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37464 No. 37464
Place your bets! Will 12th Be Male or Female, Black or White. Or just the plunger someone fished out of the loo and stuck a hat on?
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>> No. 39341
Yea that is a thought, tried to eat the infinite.
>> No. 39365
Oh Rifftrax has another "Doctor Who" serial featuring the Grand Moff Peter Cushing
>> No. 39368
i'm literally crying right now into a beer thinking of matt smith leaving.
he wasn't even my favorite doctor, but my god was he a good one.
>> No. 39469
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Goodnight, sweet prince.
>> No. 39470
Like most of the series under moffat it was carried completely on the strength of the actors and succeeds in spite of the plot rather than because of it.
>> No. 39471
New rule of Who: Any time there's a sequence of a narrator talking over a montage of things happening, that sequence will be the worst part of the episode, if not the whole season.

That said, the episode was enjoyable. Wrapped up some loose ends from the Smith era and the plot mostly held together. Great goodbye scene from Matt. Not a worthy followup to the 50th Anniversary Special but fuck, what could be?

Sure as a shit a better exit than Tennant got.
>> No. 39472
I do like the idea that since he got a new set of regenerations, the Second First Doctor is old like the first one was.
>> No. 39473
>> No. 39482
i thought they handled the old plot holes in a particularly cute "fuck-off" sort of way. it makes kovarian's order seem patently idiotic for going through such an ass backward way of trying to end the doctor, but hell, let's go with it. it's a science fantasy show. i can forgive most of that.

what frustrated me to no end was 1) why you gotta be such a shit to your friend clara? goddammit treat her like the equal she is. she's lived almost as long as you in some sense. even rory got more love in his farewell and he got offed with no one watching. that was outright demeaning. 2) what the fuck does this do to the plot consistency with trenzalore in The Name of the Doctor? teh fuck is that? teh fuck is this?

Moffat is sometimes the very definition of half-baked. He has all the right ingredients to keep me happy but puts them together wrong in a flurry of trying to make a spectacle of it all. Also he can be unwittingly sexist and canon-destroying. Why you gotta do the Sontarans like that? I thought only Strax's batch was full of idiots.


i liked it despite its flaws. for that i'd be a fool to not be grateful for what they did deliver on. especially the actors.
>> No. 39483
Wow holy fuck, there was actually an extended version of the "so long, Rose, so long blue-suit Doctor" scene from Journey's End that managed to be a bajillion times worse than the one that made the final cut.

God fuck, we may bitch about Moffat but I would not have RTD back for a second.
>> No. 39484
woo the doctor having an intelligible accent again.
>> No. 39485
It was time for him to move on, but I found myself actually caring about Doctor who instead of being like "welp time to watch this convoluted nonsense that I haven't liked for more than two years not that it was on for most of that thanks to the terrible scheduling."

Like, Moffat is also at a point where he should really move on.

God, I'm in the place with Doctor that most people are in with Naruto and Bleach.
>> No. 39486
I actually felt the weight of being The Doctor with Matt Smith
>> No. 39487
Like I've said that's not the story, that's acting, that's all Mat Smith and the cast; the story is garbage, like this entire season is SUPER lackluster but the actors have carried it and kudos to them for being able to turn this shit into something workable.
>> No. 39488
Next one seems to have the look hope he can carry the idea. I did like the abruptness of his switch over and I wonder if Clara is going to stay on as his companion. Also when is the next series planned to commence?
>> No. 39489

See for me it was the exact opposite. The end of RTD's tenure was so blindingly awful that it killed all my interest in the series. Even after he was gone, I couldn't be arsed to watch another episode until it was well into series seven, when I got caught up because I heard you guys talking about The Impossible Astronaut and wanted to see the Doctor interact with Richard Nixon.

