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File 137287100124.jpg - (39.57KB , 240x285 , IceBullsLogo09.jpg )
31488 No. 31488
Come on, people. Wake up.
We have a new colored animal among us.


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>> No. 31489
So are they dwarves or gnomes? Whats the proper way to translate it?
>> No. 31490
Usoland's face.
Gosh I love this series.
>> No. 31491

They're dwarves. Just because almost everyone else copy-pastes tolkien when they add dwarves to their world doesn't mean Oda does too.
>> No. 31492
Dude, chill out, that wasn't even brought up.

Mangapanda isn't the best translator, and I had seen them called gnomes elsewhere.
>> No. 31493
Guess that means aokiji IS fleet admiral then right? (Did that get confirmed before?)

Fujiitoras power. What is? He's not a magnet, that Kid's schtick. He can't have telekenisis without saying strong world isn't canon and he can't be gravity, that's blackbeards thing.

But he clearly attracts and rejects things. Maybe he's got an attract/reject fruit of some sort?
>> No. 31495
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Oh Oda.

Akainu is fleet admiral. Confirmed during Fishman Island.
>> No. 31496
You have no frakkin' idea what you're reading, do you.
>> No. 31497
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So let me get this straight. No matter how notorious a criminal is, no matter how heinous his crimes, as long as he works under a Shichibukai he gets a full pardon?! How has the World Government not collapsed by now?
>> No. 31498
The same reason the US government has yet to collapse. There are too many sheeple civilians who pay taxes (Arlong Arc) and keep the WG afloat.

Plus the damage all pirates do, Shichibukai or not "justifies" the WG's policies and actions so that they can "protect" the innocent. When you get down to it you can count with one hand how many WG representatives are legit in their altruistic intentions.
>> No. 31499
You do realize that Warlords are chosen specifically because of how heinous and frightening they are, right? And also that Law's title just got revoked because he allied with the Strawhats?
Anything they do before they become a Warlord is pardoned in full, but if they commit a huge crime like Law or Crocodile they're still in trouble.
>> No. 31500
Crocodile, Moriah, Kuma, and Blackbeard all show how retarded the system is in the first place. But now any criminal can reap the benefits of the position by saying "Oh I work for ___, so it's cool." That's like adding powder to a broken keg.

Law could have just told a simple, blatant lie and Fujitora would have turned a blind eye.
>> No. 31501
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>and Fujitora would have turned a blind eye
>> No. 31503
It's the old practice of Letters of Marque. They're pirates who go after a country's enemies, but are allowed to continue their despicable ways otherwise. The main difference in One Piece is that the World government officially acknowledge them, since the World Government doesn't really have any enemies to piss off except for pirates and revolutionaries, both of which would still be their enemies anyway.
>> No. 31505
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>tfw in too deep
>> No. 31506
It sort of makes sense. Most of the sichibukai hunt down pirates and protect certain lands (though the yonkou protect certain countries as well). Thats what crocodile and blackbeard were doing before they decided to rebel against the WG for their own gains.

meant to say akainu. Got my admirals mixed up.
>> No. 31507
>> No. 31508
Wait, what? What country was Blackbeard protecting as a Warlord?
>> No. 31509
A lot of them do, not all of them. Blackbeard wasn't a sichibukai long enough to do anything but break into impel down.

But long time warlords like crocodile, doflamingo, Jinbei and boa hancock protect certain islands.
>> No. 31510
I don't think that comes with Warlord, I think that's just "Powerful Pirate" territory.
>> No. 31511
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Dofla's got connections in the world government, maybe even with the Gorosei?

Maybe he's the son of that younger, blonde one
>> No. 31512
File 137304931275.png - (311.91KB , 1017x849 , Doflamingo_as_Child.png )
But he didn't guard anything as a Warlord. That was my question. The only Warlords who protected a place with no ulterior motives were Jinbe and Boa. And I'm not even sure Jinbe had time to protect Fishman Island, either. Whitebeard was doing that.

That wouldn't explain why he was supposedly some sort of street rat. Then again, so was Sabo.
>> No. 31514
>Usopp confirmed for haki.
>Usopp confirmed for Norland descendent.
>Usopp confirmed for 8000 FOLLOWERS.

>> No. 31515
What I'm wondering now is, well, how he will go about carrying all 8,000 of these little dudes. Like, is he going to keep them in some enchanted lamp and summon them at battle like pikmin?

fuck, the timeskip was hella favorable to franky and usopp.
>> No. 31517
Maybe he's a world noble gone "rogue"?
>> No. 31519
Usopp is going to be the Buggy-tier Legendary Pirate of the Worst Generation.
>> No. 31522
I imagine a "My Fair Lady" scenario.
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