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  • 08/21/12 - Poll ended; /cod/ split off as a new board from /pco/.

File 135706336864.jpg - (99.21KB , 900x644 , la-vieille-radio--old-redio-dominique-serusier.jpg )
36261 No. 36261
ITT we gather around and remember our beloved /radio/ and gives our thanks back to the community for exposing us to more music.

We do it by sharing the songs that blew our minds:

http://www.moskva.fm/artist/blossom_dearie/song_2431676 (can't find it on Youtube for some reason)
Charles Mingus - Goodbye Pork Pie Hatyoutube thumb
Dizzy Gillespie & Charlie …youtube thumb
Faith And The Muse 'Running Up…youtube thumb (The urban vibe I get from this version is amazing, it paints such vivid scenes in my mind)
Garbage - Push Ityoutube thumb
Three in the Morning - Midnight Crewyoutube thumb
Simultaneous - Chef (Isaac Hayes)youtube thumb
Jack Jones sings "Shadow of Yo…youtube thumb
99 Luft Problemsyoutube thumb
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