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31591 No. 31591
Boring as horse piss. You have been warned.

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>> No. 31592
Dammit Kelly was jobbed too quickly, it was a painfully bad ratio of talk-up to demonstrated action

Almost the same goes for the other three fighters who were knocked aside anticlimactically, none of them were even an "Anti-climax with a purpose" if you understand what I mean.

I have to agree with Jimbi that this chapter was lacking quality.
>> No. 31593
It's okay. Not the best to come back on, but I don't actually find myself angry with it or anything.
>> No. 31594
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Imagine a chapter consisting entirely of fodder knocking other fodder out in one hit. Wow amazing.

Have a volume cover. I forgot to post it over the one week vacation we all collectively decided to take. Also, this is probably a good time to mention that jump will go on break after the next chapter due to holiday. So yeah 2 chapters in 4 weeks consisting entirely of tourney.
>> No. 31595
I get that tourney arcs are a staple of the genre, so I'm not going to say tourneys are never enjoyable, but I really feel like this particular one wasn't executed well.

Compounding the fact is that there isn't even a cover "storyline" that I can enjoy as we just keep following Caribou.
>> No. 31596

At least it's going faster than most tournament arcs.

Most other shonen would still be on the first match of the quarterfinals. After we're done here, it's just the final round and we're done.
>> No. 31597
God DAMN what has Buggy been doing that he can trick people into thinking he's on Crocodile, Jinbei, and Ivankov's tier?
>> No. 31598

I know, right? He's really downplaying his abilities if people think he's in the league with those scrubs.
>> No. 31599
Being one of the seven Warlords?
>> No. 31600
Caribou's going to be important, I can feel it.

I don't mind this chapter. Oda knows tourneys can be tedious, so he's eliminating cannon fodder, while still giving them interesting abiltiies. It's like he's got a ton of fruit and power and character design ideas, but not enough story time to dedicate to them, so he does this.

And I gotta say, why the fuck can't western comics (which I love, don't get me wrong) come up with superpowers this creative? A jacket man? That's awesome!
>> No. 31601
I'm loving the tournament arc and its pretty frantic pace. Y'all haters can choke on it.
>> No. 31602
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>Jake Jake Fruits

more like Jake Jake Suit, amirite fellas?
>> No. 31603
I'm enjoying this. To me the rapidity makes sense: it's a free-for-all so chances are most of the guys are gonna get rapidly eliminated by a few particularly tough individuals.
>> No. 31604
Liked the chapter actually. Only thing that is putting me off is how armament haki is now kind of more common. I once thought that the coloring was a combination of haki and an extension of luffy's rubber abilities to vulcanize. but whateves.

true dat. All these fun abilities and reveals of new world fighting styles is awesome. Also Don Chinjao is beastly
>> No. 31605
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No, after we're done here it's onward to Block D. Then we have to wait for each final match to happen, since the people who are taking place in them are now relatively important to this dumbass tournament plot.
This chapter should have at least ended Block C. Instead all we got was more hype and confirmation of it being Luffy vs. Chinjao.. which we already knew. This whole arc should just be called "The Hype Arc."

One year from now, when you read this arc wholly with all the chapters available, it won't be a problem at all. Because in the grand scheme of things, it'll blend in seamlessly. The FI arc benefited from being finished marvelously; if you go back and read it now it's ten times better. But getting these sorts of meaningless chapters, in the present, especially in between so many breaks, just feels like more salt in the wound.
>> No. 31606
The coloration is to denote that people are actually using it now. Oda didn't want to show it before because it was still ~mysterious~, but now people want a damn good explanation as to why a person could block Luffy's punch other than "They're strong!"
>> No. 31607
It ould have made more sense if they were knocked out in the background rather than wasting panels having the action focus on them
>> No. 31608

Rule 1 of Luffy's powers: no, it's not vulcanization this time either.
>> No. 31609
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Japanese are still subconciously awed by the power of the black man.

