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31867 No. 31867
Brook is still the best.
>> No. 31868
Okay so let's cover something right now.

When all this is over, Luffy will have unwittingly created a powerful army of allies. Including the Kuja Pirate, Chin's navy, Representatives from fishman island, maybe Bart the Cannibal's crew (if he still has one), maybe a few dudes from the navy, and maybe, JUUUUST MAYBE, troops from Dressderosa.
>> No. 31869
Good chapter but nothing to argue about. See you all next week.
>> No. 31870
You forgot the Alabasta and Drum Royal Navies.
>> No. 31871
Cavendish was ursurped by Bartolomeo in entertainment for a while, but damn if he didn't bring his A Game. I really don't know who's supposed to win D Block, and there's a couple I'd be okay with.
Wonder if Zoro'll be able to even get to the ship what with them having sailed off...
>> No. 31872
Let's not forget about the Newkamas, Law's posse, and the fact that the crowned monarch of one of the world's most powerful nations is an honorary crewmember.
>> No. 31873
I think the ship having moved INCREASES Zoro's chances of finding it.
>> No. 31874
The remnants of the Whitebeard crew are nothing to curl your nose at either.
>> No. 31875
Finally were getting an idea of what the importance of Doflamingo's world government connections is

also testing to see if posting actually functions properly for the first time in ages
>> No. 31876
and holy shit it does
>> No. 31877
You know, this is just a thought, but, do we really need individual threads for each chapter? Especially when most threads don't reach more than 30 posts?
>> No. 31879
This board moves at a snail's pace. Why not individual chapters?
The amount of comments depends entirely on the content of said chapters. Shit happened in this one, so shit is going to be discussed.
>> No. 31881
Come to think of it, where the hell are Pica and Trebol? We know Diamante's at the Colosseum, but the other two are currently total wild cards.
>> No. 31882
One of them is underground turning people into toys. Probably Trebol.
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