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File 135846616228.png - (304.22KB , 500x472 , zoro.png )
29857 No. 29857
Zoro is the lamest strawhat. His fighting style doesn't make any goddamned sense. At least Oda makes an EFFORT to explain everyone's else's abilities, but not Zoro. He doesn't have a devil fruit, he doesn't have ancient wisdoms, he doesn't set himself on fire via friction, he doesn't have cola power, even the crazy shit Usopp shoots makes sense when you consider his experience with fireworks. Zoro just does whatever the fuck Zoro wants for no other reason than "cause he's Zoro".
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>> No. 29858
File 135846621455.jpg - (8.71KB , 351x196 , zoro shooting a fucking dragon.jpg )
Pictured, Zoro shooting a fucking dragon out of his sword.
>> No. 29860
File 135846633697.png - (684.04KB , 1280x720 , zoro 3 fucking heads.png )
Pictured, Zoro growing extra limbs for no goddamn reason
>> No. 29861
File 135846638370.jpg - (6.77KB , 250x164 , zoro no sword style.jpg )
Pictured, no sword style.


>> No. 29862
It's a metaphorical dragon, and No Sword Style is just barehanded with a joke.
>> No. 29863
Zoro is goddamn rad, I just wish he had greater presence, I'm hoping Wano will accomplish that.
>> No. 29864
he shoots SWORD LAZERS

are those metaphors too?
>> No. 29865
That's just regular old waves of wind.
>> No. 29867
I agree, actually. Zoro is lame. That's why I almost fizzed at the mouth when I saw that stupid poll they had done over on the OP wiki. Something along the lines of "Which Strawhat's new powers are you most excited to see post timeskip?" Zoro beat everybody.
Really? Really? What's Zoro's new timeskip powers gonna be? Oh, is it that one where he swings his sword and a random jet of light shoots out to cut stuff? No way. Somebody put this man on the cover of Time for most accomplished and varied man of the year.

I don't want to say that most of the hardcore Zoro fanboys tend to be 13.. but most hardcore Zoro fanboys are indeed 13.
>> No. 29868
No that's just a visual effect for wind.
Zoro's no better than the others, but he's just as great as them all.
>> No. 29869

Can anybody even begin to explain this?
1. Zoro swings sword
2. Giant lazer dragon comes out
3. ?????
4. Zombie is now on fire
>> No. 29870
Yeah, I can. It's cool and this is shounen manga.

I don't think he's the lamest, but he's definitely not as great as his fans make him out to be. He's a 2 or so trick pony in terms of character depth, and he's only great as a "person" when he's doing something loyal to Luffy or being the stern right hand, which is way too rare.

It seems to be because the crew's size spreads development too thin. Go back to say, pre Drum Island times, Baratie and before. Zoro had a lot of stuff going on and a lot of potential to be a great character. But now we've got so many characters that he's blatantly been delegated to SUPER SWORDS AND LOST.
>> No. 29871
i was ready to defend zoro but you pretty much summed it up. he could've been great.
>> No. 29873
File 135847609892.png - (178.92KB , 800x600 , 16 sword style.png )
There's always 16-sword style to look forward too...
>> No. 29874
He's not on fire, THERE'S NO LASER DRAGON. He just hits the guy with everything he's got.
>> No. 29875
File 135847801511.jpg - (35.04KB , 1023x574 , Slash.jpg )
How the fuck do swords work
>> No. 29876
File 135848578698.jpg - (14.20KB , 150x166 , sardbean.jpg )
I have no idea.
>> No. 29877
zoro doesn't even need full health, its fucking bullshit
>> No. 29878
>He's not on fire
Oh, I guess it doesn't show it in that video, but after that attack, Ryuma is engulfed in blue flame.
>> No. 29879
Are you the one who's making these thread? You always show up and agree completely with the OP who posts like a retard so hard its like they are putting it on.
>> No. 29880
File 135850781357.jpg - (133.90KB , 400x561 , Franken Fran.jpg )
Zoro suffers from "lol I win" syndrome. He'll throw a bunch of attacks out and then one will make him win. No planning, no explanation. Just cause.
>> No. 29881
No. Anything else, friend?
>> No. 29882
File 135852555887.jpg - (89.42KB , 488x516 , nofunallowed.jpg )
>> No. 29883
I've never really liked the sword beams either to be honest, only because in the anime all it really does is knock people around instead of cutting them up.

