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31371 No. 31371
With a protagonist who is arguably the most modern example of a "classic" folk hero (one not necessarily good or noble but capable of sublime feats and drive), One Piece is shaping up to display a wide spectrum of moral alignments, choices and consequences. Where ruthless prison guards in Nazi regalia genuinely wish to protect the innocent from the world's worst criminals and where the smiling, dashing rogue can turn venomous and destructive if his/her quirks are taxed the wrong way.

Do you think there will be a final thesis as to what this miasma of ethics and scruples all means or is the ultimate answer simply going to be, "It's really goddamn complicated?"

Can true heroes exist, what of justice, order, freedom, and peace? In a world of mutants, misfits and madmen is perfection feasible?
>> No. 31374
In One Piece, there's nice guys and assholes.

The nice guys are the heroes, and the assholes are the villains. But the villains can become nice guys because Oda likes redemption and forgiveness as a theme.
>> No. 31375
I have no idea what this thread is even about. Why are people.. not what they appear to be? Why are people mean?

I don't even know what's going on anymore around here.
>> No. 31378
>> No. 31641
I found Luffy a bit wierd in Movie Z.

Pirates are not heroes, yes that makes sense.... but Z was planning on blowing up the Grandline.... which would kill a bunch of Luffy's pals... normally that is something he takes offence to on a personal level

((Really, did no one else find this a bit "off"? It seemed like they disregarded his normal reaction in order to play up Z as such a worthy person))
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