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File 137988386468.jpg - (296.28KB , 1500x843 , tony_tony_chopper_by_jazzcast-d4se0ws.jpg )
31834 No. 31834
Man, what's a guy gotta do to get a "The Fifth" chapter up in here? Usually with guys like Nami or Usopp you at least got a sense of what was coming, but Chopper's just... man, what are we gonna do with him? Acknowledge his humanity? Be cool being a reindeer? I can't think of a Character Arc for the little guy.
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>> No. 31835
He's had character arcs, but most of them seem like they're already resolved. I'm not sure what he has to do to prove he's a Strawhat that he hasn't already done.
>> No. 31836
Maybe it will be when he gets a wanted poster that doesn't assume he's the team pet.
>> No. 31837
He must kill. It will make his healing powers stronger.
>> No. 31838
Chopper must conquer a great incurable disease or save some nation from an equally horrid affliction and be praised for it by the inhabitants that he'd live the life of Riley if he stayed.

And he still goes with his friends.
>> No. 31839
>50 beli
You know, the first time it was a joke, but after all those Monster Chopper appearances and multiples forms, and fucking with the World Government at Saobody, you'd think by NOW someone would have raised the bar on Chopper's Bounty.

At this point, I think someone's deliberately keeping it low. The joke about Sanji may have been a misdirect so you assumed he was a joke too. Maybe Chopper's got a friend in high places he doesn't know about.
>> No. 31840
>50 beli
You know, the first time it was a joke, but after all those Monster Chopper appearances and multiples forms, and fucking with the World Government at Saobody, you'd think by NOW someone would have raised the bar on Chopper's Bounty.

At this point, I think someone's deliberately keeping it low. The joke about Sanji may have been a misdirect so you assumed he was a joke too. Maybe Chopper's got a friend in high places he doesn't know about.
>> No. 31841
He serves his role as the uguu doctor, there isn't much more to him. He even had a little bit on PH where he was actually doctorin pretty hard. All the baggage he had was dealt with during his entry into the crew unlike Nami and Robin and Usopp's weakness and attachment to the dying Merry throughout the early parts of the series was something that was clearly gonna get addressed.

One thing that's only briefly touched on post timeskip that I really liked was Chopper saying how that now that he has his crew he doesn't care about looking human and fitting in, he'll be a beast if it will help his nakama
>> No. 31842
Maybe it's the opposite. Maybe he has to try to save someone and let them die in his care, crushing him to the point of feeling inadequate as a doctor, and even to the point of being afraid that he cannot take care of his friends as well as he'd like.

But then lessons, and then he becomes a better doctor for it who can live with the idea of "maybe you cannot save them all, but you'll always try your darnedest to."

Then again, that sounds like a doctor plot that happens all the time?
>> No. 31843
File 137990958731.png - (33.16KB , 313x382 , Mocha_Manga_Infobox.png )
They had that chance. Are you sure you would have wanted this?
>> No. 31844
Yes. Killing Mocha would have been the perfect opportunity to explore the depths of his character. That whole character was there just to tease us with that possibility and nothing happened because Oda is a massive pussy. Oh jeez, she ate the candy, stroked out for a bit and everything was fine and we never hear from her again cause happily ever after. What a great character arc. What a great use of drama and payoff. Chopper sure developed from that experience.

I'm starting to lose any notion of worry or serious threat from this series. He's had immeasurable opportunities to really make things deep and meaningful and revolutionary here, but he squanders it. Everything is always fine and everyone's gonna be okay, so why even bother pretending to care.
At this point I only keep up with One Piece to see what happens next. Every time something "serious" happens to a character or a "problem" shows up, I have to scoff.
>> No. 31845
>That whole character was there just to tease us with that possibility and nothing happened because Oda is a massive pussy.
She's a child.
On what level would it be okay?
>> No. 31846
Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't aware there was some gilded rule in the tome of storytelling saying children were off limits. It has to be "okay" now? Because children being addicted to methamphetamines is totally not as dark or as serious a subject at all.

She literally swallowed solidified poison which should have killed her on the spot, yet didn't. If you can't pinpoint the exact moment where Oda pussied out here, you need help.
>> No. 31847
File 137994553458.jpg - (42.12KB , 400x366 , 1368037383629.jpg )

It's been a while since you've been this terrible. Kind of nostalgic, really.
>> No. 31848
>I wasn't aware there was some gilded rule in the tome of storytelling saying children were off limits.
It's mostly unwritten.
But you seem to forget the age range the manga is targeted to. If a child dies in a flashback to some unfortunate accident, its sad. If a child is murdered or killed in the present, that's disturbing. You don't do that for a young teen manga.
>> No. 31849
Again, the same manga that had the same said children kidnapped, tripping on meth and suffering from withdrawal syndromes. In a good story, nothing should be unwritten. I realize this is a shonen series aimed at kids which brings constraints, but it's also broken ground on some very serious issues in the past. Children have died and been beaten and abused before. Which is what makes it so frustrating when Oda's willing to take two steps forward and then three back.
I didn't want her dead to be edgy and dark, but because it would have been the logical conclusion to her character as well as a really interesting and unprecedented turn for one of the Strawhats.
God knows Chopper (as well as MOST other Strawhats) need some fucking character development.

Grow up.
>> No. 31850
Mocha was supposed to be in critical care, so they don't have to SHOW it, but it could just be said. Sure it's shocking, but as long as you're not actually showing the child dying in front of you. She could'vd just not made it despite Chopper's efforts.
>> No. 31851
Hahahaha a child should die to make OP a more DEEP and MEANINGFUL action comedy cartoon for little kids. Imma go the other direction and say that KIDS ON METH was needlessly creepy and weird but whatever.

As for Chopper (aka the actual main focus of this thread), the numbered chapters that are separate from a joining time actually follow a really simple pattern: the crewmember needs to leave, and then come back. So the question you should ask is really "What could make Chopper leave the crew?" It's not necessarily a question we're meant to figure out. I mean, Usopp's reason was his increasing feeling of uselessness catalyzed by the imminent destruction of something which held great personal worth to him. Does Chopper even have issues like that? The only thing I can even think of would be him leaving to deal with a patient or something. Or maybe him finding a place he "belongs" more than with the strawhats, but then he realizes that he belongs with the crew after all. Whatever it is I hope it's less cliche than what I just came up with.
>> No. 31852
If you couldn't figure out by the end of Alabasta that things turn out for the best in One Piece, then it's really your fault by this point.
>> No. 31853
I think if Oda is gonna pull off an arc where Chopper questions himself and his humanity than it would make sense to do it when they are dealing with kaidou's zoan army and zoans are the hot button topic

And that's an "if", I don't know if he should do that since Chopper resolved his internal problems not long after he was introduced
>> No. 31854
File 13800354899.png - (688.08KB , 1084x690 , Vegapunk_Anime_Infobox.png )
Vegapunk is Chopper from another timeline.
>> No. 31855
is Oda still consulted for info with the anime, Vegapunk was given a voice finally a few episodes ago
>> No. 31856
>healing powers

>> No. 31857
It's a joke son. A cheap filler joke.
>> No. 31858
So did everyone agree to ignore Panda? Alright, I can deal with that.
>> No. 31859
What the fucking shit is going on with this place
>> No. 31860
Well its not like anything HUGE and widely speculated upon was revealed. Love that Cavendish too.
>> No. 31861
Well its not like anything HUGE and widely speculated upon was revealed. Love that Cavendish too.
>> No. 31862
Ho-ray for multi faceted characters with personal agendas.
>> No. 31863
Well I tried making a thread for the new chapter, but this glitching shit site didn't feel like posting it. So here we are.
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