All in all though, Zoro's a great character. I couldn't force myself to hate any of the strawhats.
>> No. 29884
File 135852947188.jpg - (63.82KB , 720x540 , zoro asura.jpg )
I like how no one's even touched Asura
>> No. 29885
Even in-comic nobody knows what the fuck's going on with that one.
>> No. 29886
I like Zoro and I'm not 13. It's the fact that he's a badass character with an insane amount of raw power. Then again you could say that to any strong character but Zoro's just cooler in a sense. He got trained my Mihawk and his loyalty and determination is incredible. A great asset to the Straw hats.
>> No. 29887
yeah, we want our comic about rubber pirates to make perfect sense

no weird powers or anything

not in our comic about rubber pirates
>> No. 29889

But Luffy's done that too.

Hell a lot of his attacks are just him making himself bigger/harder/etc.

The few times he uses his rubber powers in a clever manner it's against low level fodder.
>> No. 29890
Yeah! And for that matter, so does Sanji! And Nami! And Usopp! And Goku! And Naruto! In fact, every hero ever uses the strategy of "Use attacks to win fights"! Wake up, people!
>> No. 29891
File 135855252788.jpg - (237.15KB , 500x685 , step up senpai.jpg )
>No planning
>> No. 29892
>we want our comic about rubber pirates to make perfect sense
Yeah but see, when Luffy does this Oda gives an explanation. It can bee a silly explanation like "he stretches his veins to pump the blood faster", but it's an explanation none the less.

Zoro doesn't even get an ATTEMPT at an explanation for the crazy shit he pulls.
>> No. 29893
You don't need to explain it, because it'd just a fact of physics. Swords are the sixth Fundamental Force in the Universe, and it's well known that skill with swords is more or less sorcery.
>> No. 29894
>we want our comic about rubber pirates to make perfect sense
>It's an absurd premise so it never had to abide by its own rules or themes.
>> No. 29898
I don't recall it ever being stated in any of the rules or themes that people couldn't shoot sword beams or shit like that. If anything I'd be more surprised if you couldn't do things like that in the One Piece universe, based on the themes they had presented.

It was established in Chapter One that regular folk like Shanks could easily be the equals or betters of Devil Fruit users, and given how overpowered some Devil Fruit powers are, that would be impossible if people were limited to real world limitations on what physical feats could accomplish.
>> No. 29899
He doesn't even shoot beams, he shoots fucking wind. For fuck's sake, the first thing we see Mihawk do is cut a Goddamn battleship in half, ONE PIECE SWORDSMEN HAVE ALWAYS BEEN CRAZY.
>> No. 29900
>It was established in Chapter One that regular folk like Shanks could easily be the equals or betters of Devil Fruit users
yeah, with haki
which Oda thoroughly explained

that's kind of the entire point
>> No. 29901
I'm not really even talking about that.

I just think it's a shitty excuse to say "~Well it's aaaaaaaall goofy anyway~!".
Because it is, in total fact, a shitty excuse.
>> No. 29902
Haki's not the only way at all. That's only an equalizer for Logia-phasing.
>> No. 29903
It is certainly not only that.
>> No. 29904
If you're willing to accept that Sanji doesn't burn his own leg off because his heart is burning hotter (never explained in-comic btw) then I don't see why wind slashing is so fucking terrible.
>> No. 29920
Do you have autism?
>> No. 29923
Zoro uses his sword magic with the power of his heart.

This is a man who said "fuck physics" in the first arc when he started fighting (and speaking) with a sword in his mouth
>> No. 29924
>> No. 29928
Samurais being some sort of a spirit warrior is a popular trope in Japanese media.

The way I see it, Zoro is the least explained because his theme is the most common one. Japanese audience are all very familiar with samurai myths, ancient totem ghosts locked within bloodthirsty katanas, and physical manifestation of fighting spirit.

They cover that shit in Japan 101.
>> No. 29932

He's not even the least-explained.

Sanji's able to light his foot on-fire just cause too ya know.

I feel like the only reason Ussop/Nami get a pass is because their powers are given some pseudo-reasoning. Reasoning which is pretty handwavey and dumb (I mean seriously? Making hot and cold air from a staff lets me control the weather?) and Franky just has the excuse of "lul he's a cyborg he can do whatever he wants".

Robin/Chopper/Luffy/Brook have Devil Fruits and ergo basically magical powers as far as OP is concerned.

