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31204 No. 31204
It's over! The hiatus, I mean, not anything in the story.

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>> No. 31205
great chapter art because everybody is kungfu masters and super kawaii.

But for real tho since when did Law's powers drain his strength? Maybe mangastream translation will clairify but dude lifted a giant goddamn boat out of the water and seemed fine. So im a little confused.
>> No. 31206
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I think he means it like you'd have a better chance of fighting a guy if you don't wear yourself out first so if he has to do something like fight Flamingo he'd prefer to do it full on.
>> No. 31207
>> No. 31208
Fairies, dwarves and living toys. This place couldn't get any more fairy tale if it tried. It's great! I'm betting though that there's a big reason behind all of this.
>> No. 31209
Of course Robin's paper ghost is next to Franky's.

Of course Kung Fu Robin is next to Karate Franky.

I'm honestly shocked that they're not in the same group to return Caesar or find the factory. They're like Fred and Daphne, but I guess they were sending the muscle to the Factory Mission. I forgot for a second that Sanji and Zoro were on that team.

Main Plot's the tournament, second is Franky and Thunderous Soldier of Rage. Good limelight, I wanna see big things from the newest to the Monster Trio.
>> No. 31210
Please, BrookxRobin is obviously what's happening here.

Since they're next to each other, and stuff
>> No. 31211
Dammit you're right. How could I have been so blind.
>> No. 31212
Since there was no mangapanda link this time, I'll mention my favorite screw up. They translated Robin's "Mille Fleur, Campo de Flores" as "Mile Feuille, Campo de Pro-wrestle." Also Caesar has a 3,000,000,000 bounty.
>> No. 31213
>Robin will never >Spank< you with a hand made of many of her hands.
>> No. 31214
What's that colorspread based on? Someone on AP said it was some old video game? I wanna know what the story behind Brook, Robin and Franky having that scar is.

As for the chapter, pretty decent stuff. I'm mostly just glad we took a break from the nonstop fighting. Caesar is precious and I'm gonna be sad when he leaves us forever.

Don't expect to find out more about the dwarves/fairies next week, though. It's right back to the fighting.
>> No. 31215
Well the ship crew is stuck on a plot point. Franky and Zoro are stuck stuck on plot points. Kinemon too. Now that the Caesar crew is stuck too, the only options Oda has are to spend an entire chapter on Sanji, advance the tournament, or advance the plot. Even if it's the tournament at least it's Luffy's block that's up next, so 2/3 of the options are ok by me.
>> No. 31216
Usopp, you survived in a WAY worse place than this. Come on.
>> No. 31217
For real, Green Bit should be a time to shine. I want him to show up Shichibishie at least once since they're in his element.
They're about facing the big fish and who's there? Usopp in a Jungle. Get to it.
>> No. 31218
I think he's more worried about the Marines.
>> No. 31219
I like that Robin managed to see the Dwarf, if only for a split second.
>> No. 31220
Maybe she's got some eyes on her hands out there, or perhaps she's just knowledgeable about fantasy creatures from being a book worm.
>> No. 31221
Dwarves ain't no fantasy. They were listed in the slave auctions!
>> No. 31224
I remember that.

/they must be pretty rare, did they go for alot of dosh?
>> No. 31225
Only 700,000 beri.
For comparisons:
>humans: 500,000
>Snakeneck, longarm, longleg and Minkmen: 700,000
>Fishmen: 1,000,000
>Giants: Male: 50,000,000 - Female: 10,000,000
>Merfolk: Male 1,000,000 - Mermaid under age 30: 70,000,000 - Female over age 30: 10,000,000
>> No. 31227
Fantasy as in Fantas-tic.
>> No. 31230

I was more referring to being able to clock it when it was supposedly moving so fast.
>> No. 31233
I know this relates to way back in Punk Hazard, but I got a feeling we'll feel the fallout from it pretty soon (and I might have missed this discussion but) does anyone think it's strange that Monet (and possibly Vergo) was straight up killed? I mean there is the very likely chance that Vergo is alive, but Monet was stabbed through the fuckin heart. And other than Ace and Whitebeard, that makes her the only other character that I can think of who's died on "screen" and not in a flashback. Does that feel like weird to anyone else? Not a bad thing just "oh fuck."
>> No. 31242
incoming dwarf nakama confirmed
>> No. 31243
I'm not holding my breath, I could see something like a flashback showing Law doing some surgeon power bullshit that keeps her alive

If she did die than it feels like it makes more sense than anything, a lot of characters magically keep living when they shouldn't and some of those fake deaths felt more weird, particularly our resident immortal Pell
>> No. 31244
Pell is easily the most bullshit survival in the series, he had no reason to survive it and every reason to have died.
>> No. 31246
Or so we think.
>> No. 31247
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