No. 32330
I'm not doing either of those. I'm here to discuss One Piece in all its aspects. So no thanks. :3
>> No. 32334
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As a minority I would be beyond happy if there was a OP character as badass as Bon-chan modeled after us (indigenous Americans) even if he was a weird stereotype. OH WAIT THERE WAS. Sucks for you non-represented guys but I'm satisfied.
>> No. 32335
>Yeah not anymore, cause he keeps proving them right and not doing anything different
Do you seriously think so little of people that you assume people will base all their notions of homosexuality on tranny One Piece characters?
>> No. 32336
If your going to actually discuss, don't try to play coy and dismissive when you come up against stuff like:
And instead, actually discuss your problems with it. Otherwise your just rambling.
>> No. 32338
I don't care what "people" assume or pick up on. I care about how something is presented in a large medium. Not a hard concept to grasp.

I have every right to dismiss idiotic strawman replies that have nothing to do with the topic at hand or are basically regurgitating the same stuff other people have already asked.
Much like this idiot >>32334
Why don't YOU reply to him, cause I won't.
>> No. 32339

Get a name.
>> No. 32340
>I have every right to dismiss comments that don't follow where I want the conversation to go.

Then enjoy talking to yourself.
>> No. 32341
Again, no one said there aren't other gay characters, its just you wouldn't know because Oda DOESN'T DO ROMANCE and the only characters who have romance be a part of them are jokes like boa and sanji

There are hundreds of gimmicky characters in OP with certain gags, the okamas just happen to be one of them and part of their gimmick is this implied sexuality. That's it. There's no hidden agenda, he probably watched rocky horror picture show and thought he'd like some characters like them.
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