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File 136006159052.jpg - (436.00KB , 1920x1080 , 1356605127508.jpg )
30119 No. 30119
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>> No. 30120
I'm really sick of this cliche in shounen

>>Generic guys go to attack a bad guy
>>Named characters goes "You guys, don't! / Stop it!"
>>The generic guys get fucked up

Its pretty much a set piece that is basically staged the same every time

Not knocking the chapter itself though.
>> No. 30121

Oda mostly uses it to distinguish people who care about their subordinates.
>> No. 30122
This was easily the best chapter I have read in a while. So that mysterious fellow really was Aokiji. So much reavealing plot in this chapter. Shame it has to have a break next week.
>> No. 30123
>Chopper emanored with Caesar Clown for a few moments
>> No. 30124
Aokiji? Really? This shit is getting way too predictable.

This is starting to feel like the build-up between Water 7 and Enies Lobby with a bunch of people preparing to raid a place.
>> No. 30125
Can it really be said to be predictable when some people honestly though it was either Mihawk or some sort of duck zoan. Or Vivi and Carue(?). It's like, despite obvious evidence, some people still got it wrong. Seems ok for a minor twist.
>> No. 30126
Uh, yes. It's still predictable. And people were saying the giant dragon was Big Mom at one point, so it's wise to keep a prudent ear with all the theorists in this fandom.
>> No. 30127
File 136008419174.jpg - (167.80KB , 800x1159 , one-piece-3893273.jpg )
Whoops! Oda drew the wrong scar on Zoro there!
>> No. 30128

The lower line is his closed eye. The line above is the same line drawn between his eyebrow and eye as the one without the scar.
>> No. 30129
Man it wasn't even really a secret is what I'm saying. Like, when it was revealed that Kaido is the emperor they're targeting a lot of people were shocked. But when it turned out that Punk Hazard was Aokiji and Akainu's battlefield lot's of people called it, and Oda revealed the truth almost immediately. Since he works like 2 months worth of chapters ahead of their releases I assume that he makes theses little twists easy to figure out on purpose. I keep saying that if a "twist" is revealed almost immediately it's meant to be (mostly) predictable but everyone ignores me...
>> No. 30130
He's talking about his chest. Oda fucked up.
>> No. 30131

Haha! Oh jeez.
>> No. 30140
Ceaser's big fancy poison, seems pretty lame, it encases you in stone but it takes like a day and a half of exposure to kill you.
I guess it would help if people didn't have Hazmat style suits resistant to it or giant robots to walk around in, but even still its killing power is pretty lame, it could also be blown away by the wind/people with gusty powers or equipment and then the people inside recovered.

And did Oda really kill the Snow Logia Chick? I mean he's just revealed all the dozens of people affected by the gas are going to be fine... surviving having your heart impaled wouldn't surprise me in One Piece.
>> No. 30141

Oh wow. It was even right in THE LAST PANEL. Come on Oda, step it up.
>> No. 30144
law looks like he's about to use "shambles" in the previous panel
i'm fantasizing here but i think it'd be funny if oda just subtely and randomly switched up the strawhats features while law's on the boat
>> No. 30145
law looks like he's about to use "shambles" in the previous panel
i'm fantasizing here but i think it'd be funny if oda just subtely and randomly switched up the strawhats features while law's on the boat
>> No. 30150
I can't be upset or even mildly disappointed in Oda for doing that. The man almost never makes mistakes. If this were Bleach, where each page just contains two characters surrounded by blank white backgrounds, I'd call him a ditz.. but Oda puts so much detail into every single panel he draws that I can never not forgive him.

And it looks like we're headed for the Dressrosa arc. Not exactly the optimal place where I wanted them to go, buuut.. it's better than Wano, I guess.
>> No. 30151

Well, Caesar is kind of a fuckup when you think about it. If Vegapunk had developed the gas it would have killed you ten times before you hit the ground
>> No. 30152
It's not the first time he's made a mistake. He drew Zoro's eyebscar on the wrong eye the first post-timeskip color spread and he forgot Crocodile's hook during a cover story. Stuff like that gets caught and redrawn for the future reprints anyway. It happens.
>> No. 30154
Ha, OP's pic is perfect. So does Momonsuke transform randomly or when he bugs out?


W-what did you say?!
>> No. 30155

Oh, oops, we've all been posting in this thread without anybody saying that MS is out:


"Vegapunk discovered how the fruits affect the bloodstream"
>> No. 30156
goddamn, this might be the most exciting chapter since we entered the New World

I don't even mind the break
>> No. 30157
Oh, hey, yeah. It's not like we really needed to see Smoker do something cool to not devalue his strength. it's not like he didn't lose all of his fights this arc.
>> No. 30160

Why exactly do we need to value Smoker's strength?

I mean, yea he's going after the Straw Hats but he's pretty much confirmed more for their Zenigataesq foil in the Marines.

I don't recall him being necessary to be a great fighter. And it's not like he's "lost" against random weaklings.

Are you saying White Beard has no value as a fighter because he defeated practically no immediately important characters and was killed by wounds and bloodloss brought on by a bunch of mooks and his bastard son?
>> No. 30162

Bad example buddy, Whitebeard was just a loser from a forgotten era. A man who lives off a king's scraps all his life and calls himself an emperor? pathetic.
>> No. 30164

Go away Marshall.
>> No. 30166
Smoker needs to be a powerful threat/ally if only for his long standing role as antagonist.

