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36591 No. 36591
The greatest television show ever made.
>> No. 36604
I wish someone made a sequel or a remake of this show.

If the former, Savage could reprise his role as Kevin but now as an adult and having his own children and his children would tell the story of their own childhoods. They would have been 80s or 90s children.
>> No. 36606
When I saw it way back when I thought the episode he was in on Boy meets World was Kevin grown up into a sleaze. Funny thing is Boy meets World is getting a spin off putting Corey as the father of the focal child (this time a girl) so for the moment its a good idea its just being used with the younger Savage brother.
>> No. 36608
I used to love this show, but knowing what kind of person Fred Savage grew up to be would probably sour the idea for me. I know it's not fair to a work to judge it by what an actor did or said years later, though.
>> No. 36616
Really? As someone who doesn't care about actors, how does he act/what did he say to make you think that?
>> No. 36620
He's gotten crazy religious and made videos trying to prove evolution is false, stuff like that. Some of his former co-stars won't even talk to him anymore.
>> No. 36621
Dude, I think you're thinking of Kirk Cameron from Growing Pains.

Fred Savage is just like, a TV producer/director now.
>> No. 36622
I think you're right. Disregard that, then.

Even as a kid, I always got them confused for some reason.
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