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31134 No. 31134
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>> No. 31137
Didn't he just get over being sick a few weeks ago? Poor guy.
>> No. 31138
>I had the same thing
Oooh... man, that's gotta suck.
>> No. 31139
After reading some comments about Oda's work schedule and daily habits, I think the dude should really take a month off and cut the drinking and smoking.

cause I don't think I see him leaving one piece, well, um, in "one piece".
>> No. 31140
So wait, does the two week hiatus begin now or NEXT week? Like, are we still getting a chapter this week or is it canceled?
>> No. 31141
We're still getting the one for this week. It's next week and the first week of June when we're not getting any.

Supposedly, his editors/helpers all know how One Piece will end. He's given them details in case he were to ever get run over by a bus, I guess. The guy works from 5AM to 2AM every day and smokes like a chimney, so Mister Oda is well insured.
>> No. 31142
In the even that ever happens, I hope they just release the details instead of trying to carry the manga on.
>> No. 31143
If he's going to be missing the issues that ship on May 27 and June 3, that would actually be tomorrow's chapter and then next week's. It depends on whether or not these reports take into account that chapters leak 5 days early when they say things like "the week of May 27." If they actually gave the issue numbers it'd be trivial to check but this way all we can do is wait.
>> No. 31144
I wonder if he has scripts? Im sure his assistants can emulate his art style enough, but I think the writing is the most important part. I just wonder how much of every chapter he's got, you know, in a word document or whatever or if it's just a general outline. If they're fully fledged scripts, I think carrying it on wouldn't be as difficult but otherwise... yeah, releasing the outlines would be the best thing to do.
>> No. 31145
It's really not that far-fetched to think about when you consider that he's had the ending to these characters planned out for years now. One Piece was SUPPOSED to end a long time ago.
So in a sense, all this shit is just filler.
>> No. 31146
>So in a sense, all this shit is just filler.
In the same sense that sex is just filler for the orgasm.

...I'm calling you the narrative equivalent of a premature ejactulator.
>> No. 31147
Fortunately it seems Oda doesn't go outside enough to get hit by a bus, so we might be in the clear.

I think the worst part is that he's not required to work this hard. He does it because he's that dedicated to his series.
>> No. 31148
>One Piece was SUPPOSED to end a long time ago.
So in a sense, all this shit is just filler.
Or maybe Oda's just terrible at estimating how long it takes him to tell a story, considering EVERY timeframe he ever gives goes long.
>> No. 31149
... [citation needed]

What where says it was supposed to end?

Cause unlike dragonball I can't see the obvious cut-off points.
>> No. 31150
Well, it's why we one piece fans are spoiled compared to bleach and naruto fans.

>> No. 31151
i bet thats why bleach doesnt have any fucking backgrounds. kubo tites too busy out partying and getting whores
>> No. 31152
Oda mentioned this a long time ago. I mean a real fucking long time ago. This isn't news to anyone, so wake up.

My money's on it making too much money for it to end so soon and the publisher calling the real shots. Only one of us is right here.
>> No. 31153

They were supposed to reach Raftel a long time ago. Oda only planned for the story to be long enough to last 5 years.

But then stuff happened.
>> No. 31154

Or maybe Oda's just got more to say in the span of each chapter. Most writers write longer as time goes on.
>> No. 31155
>> No. 31157
I'm glad it went longer though. And it doesn't feel like DBZ where the beat a villain and a NEW villain shows up stronger than the last.

Ok, SOMETIMES it feels like that, but its rationalized in that the further you go down the grandline, the stronger people are.
>> No. 31158
Forget the ending notes, I want to see more from Oda after One Piece inevitably ends.

