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39812 No. 39812
If you aren't watching True Detective you are making a mistake.
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>> No. 39813
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A big one.
>> No. 39814
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Irritated Harrelson is best Harrelson.
>> No. 39817
Not sure if I can take a dose of both Mcconaughey and Harrelson and survive, but I'll try
>> No. 39819
Got 10 minutes in before I fell in love.

Holy hell the FEEL of this show is just amazing. 10/10 Tiki knows his shit.
>> No. 39820
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Glad to hear it, it's not just on a story level either, the cinematography is true beauty, in the 4th episode "Who Goes There" (A title in reference to the story that inspired The Thing and is used here for it's reference to how changed a person can be before they cease to be that person) there is an extended, non-stop 10 minute action scene.

It's FUCKING ROUGH, there is a locker room confrontation between the two over a wholly mundane subject that while of character signifigance doesn't at all pretain to the case that is one of the tensed scenes I can recall in recent memory of anything on television, HBO or otherwise.

This is my votes for best new intro in YEARS.

True Detective - Intro / Opening Scene HDyoutube thumb
>> No. 39821
>That long take in episode 4
>This acting
>This music
>This tone
>These characters
>These fucking references to The King in Yellow

I can not put into words how much I adore this show. This is my new Breaking Bad. Also a wife of a detective who is completely likeable? When does that happen?
>> No. 39823
I really hope whatever stories/characters they use for the second season can maintain the superior quality of the show.
>> No. 39824
I really hope whatever stories/characters they use for the second season can maintain the superior quality of the show.
>> No. 39825
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From what I understand it will swap it's cast out completely each season (though there may be some overlap, we dunno exactly yet) which screams preserved quality to me.

Apparently it's on the nature of being a detective rather than any specific one.
>> No. 39826

Fuck that was rough, the realization and immediate anger of Rust was heart breaking.
>> No. 39837
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>> No. 39842
I'm actually not sure how much I dig on this show. The visual stylings are good, the settings and tone are very gritty, I'm always down for Mcconaughey and Harrelson, and aesthetically, the show seems very well put together.

But this feels kinda of... retreadish? I mean, I can barely think of a show that really treats the subject with the same level of seriousness. All the same, I feel like this subject matter is kind of old hat, y'know? Serial Killers, Grizzled Detectives with big personal flaws, gritty realism. In the second episode Harrelson confesses to sleeping around on his wife, and I just felt bored by it , y'know? It's kind of trite, but even if I can't name a specific show, it feels very retreadish. I'm having a lot more fun with Almost Human, even if that show is goofy and camp. Although maybe that's the difference, it's been forever since I've seen a good goofy and camp cop show.
>> No. 39869
Keep with it at least until the shoot out, then things will start to WILDLY exceed any expectations you have.
>> No. 39879
"Family been here a long time."

Rust's handling of Maggie was sooooo satisfying. Also felt a lot for Marty in this ep. I mean, he deserved what happened to him and he knows it, but still.

Good episode. Rejoice, etc., Microwaving babby is a bad idea.
>> No. 39880
Oh hell yes this episode was incredible.
>> No. 39913
That was a pretty good ending. I was hoping that more questions would be answered, like the business with the Yellow King and Carcosa, and more on the cult itself. Though really I was okay with it since I had read that this was more about showing what being a detective is rather than entirely about the case. And reading those other stories that were used as inspiration for the show might help too.

Very curious to see what the next season will be like, and if there will be any connections between the two.
>> No. 39915
That was an EXPERIENCE.
>> No. 39916
That fight scene was intense as fuck. I legit thought both of them were going to die at the start of the fight, and then at least Rust at the end.

That bromance at the end was beautiful.
>> No. 39918
>From what I understand it will swap it's cast out completely each season

Kind of like what Marty was saying about his "writing" to that old friend of his when he was asking for the files. I think it's a great idea.
>> No. 39952
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Just started watching this, two episodes in and this is already 150% my jam. I am so fucking down for CSI: Innsmouth (even if nothing actually supernatural ever appears - I don't know one way or another, I've been avoiding spoilers).

Seriously though what the fuck is this shit? These kids are creeping me out.
>> No. 39955
Got all the way through and it's probably one of the best Grizzled Cop stories I've ever seen. It doesn't place high in my personal favs for the year because like I said, as fresh as some of this shit is, as was previously mentioned, a lot of it is really old hat. Very good series though
>> No. 39957
Just finished it. That was fucking great. I love how the supernatural elements were kept almost entirely in the realm of the Fantastic, int he structuralist sense: ambiguous as to whether something truly supernatural is taking place or not. Rust's hallucinations provide a perfect vessel for it; is he really hallucinating, or is he "mainlining the secret truth of the universe" as he put it back at the beginning of the season? Rust would tell you they're just hallucinations, but we as the viewer can't be sure. This is probably the best approach, as confirmed supernatural risks hokiness and disproven supernatural comes off as a red herring.

I don't know if they'll be able to bottle this lightning again for season two, but I'm eagerly anticipating watching them try.

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