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File 138193081765.jpg - (92.30KB , 800x1172 , one-piece-4515551.jpg )
32026 No. 32026
http://www.mangapanda.com/one-piece/725/3 until a good translation is out

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>> No. 32027
you know there are few chapter page stories i have been as uninterested in as caribous

but that page is fucking awesome
>> No. 32028
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>mfw Rebecca is actually pretty skilled AND winning

That's pretty okay. Fer a woman, that is!~
I'm really interested to know what this underground pit that connects the whole country is. What does it have to do with the Smile factory that's underground, too? Why are these defective and/or dead toys down there as well as living people? What do they gain from turning the defeated fighters into toys?
Too many questions. and none of them getting answered next week
>> No. 32029
Is there a goddamn break again?

I wish I knew where the fuck this story was going. Caribou gets delivered to the marines by jinbei, escapes with the help of his crew, abandons his crew, lands on a Kaidou owned island, gets mistaken for a resistance leader and cared for by a granny, get saved by his crew again (somehow they came back), leads a revolutionary army, beats a cyborg, and gets wreck by X Drake outta fucking nowhere?
>> No. 32030
Maybe the Island became X Drake's turf after he beat the cyborg during the timeskip and made him his bitch, and now he's coming to fuck up the dudes who are causing trouble in his hangout
>> No. 32031
Yes, there's a break next week. Says so in the last page.

Also I forgot to say Kanjuro looks like is gonna be a qt. That is all.
>> No. 32032
I wonder if Kanjuro is shadowed for any real reason or if it's just Oda being weird about revealing character designs again.
>> No. 32033
It looks totally awesome, what other reason does he need?
>> No. 32034
>Why are these defective and/or dead toys down there as well as living people?

They're there so the Devil Fruit user can transfer the losers into them I'm guessing.
>> No. 32035
or maybe he's ended up allying with kaidou
>> No. 32036
But those aren't "empty" toys, though. The one that was thrown down the shaft some chapters ago was also there. Presumably alive.
>> No. 32037
They "look" dead so they could be empty now otherwise why would they lay there without warning the losers?
>> No. 32039
Because nobody dies in One Piece =/
>> No. 32040
Keeping so many high profile and powerful prisoners from various countries in the New World seems like a stupid idea

Unless they get turned to toys or something by this toy devil fruit user which would make them pretty overpowered
>> No. 32041
Nobody with a name. Or not in a flashback.

Not if people lose their memories of them.
>> No. 32043
You can't have a character that fights like 'That Kid' by spamming ring-out's and still try to have her be a sympathetic character.
That just doesn't work Oda.
>> No. 32044
Is there something morally objectionable about ring outs?
>> No. 32045
He seems to be complaining because she's not just beating the shit out of everyone like most of the fighters in the story.
>> No. 32046

That's not what he seems to be complaining about at all!

psst, think videogames
>> No. 32048
She seems to be doing it so she doesn't hurt anyone too badly. And its simply following the rules of the competition, instead of going toe-to-toe with every hulking monster in every one of the matches she's forced into she's instead fighting smart.
By that kid do you mean Luffy's fanboy? Their styles are not comparable, that guy is a troll with a broken DF who goads people into attacking him so he can bloodily cripple him with his damage reflector, kicking them out of the ring after they are incapacitated is just a bonus.

I'm surprised that she seems to be fairly physically capable with her counter and deflection though even if she isn't fighting directly, I would hope she's capable of dealing some damage if forced too despite "the handicap of her sex".
>> No. 32049
Did any of you stop to think that maybe she's going easy on them because she knows what their fate will be?
>> No. 32050
Do you like repeating what other people have already said? Though its not like it makes much of a difference, even the mostly uninjured guys are tricked into coming in and lying on the table for a checkup if the attendants want them to as seen in this chapter and pointy-head's grandkid.
>> No. 32051
Repeating who? Who have I repeated?
Please post direct quotations followed by link followed by source. Otherwise fuck yourself with a sugar cane.
>> No. 32052

>>She seems to be doing it so she doesn't hurt anyone too badly

stop being such a flame-flinging shitposter
>> No. 32053
She's not hurting people because she doesn't want to, but the guy was making a joke about kids in fighting games who would learn a simple shitty combo and then spam it against their friends to make easy wins without actually fighting well (like Raphael in Soul Calibur.)
>> No. 32054
That's not what he said..
>> No. 32056
so Rebecca is the Astaroth of One Piece
>> No. 32058
Astaroth is the Astaroth of One Piece.
>> No. 32059
>> No. 32066
X-Drake probably allied with Kaido, i mean it is his favorite island after all
>> No. 32067
I think this is likely as well since Scotch was shown to still be on the island defending it as well.

If both Drake and Scotch are defending this island than the only thing that makes sense is Drake is allied with Kaidou. Kaidou doesn't seem like the guy who would just let him get away with attacking the island two years ago let alone stay on it without answering back or be okay with Scotch betraying him and working for Drake while they stay on that same island.
>> No. 32068
I wonder if we'll get to see other dinosaur/mythological Zoans
>> No. 32075
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>on break weeks
>> No. 32077

>> No. 32078
what exactly did you call? nothing from what i read looks particularly unexpected. also looks like a boring chapter.
>> No. 32079

I think I called it too but I'm not even sure any more. I might be able to dig up an old post here but who really cares about e-peen anyways.
>> No. 32080
toy soldier being rebeccas father and she just forgot about him i know it wasnt a HUGE thing but i always feel proud when i guess something in one piece so hush give me this moment
>> No. 32081

Nope, just checked and it looks as though I was wrong on at least one major part.

Father= Soldier

When I had:

I might still be right about the toy soldier being Kyros, though.
>> No. 32082
How horribly predictable. All of it.
>> No. 32083

Link to your predictions. Predict how the arc will end.
>> No. 32084
Why don't you scour through the past threads to find my predictions if you're so interested, cause I sure as hell won't.
>> No. 32085

Just tell me.
>> No. 32086
Why are you people so obsessed with predictions and who got it right and wrong? Are you 12?
>> No. 32087

It's ___fun___.

>> No. 32088
Youre retarded___________
>> No. 32089
I'm purposely not reading whatever is causing this freakout in the thread and its just getting me more hyped for a scan

but all this is gonna do is make me even more depressed on break weeks
>> No. 32090

It's pretty much absolutely nothing at all. People are just being weird for some reason.
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