Thus a non-black is shown blackking up is an easy way to denote physical power.
>> No. 31610
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We've already seen other people besides Luffy turn black from haki, though. It's not new.

and yes haki is still lame
>> No. 31614
What if Luffy loses this match?

It would be interesting for a tournament of newcomers fighting for the fruit instead of 'Luffy wins, what a shocker.'
>> No. 31615
If Luffy loses the tournament he would try and steal the fruit

>> No. 31616
>haki is still lame

How so? Its a good way to balance the scales between devil fruit users and regular people but still require skill.
>> No. 31617
Idk, to me it's a lame cop-out to be on even ground with devil fruits. Always has been. First it was something that was extremely rare, just like devil fruits themselves.. now almost every person has it and knows how to use it. And I get we're in the New World and there are more skilled fighters and everything, but I just feel like we haven't gotten enough info or development on it. Just a cheap deus ex he's thrown in to make things more hardcore and even with little thought or creativity.
I guess we'll never be seeing stuff like Water Luffy vs. Crocodile, or Nami tying together Buggy. Cause hur dur haki punch!
>> No. 31619
The only power that gets fucked by haki is Logia phasing, and we've had multiple ARCS dedicated to showing that off already. Shit like Nami tying up Buggy still works and can happen. Haki's just another source for abilities, which are just as diverse as ever: hell, in this tournament it's ONLY Luffy and Chinjao who have used it at all and both of them have other better main abilities besides! Burgess doesn't use it, he's just BURGESS. Bartolomeo is a Devil Fruit user. Cavendish is a swordsman with a legendary blade. You're talking about haki being a deus ex but I don't think there's really any evidence for it being that, ESPECIALLY in this arc where it hasn't had any purpose but to help Luffy dodge some swords.
>> No. 31620
>> No. 31621
truth be told, I haven't been as excited for luffy's battles as of late. It seems to have now come to haki punches. But I trust that oda is mirroring the first half before the new world when luffy basically did just that, punch really hard.
>> No. 31622
We're talking about CoA specifically, right? I don't see anybody saying anything about CoO and there's only 6 living CoC users in the entire series.

I thought logia invincibility was lame since the beginning and I'm really glad haki exists to counter it. One time was fine but I think having to play "spot the weakness" any time some random chump got lucky in the fruit lottery would get old fast. The only thing I'm a bit disappointed with is that more of the crew doesn't have at least a little haki. Franky, Usopp, and Nami not having any is fine because they're versatile enough without it (and Nami even used Monet's weakness on her in their little skirmish), but Brook and especially Chopper feel permanently gimped in comparison. Robin doesn't even get fights anymore so let's not talk about her.

The existence of haki also means that having a logia crewmember is actually sortof plausible now, which I think is neat. Back then suggesting a logia would get you laughed at (and for good reason!) but now there are more possibilities.
>> No. 31623

It disappoints me to no end that Robin does not get more fights. She has a really cool power, and her fight from Skypeia is one of my favorites from the series. Nami also seems to only fight crowds of faceless minions nowadays, but at least she had a few fights against some devil fruit users. Remember in Fishman Island, when every Straw Hat got paired against a fishman... except Nami and Robin? What the fuck. Even Brook got a freaking fight.

Oh well. Maybe when they fight Blackbeard's crew the ladies will get some one-on-one fights again.
>> No. 31626
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Did you forget about Hammond entirely already? I found this "fight" actually very similar to Yama's from Skypiea. It involved her using her powers in a clever way to get the upper hand on her enemy. It was shorter, yes, but still similar and no less badass.

Though I'm not defending Oda by any means. He's gotten unbelievably lazy with Nami and Robin's development.
>> No. 31627
Nami and Robin have been developing just dandy mates.
Oh you mean as characters.
>> No. 31628
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>> No. 31630
Seriously though, they're not that important. That would be the fighters.
People complain and whine about it just to complain and whine. There will always be something to target. If they were at the forefront we'd hear "get back to the action/Luffy" or "I don't like this/that".

