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22110 No. 22110

A pat on the back for everybody here who saw the ending coming.
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>> No. 22111
Goddamn look at Wyper's hair.

Anyway, I was going to tell the anti-Jinbes GG, but it really wasn't. Spinning around in arguments circles for months gets old fast. Of course, he doesn't even have to actually say yes for me to be right, but having the good old Shishigoomba on the crew would provide me with infinitely more tears to feast on.
>> No. 22112
This shouldn't be about spite.
We should be happy to accept a new member so dedicated to Straw Hat and the crew. Someone who represents the mending heart of a nation scorned by the actions of a corrupt and paranoid surface.
>> No. 22113
I can't say that I like it, but if Jinbe's really here to stay, I trust Oda to make it work.

If this chapter's end is anything to go by, it may turn out better than I expected.
>> No. 22114
Oh my god the reaction all over the net is HILARIOUS. ODA Y U SUCK NOW??!?!? jinbe more like jinboring lol mirite? LUFFY IS LIKE ROGER
>> No. 22115
But the law...

I'm a pirate.

Damn he's cool.

That said, bawwww the new crewmate's not a woman. I just want another female main character, okay. :(
>> No. 22116
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Deal with it.

Nah, I'm joking. Seriously, though, why do people expect women to join the crew? One Piece isn't really feminist in any way, so it isn't that. Oda never said that he wanted more woman, or that women should balance out the men. Hell, on his original crew sketches there was only one woman at all. Why do people want them anyway? All it would really mean would be more fights for them to not have. I doubt Oda is going to change his style any time soon.
>> No. 22117
Oh, Chopper. Not exactly the brightest reindeer in the world, for such a brilliant doctor.
>> No. 22118
Basically this.

It wouldn't be my first choice, and I hope next chapter he refuses, but I'll be OK with it. I trust Oda.
>> No. 22119
Well, I personally want one because I'm a woman, and it's validating to have people of the same gender as you in your favorite stories. People like seeing people like them. Same reason people get upset when, say, Katara and Sokka are cast as white kids or Oracle's legs are retconned to be fixed. Despite being 50% of the population, women somehow end up being treated like a minority in media so you grab what you can.

Guy generally don't understand that feeling due to the whole sausage festival + maybe 1 token chick (2 if you're lucky) that's the norm in so many forms of media.

I know Oda isn't feminist (though he gets points for breaking away from his old sameface samebody ladies and drawing some girls who looks just as weird as the guys), and I'm not demanding he be. But it would be nice to have another female character.

Canonically, however, people expected a women to join due to Oda's SBS distribution of the Strawhats as a family having an empty spot where the grandma's supposed to be. Therefore, the assumption was that it'd be filled.

But hey, maybe Jinbei's up for it.
>> No. 22120

Family structure, man! We needed a grandma, but I guess we're getting an uncle.

And yeah, as cool as Robin and Nami's powerups are, their lack of big two-page splashes shows that they're still not really in the spotlight, which saddens me. I guess one of the good things about a female crew member would be a sign of him becoming more feminist, but that doesn't seem to be happening. (Not that I'd mind another well-characterized and dangerous lady, even if she didn't get the big fight scenes.)

IN OTHER NEWS I guess Caribou dumped the ladies to make room for more treasure?
>> No. 22121
Jimbei will obviously be the best grandma ever.
>> No. 22122

The question is, how will the strawhats lose the treasure they get from beating him up THIS time?
>> No. 22123
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention, if he's gonna join I'm glad that it happened like this. Very dramatic, very significant.
>> No. 22124

It's nice to see that my Jinbe4newkama movement is gaining even more momentum and popularity than Jinbe4nakama ever did.
>> No. 22125
See I wouldn't mind a female crew mate, but no one really had the build up or the same level of skill and they've been needing a merman or maid forever.

But again, no tell if he'll accept.
>> No. 22126
Jinbe is so fucking boring
>> No. 22127
I find it hilarious that whenever anyone shows a connection with Captain Huge Head, any past connection at all, they become a perfect canidate for Newkama.

