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File 138163651014.jpg - (37.46KB , 704x400 , Franky-one-piece-11076359-704-400.jpg )
31997 No. 31997
Is anyone else keeping up with the dub?

It's hard to believe that it's taken over 5 years to get from Skypeia to Enies lobby, but there's a huge sense of satisfaction out of finally watching the arc come to a close.

And I still can't believe the dubbed the recap episodes.
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>> No. 32003
I actually was more partial to the japanese voices at first, if only because that was what i was used to and hearing anything else sounded kind of strange. Didn't think the dub sounded BAD, just had my preference.

BUT! I saw all of Strong World dubbed at AWA this year and holy shit! It sounds really fucking great and Ian Sinclair is the most amazing Brook ever i swear to god. The whole thing and how high quality it was totally changed my entire opinion of the dub.
>> No. 32004
There's no real point with the original out there. Honestly, if there is a half decent dub for something I'll watch it but with One Piece you really should stick to the original and avoid the dub or watch it as a secondary.

The original has insanely dedicated and talented voice actors who pour their hearts and souls into not only the anime/movies but they even make god damn CDs and other things well. The original 4kids dubbed brutally destroyed any hope of OP being popular in North America and while Fun's dub is obviously better its still just meh and has nothing on the original.
>> No. 32010
>its still just meh and has nothing on the original.
I don't believe you.
>> No. 32011
I've never understood the feeling that a dub somehow takes away something from the original. If it's a bad dub then sure, it can feel like an insult, but from what I've seen Funi is tremendously dedicated to all the works they do. It helps that they work directly with Toei on the distribution of the show.

Patrick Seitz's Franky does sound a little jarring at first, but he grew on me by the time of the Tom flashbacks. He just sounds less like a big bro and more like a cool uncle. In fact, all the Strawhats sound older, but I prefer it that way.
>> No. 32015
It's the same old, dated "Nippon # 1 @ everything" mentality that some of these delusional people continue to cling to. The Funimation dub is great and full of emotion and dedicated. And for the record, also doing pretty damn well on the Toonami timeslot on Saturdays.

It's even become a favorite over there on /co/, if you can believe it.
>> No. 32017

I can buy it.

OP has a lot of Western Appeal.
>> No. 32018
>It's even become a favorite over there on /co/, if you can believe it
That's not news, though. Two or three years ago, if you wanted to have good conversations about One Piece, you were better off doing it in /co/ than /a/. Usually by joking about crossovers between Popeye and One Piece to justify it.
>> No. 32019
In fact, if you want to talk about ANY shounen that's not less than a year or so old (like SnK), you're better off doing it in /co/ than /a/.
>> No. 32232
File 138452325474.jpg - (285.96KB , 1000x876 , film-one-piece-strong-world.jpg )
In case anyone is curious, the dub for Strong World is out.
>> No. 32348
I actually really like the way they have Zoro voice lines while using his third sword like he's actually holding something in his mouth

It adds a certain comedic value when he's delivering his Coolguy One Liners through a mouthful of cotton
>> No. 32363
English Kaku is THE GREATEST.

One Piece: Giraffes are Awesom…youtube thumb
>> No. 32364
Their Iceberg is really fucking weird. And, uh.. effeminate.
I'm glad they're having fun dubbing this and putting in their own flavors
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