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36479 No. 36479
Cyberflash - Powertronica

Neptune Primeyoutube thumb

>Electronica, hard, trance
Worth checking out if you miss good music... I do
Reminds me of the great, experimental music of the 90s
>> No. 36482
You want something hard? I'll give you something hard!

Poppin' Off In Atlanta | Watc…youtube thumb
>> No. 36493
Poppin' Off? Dubstep... really? No disrespect, but bass doesn't necessarily mean hard, dubstep just seems too gimmicky to me with the bass thing. Maybe it's good for the club, but not for casual listening.
>> No. 36494
Hey, dubstep is great when you're drunk! Other than that, well I guess it does get boring quick.
>> No. 36495
For hard trance I would think of The Crystal Method, something in the line of Weapons of Mass Distortion.
Cyberflash is good though, trying to do something of UK roots is always OK with me.
>> No. 36509
what about Infected Mushroom dood?!
>> No. 36522
Agreed. When intelligent artists created good music. Heard Powertronica, I think it's trying to go back to that, kudos to the artist.
>> No. 36538
Blackbird Blackbird - PURE (of…youtube thumb
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