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30578 No. 30578

And call me in the morning.
>> No. 30579
I'm anxiously excited about it. On one hand, it'll get its second chance to win over the American audiences. On the other hand.. what audience? It's gonna have its grand premier at 1 AM? That alone shows how much commitment AS is willing to put into it -- like they do with every other anime series.

Why not put the NEW episodes of their NEW series at the first slot of midnight, and the shit reruns of Bleach at 1AM? At this point, I feel like America doesn't even deserve to have One Piece's awesomeness grace its televisions.
>> No. 30580
It's also starting some couple hundred eps in. People who've never seen the show or read the manga are going to know they've missed a lot.
For me, I wouldn't watch a show that started so far in. I'm a completionist kind of consumer. I want all of it. Why not start from ep 1, I know FUNi's done it from the beginning.
>> No. 30582
>It will begin with episode 207

Aw, I wanted to watch the whole series with /co/.
>> No. 30583
That was sooner than I thought.

And this thread cam much later than I thought.
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