Get well soon, good sir.
>> No. 31159
Yeah, I'm still waiting for him to Win Back His Daughters' respect with Eiichiro Oda's Magical Girl Series.
>> No. 31160
Is the world ready for magical girls with tracts of land that big?
>> No. 31161
From the Shonen Jump website :

「ONE PIECE」作者・尾田栄一郎先生から読者の皆様への休載に関するメッセージ 不覚です! 少々我慢しすぎて事態を悪化させてしまいました。 続きを楽しみにしてくれている読者の皆様と、 暴れるのを楽しみにしている麦わらの一味の皆様に、 多大な迷惑をおかけしております。 ただ今痛ェ治療を続けております。 次回せっかく新展開なのに、早く読んで欲しい気持ちで いっぱいです。少年達の2週間がどれ程長いか承知してます。 ちょっと待っててください。 尾田栄一郎


This is a real blunder! I tried enduring a bit too much, but that just made the problem worse. To you, the readers who are looking forward to the rest of the story, and to the Strawhat crew, who are looking forward to more rampaging and going wild, I’ve really done you wrong. At the moment, I’m undergoing some painful treatment. With long-awaited developments coming up in the story next time, I can’t wait to have everyone read it. I full-well acknowledge just how long two weeks can seem to young boys. Just hang in there for a bit. Oda Eiichiro

;~; What a great guy
>> No. 31162
Nami basically already is a Magical Girl.
>> No. 31163
She's a witch and a shore.
>> No. 31164
She's shore... a good person.
>> No. 31165
>I full-well acknowledge just how long two weeks can seem to young boys.

I-I wonder if.. he knows I'm not so young anymore.. ; __ ;
>> No. 31169
Totally, but he expects older fans to have a capacity for maturity above 12 year old boys and the ability to exercise patience.
The real question is does he know that you don't have those things.
>> No. 31170
Hey asshole, don't lob factual statements at me as if they're insults!
>> No. 31171
But those are the best insults of all.
>> No. 31174
Maybe this will at least give him time to reflect on stuff and think about what he could improve or change certain scenes he was going to draw soon for the better probably just how much larger he can draw the breasts
>> No. 31175
Yes. More animals.
>> No. 31176
By that, you mean an Oda's written PreCure?
>> No. 31178
this wait is killing me. its horrible man i come back from a 2 year one piece break and then get like two, maybe weeks of chapters and then bam two week break. im gonna die. im jonesing hard. i even watched the most recent episodes of the anime for my fix.

that was a mistake
>> No. 31179
Your fault for having left
>> No. 31180
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>> No. 31188
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Is this the general thread now? Sheesh, you guys suck at board organization. Anyway I found something fun: Volume 70 SBS, featuring Lil Whitebeard and pals. People say his shirt is "power." As for the SBS info? Who knows, I don't have it.
>> No. 31189
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Also, Volume 70 cover. 9/10 it's ok.
>> No. 31191
Luffy: I beg of you, buy your ass a badass coat for permanent usage at soonest convenience; or get Nami to same.

Your body yearns for it.
>> No. 31192
Luffy NEEDS to get an awesome captain's jacket at some point, enough of that weak ruffled shirt
>> No. 31193
>> No. 31195

Y Oda got his name in the western order in the romanized spelling?
>> No. 31196
The weak ruffled shirt fits his usual shenanigans better, really. But those coats are pretty badass.
>> No. 31197

I really just can't see a way that Baby 5's leg could possibly be attached to her torso. Sorry Oda, I've failed you.
>> No. 31198
look at this fine ass cover and all the fine ass people on it god damn. also for real yo luffy please wear that coat in the actual god damn story geez
>> No. 31199
What gets me even more is that, if the Franky Shogun shoulder wasn't there, her coochie coo would be wide out for all to see. Lewd, Miss 5. Lewd.

Also wwwwhyyyy is Kid and his retard bumblefuck alliance there? I still see not a shred of importance in anything they've done. Did they even make a second appearance after Punk Hazard? Cause I don't remember it at all.
>> No. 31200
> her coochie coo would be wide out for all to see.

Ah, but you see, that's currently a Macross style missile pod, so everything's cool, bro.
>> No. 31201
They're just there because slightly important stuff that happened in the news. It's a newspaper backdrop.
>> No. 31202
I can only assume its going to be a pretty big deal in the future
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