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File 136560958776.jpg - (201.24KB , 800x1175 , one-piece-4044463.jpg )
30537 No. 30537
No chapter thread yet? You guys are slipping.

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>> No. 30538
Yeah, I had a feeling.

Every time you see an inhumanly tall man modeled after a Japanese actor, he turns out to be an admiral.
>> No. 30539
Mostly nothing we didn't already know, but good shit. Those police chasing Violet really aren't fucking around, are they?
>> No. 30540
Mangarule is also out but it's down right now. I don't know what's worse: people not understanding the chapter because of mistranslations or me not being able to read it because everyone goes there now.
>> No. 30541
i'm guessing tashigi is the stow
>> No. 30542
But... Tashigi left with the kids? I don't see how thats possible.
>> No. 30543
oh that's right, i only remembered she wasn't there when smoker got slapped around
>> No. 30544
Oh, some good reveals and build up!
A tournament kind of arc is an awesome way to showcase a lot of character ideas and fighting styles Oda has in his head but not enough of to justify a whole significant character.
With Aokiji out, it's good to see someone else upholding his "actually good" position in the Admirals. Might Fujitora be our first Admiral without a Fruit? That would further push Haki use as an equally powerful talent.

Usopp and even Caesar's disguises look really cool. Why does the group that's not traveling with the Magical-Samurai-who-can-make-clothes get better clothes?

A new Cipher Pol is exciting. And just WHAT is stealing Zoro's sword? Am I just missing something or has it actually not been revealed yet? I've got high hopes for Zoro and Sanji's scenes giving us some good development and action.

I have no speculation on who could be in the Men's Room. Oda's so far good at surprising twists and there's absolutely no kind of hints that I can find. It's going to be a total blind side or a new toy.

Speaking of: Thunderous Soldier of Rage for next nakama. Luffy will invite him and give him the Mera Mera.
>> No. 30545
Pretty sure Bartolomeo is supposed to be Bart Romeo but w/e
>> No. 30546
>> No. 30547
Both Tashigi and Mocha sailed off on the SAD tanker to return the kids home. Do you people even read this shit?
>> No. 30548
I've just been reading it as a weirdly pronounced Bartholomew.
>> No. 30549
This arc is pretty great, guys. I'm completely back on board with One Piece, guys.
>> No. 30550
I'm sure it's not Monet, but I'll say it anyway just to hold out hope.

Bepo would be fine too.
>> No. 30551
Kinda disappointed Robin isn't wearing a fake moustache. Then again, while she does like to indulge in silly stuff, she doesn't like stuff that could be embarassing.
>> No. 30552
File 136563589443.png - (463.29KB , 840x789 , monetisprobablydead.png )
no i just come to this site to make you angry
it's monet anyway
>> No. 30553
The reason there appear to be rabbits in the water is because they're sailing on the "fastest sea current" slope or whatever. Monet has snow powers that have nothing to do with sea currents. Again, do you even read this shit?
>> No. 30554
again, no i'm only here to make you angry
>> No. 30555
Then I suggest you start trying harder, cause so far you're failing.
>> No. 30556
Brooke only listens to Luffy's orders? How sweet. :3

I wonder when Violet's gonna betray Sanji. his happiness can only last so long.
>> No. 30557
Bartolomeo is the Italian version of Bartholomew.

Bart Romeo is the title of a bad episode of the Simpsons.
>> No. 30558
It's always cool when someone demonstrates loyalty to Luffy, who at almost all times seems the butt of punishment and exasperation at his antics. When we're reminded he's the man in charge, he's the captain and they are his subordinates as well as friends, it's near.
>> No. 30559
But we already have a bartholomew. What's going on?

also, that cover is dark. Kaidou's cyborg is probably pretty strong? I wonder if he wasted x drake.
>> No. 30560
We know Drake is still kicking since we saw a new design for him on a chapter image.
>> No. 30561

>Bartholomew Kuma
and I doubt he has a relative.

I rather this new guy's name be romanized to something else so things don't get confusing;; not that anyone calls Kuma "Bartholomew" anyway but still.
>> No. 30562

It's pronounced Barto-lo-mayo
>> No. 30563
Bartolomeu's name is pronounced Barutoromeo, which in english is probably supposed to me something like Bahr-toh-loh-MEH-oh, like if it were in Spanish.

Bartholomew Kuma's name is pronounced Bāsoromyū, which in english is pronounced Bar-THAW-lo-myu.
>> No. 30564
Bart Romeo is a good romanization. It sticks with Oda's penchant for naming after real life pirates, in this case Black Bart.
>> No. 30565

Black Bart aka Bartholomew Roberts, who primarily worked in the Caribbean, is already in OP as Bartholomew Kuma. Bartolomeu is Bartolomeu Portugues, who worked primarily in Spain. He's the same guy that that Ace got his name from.

Some people think it's supposed to be a parallel to Blackbeard and Whitebeard, both based on Edward Teach. In the end Teach stole Edward's devil fruit. Now, Bartolomeu wants Portugues's devil fruit.
>> No. 30566
That's good speculation.
>> No. 30570
I love how Gambia and Maynard got introduced, only to be punked in a few pages.

The chapter is even named after him.
>> No. 30575
Personally I hate it. The entire contrived concept of "This is strong dude. WHOA THIS DUDE BEAT HIM UP, HE IS STRONG DUDE." is only worse with Oda putting a third "WHOAAALY SHIIIIT THIS DUDE BEAT STRONG DUDE! HEEEEEE ISSSSS STRRRRRROOOOOOONG DUUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!"
>> No. 30609
From the looks of it, it's more body swapping than tier exchanging.
>> No. 30611
I think that's part of the humor.
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