Fish Gramps might not fit in the crew as an asthetic famly structure sense, but as far as story and world lore go, I can't think of a better choice at this time.
>> No. 22128
In or out, the amount of unnesisary drama is going to be biblical.

Next week is going to be insane.
>> No. 22129
No, he's disciplined, unlike half of the brain damaged or neurotic strawhats.

He's just not WHACKY HI-JINKS and comedic reactions all over the place and even then if he does end up going with them he'll probably turn out to have some quirks.
>> No. 22130
Just imagine Jinbe telling the Strawhats....

You rack disciprineyoutube thumb
>> No. 22131
He already does. They're just subtle. "A name for the plan...!"

So, how do you all think the anime is going to voice the sea kings?
>> No. 22132
He's probably still in the palace, in Shirahoshi's room.
>> No. 22133
All of them will be Norio Wakamoto.
>> No. 22134

Being in the same general area as someone who can randomly change your gender on a whim and refuse to turn you back is suffering.


I know right. The denouement is always my favorite part of every arc because of stuff like this. Also, the obligatory shift to other characters like the world powers.
>> No. 22135
Thats what Jinbe's role in the crew would be

The Captain's emergancy bloodbank
>> No. 22136
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Aw lawrdy
>> No. 22137
>> No. 22138
Are the people saying that Robin and Nano, possibly the two smartest strawhats, that happen to be women are not enough and somehow adding another woman would "balance" the crew out. It isn't sexist to not add another female, adding a new crew member based solely on gender is sexist.

That said, I fucking love Jinbei/Jimbe/ Jim Bean. If he does join the monster trio will be thrown out of whack for sure, it doesn't really seem to exist due to the fact everyone seems to be a monster in their own right now.
>> No. 22140

Obviously meant Nami, stupid phone.
>> No. 22141
Oh here we go.
>> No. 22142

This made me laugh tremendously.
>> No. 22143
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Oh boy am I too late to be butthurt about people joining/not joining? And hey, look at that, perfect shoop material on the cover of this chapter!
>> No. 22144

I think none of those are their official animals. What's the matter, sword shark too complicated?
>> No. 22145

Another translation! It's probably worse, but the ending speech about blood/prejudice makes more sense here, and it seems the Urashina...Urashima...the Urashindig Casket got stolen by Caribou.
>> No. 22146
I was dreading Jinbe joining but now that it's finally here, I guess I have no choice but to get used to it. Which I'm sure I will.

I'm looking forward to whatever the next arc is, and I swear to god if someone quotes me talking about a moon arc..
>> No. 22147

Woops, looks like this time the asshole is me. I didn't notice that the mangastream mistranslated that part and so I didn't mention it. Sorry if any dudes didn't know until now because of that!
>> No. 22148
Question: Does the original state that the mermaids can identify their kidnapper, or can't? The translations state totally opposite things there.
>> No. 22149
Robin is plenty disciplined but she is not boring. Jinbe does nothing for me, never has.
>If he does join the monster trio will be thrown out of whack for sure
Remember when Franky could fight evenly with Luffy
>> No. 22150

It's probably because you don't get the subtle humor in his "false straight man" act, which he slips into whenever he's not actively involved in a battle to the death. It's understandable, because A: most FI translations have been pretty shit, and B: the last 2 crewmembers are so outrageous that you'd have to be literally braindead to not notice their humor.


Sorry guy but I don't think that particular page has come out as a raw scan. Personally I don't think them being able to identify Caribou would make sense, or matter.
>> No. 22151
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>Jinbe as nakama
>> No. 22152
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Deal with it.
>> No. 22153
At least he's entertaining in that gif. GG.
>> No. 22154
Wait, what the fuck is an F-blood type?

