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File 135900844448.jpg - (305.39KB , 1200x900 , dtosh.jpg )
36407 No. 36407
So, is Daniel Tosh a rapist? Or just a totally douchey fucktard? How do you get to be so famous for being such an utterly repellant persona?

In any case, here's a thread to generally complain about assholes with tv shows, assholes ruining the ensemble casts of tv shows/movies, or assholes that guest star on things to make them so much worse.
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>> No. 36408
>on TV

You can only pick 3.
>> No. 36432
File 135924221190.jpg - (111.87KB , 500x333 , tumblr_ln4uksBDpu1qcc8ul.jpg )
>people on television being douchebags

I learned this photo wasn't real when I googled it just now, it's a photoshop from The Poke, the U.K.'s version of The Onion I guess?

Unpopular opinion but I think Tosh was actually one of the best comedians to come up in recent years. While his personality is on some level repellent, his grasp of comedy and the diversity of his material were very solid. The man knows good comedy.

That's why the whole rape joke thing was such a surprise. I'd expect that from someone like Dane Cook, tbh. Tosh was always a childish asshole but on some level that was part of the joke, like Larry the Cable Guy. To hear him good down a road that comedians time and time again have found to be unfunny, it didn't quite seem like him until it was confirmed it was him.

>> No. 36433
>thumb up, thumb down

>raywilliamtakingashitdefranco-esque useless tv show
>best comedians in recent years
>> No. 36436
>a single picture represents the entire span of a persons' work
what are you actually saying

And I can't really blame him for making a show that allows him a theoretical infinite amount of material. Also by what measure do you consider a comedy show "useless". They're all "useless" from The Soup to the Daily Show. And that has no real bearing over how funny the guy is.

I think he's skilled, and rather more skilled than many of his contemporaries, for better or worse. But I can't claim to know the man personally.
>> No. 36437
>one picture
To be fair it's a major publicity photo, it comes up almost as the default image of his entire persona when you search his name, and even if in an alternate universe it was just an outtake photo, his thumb up and thumb down and that idiotic face is both unfunny, unoriginal, and obnoxious.

My implication of uselessness is meant for the fact that he uses other material to make pointless reactions to it, might as well just post a comment on youtube for whatever cat video he's doing, like these other hacks. But I guess it's just not my type of comedy, it reminds me of South Park's critique of Family Guy in that manatees episode.
>> No. 36438
>the fact that he uses other material to make pointless reactions to it
Yeah you're right. Totally useless form of comedy. I mean it's not like Jerry Seinfeld does exactly what you said, in a way.
>> No. 36439
Jerry Seinfeld took already funny popular viral videos and then just added his redundant twist to it? Except with Tosh it's not even a twist, it's just redundancy.
>> No. 36442
It does seem redundant, but in fairness, they said they'd give him a show and he basically said "yeah I wanna make fun of youtube videos on primetime TV for money".

I get what you're saying about redundancy but this is a constant issue of comedy, originality. Tosh's stand up routines are fairly original as far as topics go, and his twitter involvement both on and off the show is an original notion itself, at least as far as he can work it into the show. That the show itself is more or less a dirtier version of America's Funniest Home Videos doesn't really pose an issue for me. It may have drained him a little though.
>> No. 36443
He knows comedy. The science of it, at least.
Doesn't mean he isn't tasteless from time to time.

That said, some of the humour is based on being different from his real self, in a way of "personas."
Take for example, he jabs at soccer alot, but in real life he likes it. Stuff like that.
>> No. 36444
His standup is a lot better than Tosh.0, I'll give him that.
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