Really, Zorro/Sanji are the only straw hats who seem to have their powers come from actual fighting styles. Some manner of insane wushu/chi thing is up with them that lets them summon fire or create multiple arms and shit. And really? I have no issue if Oda just wants to say that training gets you some manner of crazy magical bullshit outside of Devil Fruit Powers. As long as it keeps fights interesting and characters fun I don't see a problem.
>> No. 29934
Zoro and Sanji are superhuman, it's easy, and a classification.
>> No. 30909
why is zoro so samurai like when there is an actual japan expy with swordsman specifically-titled as samurai (and lol they are so awesome even the world government is too scared to mess with them)

why did he come back wearing a samurai style outfit for the timeskip when he has been training with a swordsman who lived in a spooky castle and dressed very european
>> No. 33086
Personally I like Zoro, though I can totally agree with others here that he's kind of a one trick pony nowadays. Heck most Zoro fights seems to boil down to "Zoro gets his ass kicked a bunch until he beats the guy with one big attack" which is a tad disappointing sometimes.

My favorite Zoro moment in the entire series so far was at the end of the CP9 arc, when he threatened to quit the crew if Luffy apologized to Ussop. I was expecting the apology (from Luffy) before that happened, and it was nice to see someone basically say "no, he was acting like an asshole, he's gotta apologize to US." However, like someone else here said I don't think Zoro acts like the first mate often enough, you know making the tough choices for Luffy and all (I suppose Zoro's never officially been declared the first mate, but c'mon he pretty much is).

You know I partially blame there being so many Straw Hats now. I mean when you have to focus on 9-12 main characters (depending on who's with the Straw Hats at the time) then it just seems like most people are gonna stay as stereotypes most of the time. I also partially blame the fact that Zoro and Sanji almost always have to have a fight against a bad guy in every arc. If you have Zoro battling all the time, then some of his fight scenes are gonna seem kinda repetitive. But whatever, people would probably bitch if Sanji and Zoro didn't get their own fights each arc now.
>> No. 33088
This is one (of the many) reasons we can't/won't have any more Strawhats. The narrative just can't handle such a big focus. And I'm sure Oda realizes this.

Hell, some of the ones we have now STILL haven't gotten fully fleshed out.
>> No. 33089
You know, people are saying that, but Enies Lobby tends to be everybody's favorite arc for characterization and we've effectively only gained one Strawhat since, and Water Seven had a TON of side characters. We've had boatloads of named characters show up since, but they've been mostly worldbuilding or extras. The actual main and supporting casts aren't that much bigger.
>> No. 33090
Enies Lobby was very simplistic and actually didn't have that many people. There's also a difference between your main cast of protagonists and a side character. You can flesh out Kokoro all you want, but at the end of the day she's not a Strawhat, so it doesn't matter.
>> No. 33091
When people talk about Enies Lobby they usually mean Water 7+Enies Lobby which combined was definitely not simplistic in the slightest. It had a ton of stuff for Usopp/Robin/Franky, more than the entire crew has gotten since the timeskip combined.
>> No. 33094
I still fail to see the point you're trying to make.
>> No. 33097

Enies Lobby isn't simplistic.

This is important because...
wait what was the argument again?

What are you people even talking about?
>> No. 33098
I was talking about how we don't need/won't have any more Strawhats, and you went off on Enies Lobby not being simplistic..

So I dunno.
>> No. 33099
...why the fuck did half of you ever think you were going to enjoy One Piece? The answer to any question of "why" in this series is either "Because it's Funny," "Because it's Badass," or "Because it's dramatic." That's it. If you require more than that to be satisfied with a story, you are reading the wrong series.
>> No. 33101
File 139526218565.jpg - (50.64KB , 400x292 , feelit.jpg )
>> No. 33104
One Piece is anime Looney Toons, with a touch of Dragonball thrown in for flavor. Asking "Why can Zoro do X" is like asking why Bugs Bunny can pull a mallet out from behind his back to hit Elmer Fudd with when it would be funny to do so.
>> No. 33105
What's not to understand? Are you being purposefuly obtuse?
>> No. 33106
What does that have to do with the topic we were talking about?

No I'm being purposely acute.
>> No. 33107

Thread should have ended right here.
>> No. 33109
Stop shitposting.
>> No. 33110
File 139528764249.png - (573.83KB , 689x569 , 251315360761.png )
>ask a question to try and steer the conversation back on track

Oh I'm sorry, grandpa. Is this comatose board moving too fast for you?
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