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30627 No. 30627
What's this? Mangapanda was not first?
>> No. 30629
Was Bellamy always this massive?
>> No. 30631
Dunno. Loving the 60's look he has going on, though.
>> No. 30632

Luffy remarked about Bellamy and Blackbeard both being huge in Jaya.
>> No. 30633
Thank God it was Mangastream this time at least. I truly hate those shit translations on mangapanda, their meme crap at the end just bring me to rage.

Also, who'll win block B? It's either Bellamy or Bart.
>> No. 30634
Don't forget how they love to stick their logo just about everywhere.
>> No. 30635
I am interesting in seeing what Oda will do with Bellamy.
>> No. 30636
Oh hey look at that, everyone's names written out in english. Thanks Oda.

So really the only actual fights are Bartolomeo vs Bellamy and Rebecca vs Cavendish. Place your bets! As much as I want Becky to win I'd have to say it will be Bellamy and Cavendish.
>> No. 30637
She's a woman who tries to fight like a man in One Piece, so yeah its pretty obvious she's going to lose.
>> No. 30638
>Pillar of gold from another country
did Bellamy go to skypeia?
>> No. 30639
and cavendish is a man who looks like a woman.

Which, of course, makes you superpowered in the one piece universe.

He was always this tall I think, but he majorly bulked out. Surprised he went up to sky island. Wasn't it Doflamingo policy to laugh at dreamers?
>> No. 30640
no offense man...but did you read the whole chapter?
>> No. 30642
Hrm. While I'd like Bellamy to win (as he seems to have grown up a little, and I always enjoy seeing older characters, even jerkfaces like Bellamy), but I've got the feeling that he'll get punk'd out by Bart after exhausting himself on the united attack from Block B.
>> No. 30643
Doflamingo's smart-enough and knowledgeable enough to know that 'sky islands' aren't just a myth in the world of One Piece.
>> No. 30644
Bellamy probably just showed up after Luffy and got that pillar they were going to give to the strawhats.
>> No. 30645
We've seen post-timeskip cover pages of the Skypeia residents so we know he hardly razed the place to the cloud.

He went in with a force of underlings, they "lost a few men" in the expedition fighting with the natives but managed to come back with the gold (pillar).
>> No. 30646
Well looks like Mangarule's online reader couldn't handle all the traffic and it's down now. Batoto isn't though!

>> No. 30647

I couldn't agree more. That stupid shit at the end is always the same shit taken from 4chan and stamped with their logo, or badly coloured deviantart pictures slapped in as if they are the world's greatest art pieces.
>> No. 30648
I wonder how the Hyena has altered his fighting style.
His old tactics would just lead to him being DQ'd pretty much instantly in this case.
>> No. 30649
>Bounty Hunter Jean Ango

I see what you did there, Oda. Your Tarantinoness is showing again. Or .. Lucasness? Ew.
Anyway my vote is for Fighting Bull. I dunno who signed up a random bull into the fights, but he's gonna win this.
>> No. 30650
There's a random lion too.

Also, there's also that one guy who looks kind of like khal drogo
>> No. 30651
>> No. 30652
His name is just Mummy. Sorcerer is his class.
>> No. 30658
Does that make 'Criminal' a class? Is it some sort of Rogue prestige-class?

What are you, speciesist!?
Fighting Bull and Fighting Lion for Nakama!
>> No. 30659
>Jean Ango
>> No. 30660
Jango predates either of those two, and he's the same name homage.

Learn 2 cowboys.
>> No. 30663
So many interesting characters.
I want to love them all.

I'll wait for the finalists to care though. Hope we get enough of the losers during the battle Royale to tide us over. I'm rather interest in quite a few of them.
>> No. 30664
Oh? Sauce.
>> No. 30671
Bartolomeo is a classic heel


>>BAH GAWD, That is some Vintage Bartolomeo right there! Utterly Disgraceful!

Compared to someone like Luffy you'd think Bellamy is also a heel, but since this is the Doflamingo Arena and he's the golden boy would that make him the Face?
>> No. 30672
Bellamy is a Local Face.

Back when wrestling was all smaller organizations, a face from one stable could heel it up in a different one, by constantly insulting the locals.
>> No. 30673
That still a heel tactic to generate cheap heat either way. But I understand what you mean.
>> No. 30677
So....Baltromeo kind of gives me a captain kid vibe.

Think he's an actual cannibal?
>> No. 30681
Bellamy has a dream to strive for now, that will be the reason for an increased power level.
>> No. 30682
I want the whole tournament to have wrestling commentary.
>> No. 30683
Bellamy's reappearance is certainly surprising, at least in as surprising as a character from 300 chapters ago or something can be.

Do you think Oda keeps a Excel Spreadsheet with Character info sorted by chapter number, and then randomly chooses one from the filter of "over X # of chaps ago"?
>> No. 30685
Except he doesn't suck donkey dick like Kid does.
>> No. 30692
I wonder if the lion or the bull are simply animals or say... experiments of Smiles.

Haha If they somehow happened to win the tournament would they be given the Mera Mera fruit?
>> No. 30694
In any case, they're definitely related somehow. Either from the same organization or project.

Who else do you think could be Fruit Users? Surely Luffy and Bellamy aren't the only ones.
>> No. 30695
You can't really tell until they whip out their ability.
It would actually make sense if the majority of fighters participating weren't fruit users, if they were competing mainly to get the Logia DF on offer (there would be others competing simply for the sake of competing or to gain the fruit for reasons other than consuming it themselves of course)
>> No. 30696
I was thinking the same.
Maybe some of the more political minded participants, as having a weapon and being the one to use that weapon aren't the same importance.
>> No. 30705
Maybe Bart is just being used to hype up Bellamy after he was hyped up by beating up the vice-admiral that beat up the dude with the nunchucks
>> No. 30718
Perhaps they're just put in by the coliseum, for fun.
>> No. 30720
I just realized that if FIGHTING LION or FIGHTING BULL won... then they would become FIRELION or FIREBULL.

I... I think I want Lucy to lose now.
>> No. 30727
pfft, shame on you for not wanting to see mera mera ricky.

guy is basically Spanish gigantor.
>> No. 30827
Get the Franky Shogun in there, Clash of the Titans!
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