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31553 No. 31553
Hey you guys.
>> No. 31554
>dat china kungfu
>dat wearing your brother like a suit
>wtf r u doin Chad you aren't even a pirate
>> No. 31555
the funk?

Ideo, are you long armed, or do you have a fruit?
>> No. 31556
>Hiatus Piece
God kill me now.
>> No. 31558
Ideo explicitly stated he wants to eat the Mero Mero fruit, he can't have a DF power unless he is very ignorant on how they function.
>> No. 31560
Well he could be either using Luffy's technique (punch so hard it explodes,) or he could be a longarm, but I think he might have piston shoulders like a cyborg.
>> No. 31561
I'm sure chapters like this are very fun for people that only read the tankos but right now I'm more interested in seeing ANYBODY else. Maybe literally anybody else? I can't think of a named character in this arc that I wouldn't rather be following instead of the tourney.
>> No. 31562
This times a million.

I understand Oda may be having fun with these characters, but I just don't get what the point of hyping them up so much just to throw them all away forever in a chapter or two is. I can't stand these fighting-only chapters, and absolutely nothing happened in this one. The Funk Brothers? Really? How relevant are these assholes gonna be in a month? And Ideo may be sexy looking, but he's gonna be an irrelevant side-note, too.

Whatever. I sure do hope this was worth it and climactic enough before another break.
>> No. 31564
Oda could plausibly bring any of them back and have them be important or interact with the strawhats in the future, like who really expected to see Hachi so much again?
>> No. 31567
Not all of them will be made relevant. To this day Foxy from Davey Back Fights is still worthless. And he had an entire arc dedicated to him where so far its been filler.
>> No. 31568
Oh wow. You actually still think the Foxy Arc was mindless filler.
>> No. 31570
It is world building in a way though. We see lots of dangerous people who don't need devil fruit to be strong, lots of haki being used showing that the new world is a higher caliber than paradise, cool martials arts techniques, other pirate rookies who don't belong to the 'worst generation', but are still well known, dressrosa history, etc.

I find it fun.
>> No. 31571
I don't think the bandit could be any more Mexican unless Oda gave him a big bushy mustache
>> No. 31572
He still could. That part of his face IS covered.
>> No. 31573
This. I think Oda's driving home the point that the New World is far tougher than what we saw before it. For all we know, these guys might end up as lesser members of Luffy's crew later on, should he decide to build up a fleet or something.
>> No. 31574
Build up a fleet? The guy can barely maintain one partnership. In what scenario would building a fleet be crucial to becoming pirate king?
>> No. 31575
Shanks doesn't have a fleet, Gold Roger didb't have a fleet.

Luffy might end up with alot of friends but he's not going to have a fleet, just his small crew on the Thousand Sunny
>> No. 31576
I'm loving all this cannon fodder getting introductions. Otherwise you wouldn't care even nearly as much when Luffy inevitably wipes the floor with them. Also I just love to see the goofy characters that Oda can come up with. It's a big part of why I like One Piece in the first place. Like how the Funk Brothers design perfectly captures that sleazy criminal look so effortlessly.
>> No. 31577
A lot of these characters do look throw away but jesus whats with this don guy we met a couple chapters ago, its like oda just casually throws a guy with 500 million and now conqueror's haki into the fight and he still just gets a couple of pages before moving on to the other gladiators like it ain't no big deal

He's gotta be doing something with him later, no way you introduce someone that ridiculous so he can eventually get jobbed in a tournament and never return
>> No. 31578
I dunno, maybe it'll be a one-time affair to hold off the marines or something?

There have been quite a few twists and turns so far, so you never know.
>> No. 31579
so is that one guy laws brother or something
>> No. 31580
He's clearly Pandaman's cousin.
>> No. 31581
It's Chad. Fed up with his own lack of appearances in Bleach, he has disguised himself and entered One Piece.
>> No. 31582
I know this technically belongs in the other thread but whatever. Also it's like a week old so what are you guys even doing? It's a colored chapter from that online english shonen jump thing (Shonen Jump Alpha was a much snappier name).


Highlights: Pink hair Rebecca, absolutely obnoxious Bartolomeu (I love it), Jean Ango's sweet mexi-hat.
>> No. 31583
Thank god for Toei always stepping in and fixing the manga's hideous colors.
>> No. 31585
Were a fair amount of chapters in and were not even done the third block of the starting round

The tournament is gonna get broken up or this arc is gonna be an eternity
>> No. 31586
The starting round ends with only four people. It won't take THAT long.
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