Who else has been a "villain" to the crew longer than Smoker? Who else has come back so many times to be a foil? Smoker is Luffy the Pirate King's Garp, and Luffy the Pirate King's Garp is necessarily powerful because Luffy the Pirate King is.

Maybe I'm overestimating his importance, maybe Garp's to Roger's too. But even if I am, Smoker's put on a terrible performance during Punk Hazard. The impressive set up heavyweights that characters Oda wants to impress upon us are powerful, like Luffy and Law, had little trouble in subduing/tricking/beating down Smoker. As a reader that (even if you don't realize it) sets low standards for a character that I at least think needs to be consistently on par with his rival, the main protagonist.

In short, Smoker doesn't seem like one of the characters that needs to get beat up to show how tough the new opposition is. Kinda like how Hody was an entire arc point just to say "Look, this is the Strawhats' capabilities . Now if you'll direct your attention to the Shirahoshi here, you'll find the real point of the arc."
>> No. 30167
Smoker needs to be a powerful threat/ally if only for his long standing role as antagonist.

Who else has been a "villain" to the crew longer than Smoker? Who else has come back so many times to be a foil? Smoker is Luffy the Pirate King's Garp, and Luffy the Pirate King's Garp is necessarily powerful because Luffy the Pirate King is.

Maybe I'm overestimating his importance, maybe Garp's to Roger's too. But even if I am, Smoker's put on a terrible performance during Punk Hazard. The impressive set up heavyweights that characters Oda wants to impress upon us are powerful, like Luffy and Law, had little trouble in subduing/tricking/beating down Smoker. As a reader that (even if you don't realize it) sets low standards for a character that I at least think needs to be consistently on par with his rival, the main protagonist.

In short, Smoker doesn't seem like one of the characters that needs to get beat up to show how tough the new opposition is. Kinda like how Hody was an entire arc point just to say "Look, this is the Strawhats' capabilities . Now if you'll direct your attention to the Shirahoshi here, you'll find the real point of the arc."
>> No. 30168
>Smoker is Luffy the Pirate King's Garp

I thought that was suppose to be Coby.

Smoker hasn't really come off as a rival to me.
>> No. 30171
Coby's not a rival at all. Smoker beats Luffy down every time they meet, and only ever has to let the guy go because there's bigger threats he has to take care of. Fried Fishman's just an idiot in that he thinks Smoker has to win every fight just because of that. And because he's Fried Fishman.
>> No. 30172
>Maybe I'm overestimating his importance

Yes you are. Smoker hasn't been a genuine threat or challenge since his introduction in Loguetown. Only reason he's still around is to appease his fanboys.
>> No. 30173
Your obsession with fanboys/girls is somewhat over the top, is there nothing in the series you will not claim they are the cause of?
>> No. 30174
I consider myself a fanboy of the series, so. There's no negative or positive light to it; there's a bunch of Smoker fanboys out there. Period.
>> No. 30175
>Coby's not a rival at all.

Isn't the whole point of him to be the Marine equivalent of Luffy?
>> No. 30176
I don't really think it's Coby. His pairing with Helmeppo contributes, I think. They're like Jonny and Yosaku, and he's nowhere near (so far as I know, I haven't seen him in Z or whatever) a force comparable to Luffy. But as his rate of growth, maybe he eventually will be come that time Oda employs him.

He doesn't have to win every fight, he just doesn't have to end up a body swapped, heart stolen, cut up pile of what the fuck at the arc's conclusion.
I think that he and Vergo could have had a much better chemistry if they'd fought more. Even if he'd still lost (which since Vergo was destined to be defeated, I don't see why it couldn't be Smoker) he coulda put up a more impressive display to let us know he's not slipping up. A wild dog Marine promoted because he's too much to handle and not fired yet because he's too good to let go vs a long time infiltrator and breaker of JUSTICE. In the end that just ended up him doing like a trick or something then Law beat SteakFace.

You're exaggerating. Off the top of my head I can immediately recall him subduing Luffy during Marinford. It was whatshertits that saved him.
>> No. 30177
You can look at it that way, but Coby is way more Luffy's friend than his rival. He's never been anywhere close to Luffy physically, and his big moments have always been more helping the Pirate King than trying to arrest him.
>> No. 30178
>Never close physically.

Hurr hurr hurr.

Where were YOU during Marineford?
>> No. 30179
>Never close physically.

Hurr hurr hurr.

Where were YOU during Marineford?
>> No. 30180
>Never close physically.

Hurr hurr hurr.

Where were YOU during Marineford?
>> No. 30181
Say that one more time? I didn't hear you.
>> No. 30183
File 136030781291.jpg - (167.41KB , 800x1142 , one-piece-1100323.jpg )
...right here? That's got the most perfect example of it even.
>> No. 30184
Are you stupid? Coby got punched the fuck out at Marineford by Luffy, one-hit KO

Still that was then, Coby is increasing in strength and Haki through his training, he might one day actually be able to give Luffy a fight even if he never gets strong enough to actually beat him
>> No. 30185

I doubt it, Coby has an always will be a chump
>> No. 30186
He's Garp's disciple

One Piece COBY Post Timeskip: BEAST!youtube thumb
>> No. 30189
Can we count that though? It's from episode of Luffy
>> No. 30190
I see no reason to think it will clash with Coby's displayed abilities after the timeskip.

If he was a woman like Tashigi that would be different...
but no with the growth he's shown before, going from his start of series geek to what he became at Water7, now with a few more years of training and learning to use his awakened Haki I can see him being able to smash the shit out of huge inanimate objects easily enough,

Thats hardly a rare feat amongst the halfway decent strong brawlers at this point in the series
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