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File 133927628731.jpg - (341.11KB , 638x504 , Geek_Usopp_by__syb.jpg )
26435 No. 26435
Old one reached 300 posts. You know what that means.
254 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 29514
I'm starting to wonder if Luffy will get a gear 4 where he just goes full giant and as a consequence of it has to deal with chibi exhaustion.

I just kinda miss chibi exhaustion.
>> No. 29528
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Oda has such great taste in music~
>> No. 29534
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>> No. 29536
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>Where are my swords?
>> No. 29538
Sexy Laaaady
Ohp Ohp
San-tor-ryu Style~
>> No. 29642
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>> No. 29643
I can't begin to express how saddened I am that this artist has stopped producing franky and robin art after the timeskip.
>> No. 29646
die you scumbag
>> No. 29650
File 135693554591.jpg - (130.75KB , 700x500 , 1355932005174.jpg )
I wonder if Luffy will ever become a manly handsome MAN like his gramps or if his rubber powers will still keep him so boyish looking throughout his life.
>> No. 29651
Every night.
>> No. 29679
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>> No. 29906
You know, it just dawned on my that the secret of the void century might ACTUALLY be bad shit that the WG is right in omitting from history.

I mean they were right in wiping BB's Impel crew outta the books.
>> No. 29907
Why didn't they just kill them instead of locking them up for the rest of their lives while wiping thier names from the every record?
Its not like they are superman-tier, it is possible to kill even strong people in One Piece once you have them confined, and it would be alot more effective and less resource-intensive than keeping them locked up until they die of old age.

Its not like Execution isn't something the marines and the world government do
>> No. 29913
They also swept under the rug the fact that they escaped, leaving civilians and possibly Marines unprepared and vulnerable to their evil deeds.
>> No. 29914
They also swept under the rug the fact that they escaped, leaving civilians and possibly Marines unprepared and vulnerable to their evil deeds.
>> No. 29916
>Why didn't they just kill them instead of locking them up for the rest of their lives while wiping thier names from the every record?
cause torture is worse than death?
>> No. 29917
Its not about which is worse, its about which is a less stupid idea.
Its like keeping the bears which ate your family alive in your basement and poking them with sticks. At a cost even.

If they want them gone so badly as to censor all information about them and their crimes not erasing their lives just seems kind dumb.
>> No. 29968
It annoys me when people act like a character is weak for not having a devil fruit.

Like someone actually saying Shanks, the dude who stopped a war by threatening to have him and his single crew join in, is weak because he "doesn't even have a DF".

Its like they somehow don't notice there are a number of big names who don't have one,
that its not the only way to become a strong fighter in this series.
>> No. 29971
I feel like that's going to be a big theme in the final arc
>> No. 29985
blackbeard steals the strawhats fruit powers?
>> No. 29990
Raftel's made of solid seastone. That's why so many pirates fail to make it there--so many of them use DF powers, and can't make the transition back to being Normals before the dangerous features/denizens of the island get them.
>> No. 29991
Eh I'm still wagering more on the island itself is nigh-impossible to reach, even when compared to the rest of the crazy oceans in the OP world
>> No. 29992

I can't imagine what it could be, it can't be up in the sky, we've done that, and it can't be down under water we've done that. A storm? Crazy ocean nonsense? we've already had sea snakes and the florian triangle what the heck can it be?
>> No. 29993
Raftel is in the one place that only one Strawhat is strong enough to go.

It's in your heart.
>> No. 29994
>> No. 29995
nigga please, Fisher Tiger already climbed like 10k
>> No. 29997
You get to the top, and it turns out that it's concentric circles of sheer cliff walls and Raftel is dead center.
>> No. 29998
Time and space are warped there because of whatever it is Roger's crew found and weren't able to truly understand due to being grog-swilling hoodlums and not brainy scholars.
The reason they were able to find their way to the island was because of Roger's ability to hear 'the voice of all things'.

Its about as likely as anything else. The main thing I cannot contemplate is One Piece actually ending.... its gone on so long and unlike the other members of the "Big Three" series its still staying stong.
>> No. 30007
The only way to reach Raftel is to be in a committed and openly romantic relationship like Roger was

That is the reason Gol D Roger could do it and not others, because its such a rare thing in this universe.
>> No. 30008
There goes Luffy's chance at becoming Pirate King.
>> No. 30010
> unlike the other members of the "Big Three" series its still staying stong.

I think thereès a very specific reason for that: Unlike the other two, and frankly unlike a lot of long form fiction, One Piece has never significantly strayed off or accomplished the initial plot goal of the series- Luffy becoming Pirate King.

16 years, and it's still gradually moving towards that conclusion, but in a way that maintains the wacky adventurism of the early series while constantly revealing further complexity in the world.
>> No. 30083
I wanna pick up the manga, currently finished Thriller Bark in the anime.
Should I go on and backtrack all the way to volume one? I understand that I'll miss all the cover stories and such bonuses.

Back in the day when I dropped Naruto I picked up the manga from where I stopped, got to the latest chapter and then picked up the rest.

Granted that was nearly ten years ago so it wasn't as much of a chore.

Opinionate me.
>> No. 30084

If you're reading in scanlation, there's a big chunk of the early series where the scans are truly awful. Not DUWANG level but still really bad.

I wouldn't advise you against it because the manga is really great, but you wouldn't be missing out on much by just jumping in where the anime left you off.
>> No. 30085
just read the first page of every chapter to get the cover stories (they start around chapter 50 I think)
>> No. 30201
It annoys me on /a/ when entire threads are derailed by people claiming Shanks is weak in general.
And they used the fact that he lost his arm in the past to 'only' the bite of a gigantic sea monster while saving Luffy as proof, as if strong people in One Piece haven't been wounded by mundane things before.

Even Whitebeard wasn't bulletproof
>> No. 30202
It's kind of a huge recurring theme in One Piece that no one is invincible? Whitebeard fell to normal everyday gunfire, Haki exists pretty much solely to counter Logias, and then recently Law proved that Haki isn't enough to completely negate DFs. Luffy regularly loses to his opponents multiple times before finally defeating them.

There's a pretty excellent power balance in OP.
>> No. 30205
Yeah, it's not DBZ. The superhumans of One Piece are still not gods. Even Shicka Shicka Slim Shady got killed by a thoroughly ordinary assassin, albeit he came back thanks to defibrillating himself.
>> No. 30207
>normal everyday gunfire

Yeah a lot of it

And sword stabs

And fucking lava

Cannon balls

>> No. 30208
Hey, we said not invincible, we didn't say it'd be easy.
>> No. 30210
The point seems to be he's not invulnerable like Superman.

If a seaking chomped down on his arm then it would come off, like what happened to younger Shanks when he was rushing to swim through the ocean and had little time to get Luffy out of the way
>> No. 30211
Or diseases actually mattering.
>> No. 30213
To be fair Goku was killed by an alien heart disease(?) in an alternate timeline and would have died from it in the normal timeline if not for Trunks.
>> No. 30214
Was it Alien? I straight up thought he just had a heart disease.
>> No. 30215
Nevermind, I just realized by his very nature it has to be alien to affect him.
>> No. 30216
Hell for that matter doctors actually mattering.
>> No. 31392
Anyone else think the series has lost a bit of its magic in recent years? :(
>> No. 31396
>> No. 31412

Has anyone updated this for Dressrosa?
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