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38930 No. 38930
Okay so, I know its been a long long time since the +4chan radio was a thing. But there was a song about Flash in it about how slow everything is for him, and it had a sad tone to it. Would anyone happen to know what that song was? Hell, would anyone have a list of all the songs from the old +4chan radio? I enjoyed a lot of them, but I forgot just about everything except the fact that Megas XLR's theme was on it.
>> No. 38931
The Ballad of Barry Allen
by Jim's Big Ego

As for the rest, I don't know.
But considering your request I can imagine you could maybe find one or two in the /co/ soundtrack project on /coc/.
>> No. 38935
Oh, thanks man. I'll go check that out.
>> No. 38966
I can remember about a dozen of them or so, but that only goes so far.
I'll scour through to see what might have sprung up from there. Though I will say that there were a lot of them that didn't really have anything to do with comics or cartoons.
>> No. 38967
I can remember about a dozen of them or so, but that only goes so far.
I'll scour through to see what might have sprung up from there. Though I will say that there were a lot of them that didn't really have anything to do with comics or cartoons.
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