Is the Japanese blood type system different than ours?
>> No. 22155
F Type = Fish Type

didn't you pay attention in fantasy biology 101?
>> No. 22156

I'm going to use this on /a/... because they are easy as hell to troll.
>> No. 22157
File 132269187392.png - (470.93KB , 375x536 , bigmamashouse.png )
next arc
>mfw Big Mam is the next female nakama
>> No. 22158
next arc
>mfw Big Mam is the next female nakama
>> No. 22159
Except that person on the picture is Big Mom, not Kaidou.
>> No. 22160
Then why does Luffy have it?
>> No. 22161
Because Oda jumped the whaleshark and Jinbe sucks.
>> No. 22162

I bet you think Sabo is dead.
>> No. 22163
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Please continue, this is beautiful.
>> No. 22164

I bet you think Oda is dead.
I bet you think Tiki is dead.

Does the nakama discussion seem eerily similar to the shipping discussions in more piglike fandoms? You have your canon nakama, your "they totally should have joined!" nakama, random never-spoken-to-the-crew nakama, crack nakama like zombie Ace, nakama fanboys that throw shitfits whenever someone does/doesn't/almost does join...
>> No. 22165
Nope. Sabo is alive. Jinbe sucks. Problem?
>> No. 22166

I bet you think Jinbe is dead.
>> No. 22167
Yeah, fuck off.
>> No. 22169
well time to watch a bunch of idiots dance around the monkey cage and act like this is the end of OP as we know it.

Ahhh good times~
>> No. 22170
I really don't understand WHY though.

It doesn't make any sense why this is such a problem.

Further more, doesn't Oda deserve some trust?
>> No. 22171
What color is Jinbe gonna have?
We already have two people with variations of blue .. no more.

WOOPS, look at that. Looks like there aren't any colors available for Jinbe; he can't join. So sad.
>> No. 22172
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>> No. 22173
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guys how can jimbei join the crew if he can't fit through the door?
>> No. 22174
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Franky is FUCKED I take it.
>> No. 22175
Jinbe can't fit through doors, can't join. So sad.
>> No. 22176
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Franky's already on and is a robot, he can probably make his way through a door.

Jimbei though.
>> No. 22177
Franky is at least double his size.
>> No. 22178

Jimbei is almost 10 feet tall
>> No. 22179
>I really don't understand WHY though.

People are just upset that they don't have what they think would be a better addition. They want a character that's "wacky enough" for the crew. The last two people that joined in had very unusual attitudes, and that set an expectation in what sort of person hops aboard. People find him "boring" because he isn't as crazy or mysterious as the others, like a Robin or Zoro without a mysterious past. Honestly, I think Zoro is a more 'boring' character than Jinbei.

Same way Franky does. Considering Jin's smaller.
>> No. 22181
oh you make me somad etc.
>> No. 22183
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This is now officially a half piece thread.
>> No. 22184
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all you guys are idiots
>> No. 22185
Feel free.
Lucky, such nonsense will only be valid for a week.
>> No. 22186
Franky's transformations do not work that way.
Good night.

This, I support.
>> No. 22188
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>> No. 22189
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>mfw this thread
>> No. 22190
Either way dude.

In or not, there will be drama and trolling, then it will subside and people will accept it.

Just like Robin(Doesn't act like a Strawhat, just leaching on), Franky (He mugged Usopp, He's not Paulie or Kaku), and Brook (too weird (I know), Not a woman).
>> No. 22191
>He's not Paulie or Kaku

>> No. 22192
I'm pretty ok with Jinbei joining, he can stand and stare with the women.
>> No. 22193
>Doesn't act like a Strawhat, just leaching on
>leaching on

How fucking dare you? Is this what Jinbe is doing to you plebeians? Making you turn on original, core members? You should be flogged for you insolence!

>or Kaku
No one ever expected Kaku to join. And if they did, they're bigger idiots than these Jinbe fanboys.
>> No. 22194
>Reaction on Robin something
That was the reaction from many people (not me) regarding her a while before W7.

A pattern has formed.