Moffat should probably move on, but he's nowhere near that point for me.
>> No. 39490
But no seriously, this extended scene is so bad. I'm going to have to transcribe it just so you guys can understand how bad it is. It's from the deleted scenes from the series four DVDs, and it's the scene at Bad Wolf Bay. RTD, who introduces the clips, says that it was cut because the new TARDIS stuff was a bit too complicated for an already complicated ending, but he likes the scene and would like to insert it back in in some future release.

Rose and Lefty and standing off to one side while Donna and the actual Doctor are standing nearer to the TARDIS. Rose walks up to Lefty and places her hand on his chest.

DOCTOR: Oh, and don't forget this.

The DOCTOR is holding what looks like a piece of coral.

DOCTOR: This universe is in need of defending. Chunk of TARDIS.

He tosses it to Lefty.

DOCTOR: Grow your own.

LEFTY: That takes thousands of years!

DOCTOR: No, because-

DONNA: If you shatterfy the plasma shell, and modify the dimensional stabilizer to hold a harmonic of 6.3, you accelerate the growth power by sixteen-aught.

DOCTOR AND LEFTY: ...we never thought of that.

DONNA: I'm real brilliant.

Lefty smiles.

DOCTOR: The Doctor, in the TARDIS, with Rose Tyler, just as it should be.

ROSE: What about you?

DOCTOR: Oh, I'm fine, I've got Madame.

DONNA: Human with a Time Lord brain. Perfect combination. We could travel the universe forever. Best friends...and equals. That's just what skinny needs, an equal.

This is, I should point out, literally the scene before the one in which Donna starts breaking down and gets mindraped. To say nothing of how he's exiling Lefty to the other universe for being super dangerous but for some reason he's willing to let him grow his own TARDIS? I thought not having a TARDIS was the entire point of giving him the boot. Ugh. Just. Fuck everything. Fuck RTD.
>> No. 39491
Fucking fall of next year, but I'm done with the series till Moffat's out, that finale was proof to me there is nothing worth watching.

Yup, the opposite, I could totally go on about Moffat like that.
>> No. 39492
Don't you know, knowing your future changes it instantly.
Unless you're reading it in a book, then that sets it in stone forever.
>> No. 39521
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If there was anything that convinced me Rose was just Davies self insert it was that scene. Rose gets her own goddamn universe, Doctor, and TARDIS with her parents back together again. Meanwhile Donna gets mindraped and has her character development ripped away, and Martha gets paired with Mickey because Davies forgot she was fucking engaged already.

By the point the End of Time rolled around and ended up being one of the worst episodes I've ever seen, I wasn't just ready for Davies to be gone, I wanted someone to choke him with his own damn scripts. Moffat may have his issues but I'll take his writing any day over ever having to go back to that travesty.
>> No. 39523
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I agree with you about Donna, that was some hardcore bullshit. But in my opinion, Moffat has exceeded RTD's crimes with a few simple Tweests.

>Good Man Goes to War: The Doctor just kind of forgets he hates killing for a while, and in fact gleefully arranges the deaths of many across Moffat's entire run.
>River "I'm Super Special and Probably Gave Moffat a BJ" Song
>That tear-jerking scene in which the Doctor abandons older, wiser Amy Pond for a younger, sexier Amy Pond whom he knew was a fake, effectively murdering an old friend to save a photocopy
>Amy's forced coma-pregnancy and delivery in a supposed kid's show, aka Stephen going "How much /d/ can we get past the censors?"
>Forced lesbians, because Moffy needs something to crank it to after he leaves the set

I'm sorry, but Stephen "Shyamalan" Moffat is the most obnoxious show runner I've ever seen do television. RTD's goofs and gaffes barely come close to the horrific, depressing trainwreck of a show Who turned into under Moffsy. The entire spirit of the show was humanist: people are misguided, but they have the potential to be great and do great things. Now it's just about how "awesome" the Doctor is without ever giving us any actual reason why he's so "awesome" and hey, he kills people too because that's "badass." That's why I'm dropping the show regardless of delicious Capaldi, I just can't put up with the hijacking of the show's message anymore.
>> No. 39524
I have to agree. Yeah end of time sucked hard but moffats just been worse since mid-5th season.
>> No. 39525

I just can't agree. Those are all issues (except for one, which I'll get to in a moment), but on every single one RTD was as bad or worse (I mean really, do you actually think RTD wasn't jerking it to Captain Jack?), and his stories made significantly less sense and were far more sloppily written. And if you think RTD's who was humanist, and not dependent on Doctor-worship, you really weren't paying attention during Last of the Time Lords.

