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31941 No. 31941

Two color spreads this time. The first one is really fun and pretty, and really different from what Oda usually does. I like it a lot. (Plus this chapter was pretty great.)
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>> No. 31942
Luffy looks good in a fancy suit/shirt/tie dealie.

He either needs to start wearing suits like he did in STRONG WORLD full time or hurry up and get himself a Captain's jacket.
>> No. 31943
Hoho I guess that last thread was pretty apt in regards to-

>>>Doing something

>> No. 31944
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also i just realized in this color spread that robins on a little date with jinbei up there and thats fucking adorable
>> No. 31945

Oh wow, that isn't actually a color spread; that's the front and back cover of Shonen Jump! It looks so good, I wish I could see what the original looked like before they added all the obligatory cover stuff.
>> No. 31946
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>> No. 31947
Woop woop Law's going down next week. The fight on Green Bit was pretty obviously going to get broken up but this one looks like the real deal.

Looks like the Strawhat cast for the last part of Dressrosa is going to be Luffy/Zoro/Franky/Robin/Usopp. Wish Brook was there but otherwise I'm totally ok with it. And hey, now that everyone else is gone Nami and Sanji might finally get the chance to do something.
>> No. 31948
I wanted Law to somehow betray and/or abandon the Strawhats when leaving them. But otherwise, I'm okay with this alliance being done. Law's gonna huff and puff, he's gonna get taken down off screen. Luffy fights Doflamingo, somehow redeems and saves Law.. Yadda yadda.

requesting dibs on first batch of rape fan art from this
>> No. 31949
Man Law is frickin resourceful and borderline overpowered.

Think this'll be the only doflamingo arc? Will we see his crew defeated here?
>> No. 31950
Most likely.
Oda is going all out with Doflamingo here; which feels surreal after literally a decade of hyping him. We're getting his whole crew, his origins, his powers explained, his goals, his allies, his enemies -- everything laid out. We're in the middle of Baroque Works 2.0; expect maybe one more arc with him, but Doflamingo is going down pretty soon.

Remember we already have much bigger enemies in line waiting than Doflamingo. Three Emperors with all their baggage, maybe Shanks, and the Marines/Akainu. And that's not counting the unaccounted-for.
>> No. 31951
It's so delightful and weird how the New World segment feels like Part 2 to everything established in the Grand Line segment. Does that make sense? Like now that we're in the New World, we're slowly seeing plot threads established YEARS AGO being tied up. Fishman Island, Fisher Tiger, Jinbei and now Doflamingo and everything associated with him. I really like that, it feels very bookend-ish in a good way? Im not sure if I sound coherent but yeah hopefully you get what i mean
>> No. 31958
I feel the same way, it feels complete now that doffy's fruit is named officially.
>> No. 31959
That was a pretty abrupt way to "end" the alliance though its highly unlikely its over. Luffy will likely rescue him or just generally nearly kill himself fighting for Law's sake in someway. I doubt Oda built Law and the alliance up this much to end it partway through the first arc they're together and only the second arc into a saga.

Though in all honesty while I have warmed up to Law I still want to have the Straw Hats exploring the New World alone at some point, it seems like if that happens it would have to wait till farther down the New World after they've dealt with at least one of the Yonko and are actually on their way to finding One Piece.
>> No. 31960
>>Doflamingo cuts off crocodile's head with the twitch of a finger
>>same with Oars' Jr's leg

>>now he barely scratches people, and he has to "charge up" to seriously hurt them

It does seem slightly inconsistent, no?
>> No. 31961
It's not impressive to cut off Crocodile's head. Even Vivi could do that.
>> No. 31962
Granted but what about the leg of oars "twice as big as a regular giant" Jr?

Does Doflamingo not have Haki then, or was he just playing with Crocodile?
>> No. 31964
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What "charge up"? Cause if you're talking about this, it's a different attack we've never seen before. And I assume he chose to do it because he wanted to thoroughly kill Sanji, not cut off a leg.

I don't think we've seen him use haki, though. I really wish he WASN'T able to use it for some reason and he'd have to solely rely on his OP fruit. I'm sick of everybody and their mother having haki.
>> No. 31965
Im working rn, so I can't go hunt down the page with Oars Jr, but maybe Doflamingo had to wrap it around the big dudes leg or something?
>> No. 31967
I know that
>lol Sanji
is a thing but can't we just accept that he's actually really really strong? 5 colored strings was enough to chop a meteor to pieces just a few chapters ago but only somewhat hurt Sanji. Seeing how tough Sanji is, he decides to use overheat. That's all, no conspiracy or anything.
>> No. 31968

It's too late to hope for no haki since Doffy used CoC to take out Smoker's fodder and CoA to take out Smoker himself.

He didn't kill Croc during the war because he's GAY. GAY for CROC.
Or at the very least seriously did want him in the Donquixote family for real. He'd make a nice Corazon if Law didn't turn out, if you know what I mean.
>> No. 31971
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Why do you think he surrounds himself with all these ugly whores? Do you think it's cause he's trying to shield himself from any more man pains? Do you think he can't bring himself to love any more? Do you think he's had.. his heart.. stolen?
>> No. 31972
oh god as if the law fanartists need more fuel

if there's even a tiny amount of subtext in law's backstory than there will no longer be a point to using the one piece tag on pixiv since it will all be law anyways
>> No. 31974
There's like 6 more crewmembers to the donquixote family we haven't seen, including the card suite. In fact, I'm pretty sure this is on the biggest crew with named pirates we've seen so far.