I hope you're entertained by all this. You seem to be making the most of it.
>> No. 22195

Oda, truly is the greatest. The gap between the question and answer is creating exponentially more hurt feelings than Jinbe joining or not joining would have alone. This is the greatest OP bitchfest I have ever seen in real time, easily demolishing Perona/Hancock not joining, Ace's death, and frantic Pauly supporters helplessly flailing chapter after chapter, slowly losing hope. I wish today would never end <3
>> No. 22196
You're a monster.
>> No. 22197
What if it's the haoshoku haki that lets let them talk to sea kings?
>> No. 22198
I say Jimbei is gonna decline the offer but Princess Shirahoshi will become the new nakama instead: she's a girl, she's a mermaid, she communicates with seakings and is gigantic. Her job will be to pull the Sunny around so they don't have to depend on the wind or Coups de Burst. Since she can live in the water they won't have to invite her into the Sunny.

Calling it now, Shirahoshi will be the next nakama.
>> No. 22199
So she'll become their mule? Seems legit.
No one from this arc should join.
>> No. 22200

Dumb. If you're going to root for 0% chances at least do it half the arc ago when it was popular.
>> No. 22201

Well that's good! Because Jinbei has been in SEVERAL Arcs leading up to this!
>> No. 22202
And that's another reason he doesn't fit in. No one else has spent that many arcs without joining.
>> No. 22203

What if Jinbe was a 20-something kawaii fishwoman with giant titties. Would you be cheering right now? Answer honestly.
>> No. 22204
Nope. Preferably the last crew member should be a man.

Someone already put it best earlier: a female would just be more wasted space who'd never get any interesting battles.
>> No. 22205
And if we're going by xth's
Robin again
>> No. 22206
Well hey now, Nami and Robin aren't wasted space.
>> No. 22208
None of those were introduced about 4 arcs (not to mention two years) before joining the crew.

Honestly, yes. I wanted the last member to be a fishwoman; though I don't see what the big boobs or age have to do with it. I just wanted variety. And variety that stood out.

On an unrelated topic, anyone else having problems loading pictures on here? I keep getting that "Failed to write disk" whatever message.
>> No. 22209
How long did it take for Robin to really join the strawhats?
>> No. 22210
>Jin, a fishman Shares his blood with a luffy, a human.
>This has never been done, at least as far as we know.
>Jinbei has defied the law, reaffirmed his piracy, and has given his very lifeblood to Luffy.
>While doing so, he poetically reflects on the nature of overcoming prejudices.
>His dream would likely be to build a bridge between cultures to act as a sort of representative to the human world.

I would honestly be surprised if he didn't join at this point, but we'll see. I'm not one to predict Oda.
>> No. 22211
Oh, and that little narration thing after Luffy asks Jimbei to join.
>> No. 22213
She was introduced at the end of Whiskey Peak. Drum and Little Garden (both diminutive arcs), and then Arabasta. That's it.

Jinbe: Impel Down, Marineford, Post-War arc, (TWO YEARS), Return to Sabaody, Fishman Island.
I wouldn't be so peeved about all this if it wasn't for the fact he was hamfisted through that timeskip. It was supposed to be a clean slate; next member someone brand new from the New World. No, let's just add this old background dude because lolfish and karate.
I've always seen Jinbe on the same level as Rayleigh, Hancock and Ivankov. It's like any one of those joining the crew full time -- equally as ridiculous in my book.
>> No. 22214
If Jinbe doesn't join, it'll be because he needs to protect fishman island. I doubt this, however, and I'm sure he will join.

I won't be happy at first because I wanted another femal crewmate for variety, but I'll get used to it like I got used to the new designs. Oda has a way of making me love everything he sets his mind to.
>> No. 22215
So just being on the ship means it's official then. Luffy may have accepted her but to her it was just another means to her continued research until Water 7.

Regardless, why should it matter? So we've known about his existence longer, why does that change anything?

And why would he need to? They have a princess that can summon sea kings.
>> No. 22216
Can we talk about others things in this arc?

How the fuck do seakings work? Is each one unique or do they belong to a species? Do each species communicate together if they're big enough? Why do we see this particular group time and time again? They're obviously capable of coherent thought and a shared duty. They also acknowledge that they have a king, a mermaid king. Are they the ones with the power to destroy the world, or is it Shirahoshi's ability? What's the ship for? What family's power is needed to restore the ship? Can the citizens of fishman island fix the ship? and what the fuck is the promise? A lot of information was unloaded here dudes, and its not all about jinbe.
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