And, uh, the Doctor has always been willing to kill. It's not his favorite thing to do, he'd prefer an ending where everybody lives, but especially when he's pissed off he's willing to do it. Hell, first two episodes of New Who (Rose and The End of the World) feature the Doctor murdering the Nestene Consciousness and then standing there and angrily watching Cassandra die gruesomely when saving her life would be as easy as splashing a glass of water on her (yes, she didn't actually die, but he didn't know that). Setting a bit of a tone there, I'd say. The real problem with killing in New Who is RTD's ridiculous hedging about it towards the end of his run (again, see The Last of the Time Lords).

And he took Demon's Run specifically in a way that would minimize loss of human life (Jenny says 'without a drop of blood spilled' which isn't strictly true, since there were some casualties between the soldiers and the Headless Monks, but none spilled by the Doctor's forces and if you take a whole military base with only like four or five casualties I'd say it's close enough) so between that and your frankly bizarre reading of The Girl Who Waited, I'm not sure how well you know what you're talking about.
>> No. 39526
>> No. 39527
I mean, for goodness' sake, the entirety of new Who (up until the 50th Anniversary Special anyway) is premised on the Doctor committing double genocide and then feeling kinda conflicted about having committed double genocide. The idea that the Doctor being willing to kill is something Moffat introduced to the series is counterfactual to the point of sillyness.
>> No. 39529
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Which is even funnier when you consider that the Doctor has frequently killed when he had to dating back to William Hartnell trying to bash a caveman's head in with a rock because he got in his way. This is a man who doesn't like to kill but by fuck he'll do it if he has to or if someone's fucking with his friends.
>> No. 39535
I for one actually enjoy this overlord, flaws and all.
>> No. 39559

Now that I've rewatched that episode (one of the few where Clara actually seems like a distinct character and not a mishmash of every young female companion the Doctor has ever had) I think the scene kind of makes poorly-explained sense as written. This was a place where sentimental value (what an object means to you, aka what it symbolizes) is a real and tangible thing, which is consumed by this sun god as part of the offering ceremony. What the leaf symbolized for Clara was an infinity of potential days and lifetimes that never occurred. Hence eating infinity.

Where this falls down is:

A. In the thousands of years this ceremony has been going on, nobody's ever thought to bring their grandmother' ashes or their dead spouse's wedding ring as an offering? Really?

B. It kind of undermines the sun god thing as a universe-consuming threat if it'll self-destruct the first time it tries to eat a funeral home.

C. Even if you ignore A. and B., no explicit link is made between the sentimental value economy and feeding the old god, so it's handled terribly by the writers.

Still. Kind of makes sense.

Man that episode was the definition of mixed bag. Great aesthetics (except for the moped sequences anyway), unusually good child acting (the kid had a nice singing voice too), a lot of great ideas...but then the final leg of the script was completely naff and dripping with emotionalism - thankfully not of the 'if we all hold hands and love each other everything will be fine!' variety that has ruined many a Who episode, but still excessive.
>> No. 39561
It still boggles my mind that they have Clara as a generic qt-pi instead of as an actual Daalek palling around with the Doctor.

Think about it. It would do wonders for species diversity on the show (who remembers the last time an alien was the Doctor's companion? Anybody? Anyone?) AND it would fulfill their ridiculous contractual obligation to put Daaleks in every other episode or whatever.