It's a Shonen. Boys' Romance. The girls are doing plenty for their genre, I think. But of course there can always be more. We always want more. Expect it.
>> No. 31631
No, there are problems with the series, you can't just brush them off with "Hurr people are juist whiners the series is flawless".
>> No. 31633
Here's a complainer now. Complaining about me not complaining and putting words under my fingers.

Flawless is something I've never said about One Piece, matter'a fact.

Just who cares? Why get upset about it? What does it fix?
I can totally brush them off, I'm doing so right now. Hur, there's stuff in One Piece that various people don't like.
>> No. 31634
>Seriously though, they're not that important. That would be the fighters.

Please just shut up. You pound more dirt onto your casket with every post.
>> No. 31635
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Lumping in with you has made me give no fucks about any kind of reputation on this obscure slow moving anonymous imageboard.

If you honestly think that anyone outside of those who can fight in a shounen are really* important you're stupidly optimistic because One Piece has subverted some tropes of the medium. Pretty obvious by the number one recommendation to make Robin and Nami more important is "more fights" is that everyone knows this deep down.

Outside of their peon sweeping, they just won't. They can't. They never fucking will. Deal with it.

*what constitutes "really" important is nothing. Readers cry about the Monster Trio not getting non fight time just as much as they do Robin and Nami not fighting as well as the designated three star combatants.
>> No. 31636
So you've decided to become fully dedicated to becoming a flame-throwing shit poster?
>> No. 31655
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You're right, this being a shonen series does constitute to some of the more important events/character developments revolving around fights. However, we've seen Brook get a lot more fights recently and his character development is just as flat as ever. So therein lies the massive hole in your logic: It's not just about the fights. Especially when you consider that the characters of Robin and Nami have never been fighters.
But what I (and I think a lot of other people) are wanting is just to simply see more range in their characters - INCLUDING getting into serious fights; which in a world of dangerous foes should not be impossible. After all, as you so deftly put it, this is a "Shonen for Boys." All the Miss Doublefingers and Kalifas and Yamas seem to have gone away in favor of goons #22-45. Even fucking Chopper has gotten more development recently (in fights and outside of them) than the girls.

Also go lump yourself with someone else. You're a raging tryhard who spouts shit just to make noise.Here, have an apple.
>> No. 31656
Wait, I forget. What was Law's plan again? They were going to take down a warlord, and they need to do this by getting to Doflamingo? What was going on again?
>> No. 31657
Doflamingo was providing an army's worth of artificial Zoan fruits to Kaido. Stop Doflamingo, reduce the strength of any potential recruits into Kaido's crew.
>> No. 31658
Take down a yonko by taking out his main source of power. Keep up.
>> No. 31659
Then why go to all this Ceasar Clown shit? Why wait all this time and risk your own status? And why does he only feel confidrnt when the Strawhats show up? This all screams of ulterior motives to me.
>> No. 31660
Caesar Clown's the one actually making the artificial Devil Fruits, remember? Doflamingo takes his SAD and makes Smiles, which are the DFs. He then supplies those to Kaidou, and Law is fucking Doflamingo up hard by interrupting that process.
>> No. 31661
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Things were getting really heated and exciting too, then this

16 chapters in now and the third block of the starting round is STILL underway
>> No. 31662
No. I'm just gonna fuck off. I've had to remember to check here recently, let's just let it drift out of thought. Pretty much nothing good going on here. Between this shit of a board and just not talking about One Piece again I'll go back the way it was.

'Sall yours now, you insufferable cunt. Enjoy.
>> No. 31663
Oh jeez. I didn't mean to make the kid cry. Didn't think I meant that much to him. ; ___ ;

I give him a week.
>> No. 31664
While I don't support you in your mocking I do hope he stays away.
When people do the whole - "I'M LEAVING FOREVER! FUCK YOU GUYS" thing.... then come back soon after - its pretty distasteful.
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