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37549 No. 37549
It left like a billion plot threads hanging, but it was pulled off so well I can't get mad at it. I guess that just gives us time to speculate, then!

Are they're planning to follow things up with the movie or another season? Because I seriously wonder if that would work for a movie.
>> No. 37634
Sally Sitwell pushed Lucille 2 and set up all the Bluths to make it look like they all have a motive for doing it.

In other news some guy on Reddit re-edited the episodes together in chronological order. His cuts are kind of awkward in places but he couldn't change the narration so it's understandable. It's up on thepiratebay now.
>> No. 37638
It really does require multiple viewings.
I had completely missed that the reason all these twins kept showing up was because George Michael got put into a twin dorm.
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