Plus it would be adorable to watch her roll around trying to keep up with him.
>> No. 39562
oh eye stalk emoting alone, really too cute.She even gets a paint job at some point kinda flashy and the doctor is against it and its like a teen fighting over getting a tattoo.. Oh she'd be a five foot tall Artoo. Replaces her tools with manipulators. Cross them and droops her stalk when she sulks.
>> No. 39564
As amusing as a Dalek companion would be, I feel like it would get old fast. Imagine hearing that voice every episode for an entire season or more. Besides, although the scripts she's been working with haven't been fantastic in terms of her character, Jenna Coleman's been great. I'm not sure I'd be willing to trade her acting job in for the cheap gag of the Doctor and a Dalek being besties.

I sure wouldn't have minded a Victorian Governess as a companion, though. Really, writing staff, there's no actual rule saying that companions must always be young women from the early 21st century. I promise.
>> No. 39565
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Well not the Dalek voice just Clara a tiny bit modulated, and she gets some "nose paint" to reflect how she feels contrary to how she looks.
>> No. 39571
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I would really just like a male companion that isn't there solely as an accessory for the Doctor's lady friends. Jack and Mickey were just Rose's tagalongs and both were pretty much written out except for one shots almost immediately after they joined. Wilf was only there to be Donna's grandad, and Rory was really only there because his wife wasn't gonna give that shit up anytime soon.

I'd just like one who's there because he wants to be and has the kind of amazing chemistry we got from Two and Jaime. Though in that case it helped that Troughton and Hines were pretty much best fucking friends in real life.
>> No. 39573
maybe he'll pick up some awesome military chap next time he lands.
>> No. 39581
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Finally listened to Dark Eyes and I honestly don't understand why the hell Nicholas Briggs isn't writing for the actual fucking show. This is the first time I've cared about the Daleks in modern Doctor Who since six episodes into Eccleston's run.
As long as he has a kilt.
>> No. 39596
So is Moffat still shit?

Also, I was thinking of watching the The Sarah Jane adventures again and I got sad. Like I almost started crying. Man, She didn't deserve to die like that.
>> No. 39597
Yeah, he's still fucking awful and in my opinion worse than RTD not that I'm saying he was good.
>> No. 39598

If you hated him before, you'll probably still hate him. Nothing much has changed.

Still miles better than RTD in my opinion, but then I guess RTD's still got a year on him.
>> No. 39602
I now RTD was bad but he had some really good episodes to him. Turn left is probably my favorite episode in new who. But I haven't found a single thing enjoyable about Moffat's episodes except the ones he did before we knew he was shit.
>> No. 39603
Ditto, Gridlock is my favorite episode of Who, whereas I don't give a fuck about any Moffat episode looking back on them.
>> No. 39643
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>> No. 39668
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New Doctor new Costume.
>> No. 39669
I am getting serious Pertwee vibes.

Also, both Moffat and RTD can be shit but I have enjoyed episodes during both their runs. I still think Moffat needs to go. Tje Gaiman episodes were among my favorites in Moffat's era, just as Cornell wrote some damn fine episodes during the Davies era.

Also, End of Time and Time of the Doctor were both terrible episodes with some enjoyable bits.
>> No. 39671
One of the reasons I'm super chill with the look
>> No. 39676

Where the hell did he even find that jacket.
>> No. 39677
Kinda hoping twelve has a more spanner type sonic like three and four and less "wand" type like the recent incarnations, go back to it being a tool.
>> No. 39678
It looks like he's trying to get his webshooters to work. The pallette isn't helping much, either.

But pose aside- Looks like a good look. It seems almost like NuWho is going backwards in terms of fashion with each successive Doctor.
>> No. 39681
Saying that and I now see that outfit as being a good one for Old Man Parker.
>> No. 40050
>> No. 40051
I'm ready for Moffat to leave (or have him someone there to reign him in, which Davies needed as well in my opinion), but I am actually kind of looking forward to Capaldi as the Doctor.
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