This may be the definitive doflamingo arc, but I have a feeling doflamingo is very end game boss as well. he'll be back, even if he loses here.
>> No. 31975
Law's saying the alliance ends here because he's expecting to die against Doflamingo. He set everything in motion, now he's just stalling by sacrificing himself to fuck over Law as hard as possible.
>> No. 31976
wut? We've seen every Doflamingo pirate member except for Pica.
>> No. 31977
>sanji getting raped in 4 pages
>running to zou with his tail between his legs
>luffy, zoro and franky still on the island with all the doflamingo pirates

He's gonna redeem himself r-right guys, it was doflamingo after all. S-surely he'll get his chance to shine in the New World soon.

At the very least there was a huge leap forward, in the last chapter he said how his crew members were scared and he wanted dofla to back off instead of only mentioning Nami.
>> No. 31978
I think he means that we haven't seen them do anything yet. There's a lot of Doflamingo family members that have appeared, but haven't shown their hand yet.
>> No. 31979
Most of them are with Diamante in the colosseum, though. It's pretty obvious what their role in the story is going to be for most of them.
>> No. 31980
Why can't Law just cut Doflamingo into little separate bits inside his room?

I mean wasn't Vergo's defensive Haki stronger? We've not seen Doflamingo black it up at all.
>> No. 31981
Both of their fruits are pretty crazy overpowered when you look at it and you could argue how either one could shutdown the other in seconds

Law has complete control over everything in his rooms yet Doflamingo seemingly can ensnare almost anyone and make them helpless practically instantly. They both are the kind of fighters who seem like they end fights quickly.
>> No. 31982

Bet you anything Doffy is holding himself together with his strings.
>> No. 31984
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How 'bout them string powers?
>> No. 31985
I'm just gonna assume if Law cuts Doflamingo it'd look like a marionette pulled apart, with strings pulling everything back together.
>> No. 31986
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The most dramatic use of Fujitora's powers is pretty familiar too.
>> No. 31987
I'm sure many of us called it.
>> No. 31993
What happened to Law 13 years ago? I have pretty bad memory.

Also does Doffy swinging around from clouds remind anyone of Spider-man?
>> No. 31994
>What happened to Law 13 years ago?

That hasn't been explained yet.
>> No. 31995
He was raped by Tanjihade Loluflamingo, one of the Seven Gods of Pirates. In the anus hole.
>> No. 31996
This might not be related to the chapter specifically, but how would you order the main character's back-stories from most to least depressing?
>> No. 31998
Robin > Brook > Nami > Chopper > Franky > Usopp > Zoro > Sanji > Luffy
>> No. 32000

>Parents died, friends died, lived a life alone, hunted
>Friends died, he died but came back to life
>Parents died, 'Parent' died, lived hostage
>'Parent' died
>Parents died, 'Parent' died, got hit by a train that destroyed his body
>Parent died
>Friend died
>Friend died
>> No. 32001
>Friend died
You forgot
>Raised by abusive maniac grandfather
>Intentionally abandoned multiple times to "toughen him up"
>Responsible for friend/mentor losing his arm

We treat a lot of these things as less dark than they are because Luffy doesn't angst about it and both Luffy and Garp are comically silly characters, but in a less cartoony world Luffy's backstory would be horrific.
>> No. 32002
actually isnt what garp did to luffy exactly what izumi did to the elrics in fma and it was shown as being pretty fucking horrible i mean ok yeah there was the whole moral of the story added at the end of the flashback but it came right as they were pretty sure they were going to starve to death.

also: we all agree that robins is the saddest, but i think sanjis is actually pretty upsetting too. like just the idea of being stuck on a small rock for 30 days and slowly starving sounds like a fucking nightmare to me
>> No. 32005
oh god there's a lot of things to talk about with the latest chapters so why is the old "who's life is teh saddest ;_;" debate starting up
>> No. 32008
If there is apparently so much to talk about why don't you actually try... instigating such discussion instead?
>> No. 32009
How is Garp an abusive maniac? He put him in a relatively safe place with people he trusted so he could grow up far away from piracy. Garp had a million duties to attend to, he couldn't take Luffy and Ace with him. He did enough by fucking raising both kids that weren't even his responsibility to raise. It's not his fault they both turned out to be insane assholes.

Luffy's is by far the least tragic backstory.

They were pretty safe on the island, actually. It was full of food; their task was just figuring that much out. She also kept checking on them periodically with Mason "the masked man" in the manga and first anime. They were never in any real danger.
>> No. 32012
because I've already made multiple posts in the thread earlier

I'm interested as to how this Law/Dofla relationship started which we may find out about next chapter (though I think instead there will be Block D action to draw out more suspense), I haven't reread too much in a while but I'm wondering if this is possibly an accurate timeline

-Law met Dofla around 13 years ago
-Presumably this was in North Blue as Law had never been to Dressrosa and I think his first trip to the Grand Line was supposedly his rookie voyage and he was shown to have started at reverse mountain like the others. Dofla was probably running a crew in a ship as a normal pirate.
-Dofla left after not much time as a couple years later he would establish himself as king of Dressrosa
-Law may or may not have been an official member but he apparently was liked by Dofla, who was even considering giving him a prominent position in the family even up to this time period. Law's mark and tattoos are obviously very similar to Doflas which probably have a meaning behind them
>> No. 32013

>How is Garp an abusive maniac?

He literally abandoned Luffy to die in at least 3 circumstances (tossed in a ravine, tossed in a jungle, floated him away) just to toughen him up. It worked but generally doing things like this is looked down upon and liable to get you arrested in real life.
>> No. 32014
I don't think you fully grasp the concept of shonen, bra. That's angelic by other standards
>> No. 32021
You mean Garp raped Luffy constantly? Could be possible.
If so, then he must have loved when Luffy ate the gomu gomu. All that stretching man.
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