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36056 No. 36056
/mtv/, let's talk Trek.
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>> No. 37203
I enjoyed it. It gave me Benedict Cumberbatch beating the shit out of things and Simon Pegg being funny, which is all I really wanted.

That said, the two big problems for me were that first of all that a number of the action scenes seriously got me worried about my epilepsy kicking in, and even if that didn't happen the flashes were fucking eye-searing. I had to turn away for most gunfights. The second issue was it leans waaaaaay too hard on the Wrath of Khan stuff. I mean okay yes, he's fucking Khan so obviously, but literally doing the whole radiation sequence, and then adding in Spock doing the SCREAM? I was dreading that the movie would end with a setup for The Search For Kirk, but thankfully they instead gave us Quinto vs Cumberbatch, which was pretty fucking radical. Almost as radical was Cumberbatch crushing a dude's skull with his bare hands.

At times problematic, but enjoyable.
>> No. 37205
It's funny, really.

The first Star Trek movie with Khan has less in common with The Wrath of Khan than Nemesis and ST09 did.
>> No. 37224
I can't speak for Nemesis, but yes I remember 09 certainly abused callbacks quite a bit.
>> No. 37227
I suppose I should note that despite the flaws, I do think this is the best Trek movie I've seen (which is all of them except First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis)... but only because I think pretty much all of them except WoK and the reboot movies are terrible.

Except Galaxy Quest of course. That's the best Trek thing I've seen period.
>> No. 37230
Nemesis and Insurrection are bullshit, but First Contact is watchable. Seeing Picard going apeshit, the Borg still being cool, and fucking James Cromwell.

And you didn't even like the one with the whales? Come on, everybody loves the one with the whales.
>> No. 37232
>Come on, everybody loves the one with the whales.
>> No. 37233
I like what First Contact had in that it showed there were scars on Picard that ran deeper than physical from his indoctrination. Would have been better to see that rage and anger contrasted with someone like Riker or Geordi who had seen and knew of Picard and his time as Locutus instead of a person who was utterly clueless to the whole affair.
>> No. 37234
No, because it's hilarious. After two movies of murdering non-redshirts, they decided to do a movie in the more lighthearted vein of A Piece of the Action, or Shore Leave, and it ended up fantastic.
>> No. 37235
> ...Ironically?

No, fuck that. It's a silly, fun movie.
>> No. 37236
Indeed, it showed why that test prep question asked in seventh grade was entirely bullshit and the class knew it. Also Bird of Prey are fucking kick ass.
>> No. 37237
I just thought IV was a dumb movie. There's worse but it didn't do anything for me.
>> No. 37246
I have a theory that might alleviate the fan-wank over Benedict Cumberbatch, 'racebending', and who Benedict plays in the most recent film.

The Prime Universe has Khan Noonien Singh, while the Reboot Universe has a guy who gave himself the title of Khan. Notice how he never uses 'Noonien Singh'.
>> No. 37254
Also, the space battles, as few as there were... were good.
that Vengeance first appearance crap-your-pants moment
that mid-warp battle
that horizontal jump
space stuff hoooooof

...i still miss the more space-y stuff from 09.
I really really loved 09.

Also, wtf all the shit people have been complaining about Khan being white (not the casting stuff. In-universe.) shit's got me upset, as someone from multiple cultures and names and nations and whatnot in 2013 I mean is it too farfetched someone in the further future looks one way but is like another i mean aaaaaugh
>> No. 37255
Wait, if they changed the ethnicity of Khan, it makes sense to complain... may be another timeline and stuff happens differently, but the characters are supposed to be mostly the same, no? Not like his parents should change.
>> No. 37257
He was originally supposed to be played originally by Benecio Del Toro, who stepped out for unexplained reasons.

There has also been a rumor that they thought casting a dark-skinned man being a terrorist would be unfortunate implications.
>> No. 37258
that sounds like bullshit since neither name nor appearance of Khan would fit that kind of "Implication"
>> No. 37262
I know. Khan was an Indian played by a Mexican. But I guess they factored in way-too-easily upset people and/or racist dumbasses who think all brown people are identical or some stupid shit.

Come to think of it, everyone's ethnicity is sorta wonky in Star Trek. Scotty was either a Brit or a Canadian playing a Scotsman. Chekhov wasn't Russian in the original, and is Russian-but-spent-his-whole-life-in-America. Original Khan was a Mexican playing an Indian. Uhura went from African-American to Puerto Rican. Picard was a Brit playing a Frenchman but didn't use an accent.
>> No. 37266
But considering how Western Europeans are pretty ethnically similar it's a lot more egregious to have a Mexican playing an Indian considering they're even less similar genetically, and the only thing they have in common is that they're brown. Not that I think there are terrorist implications, but the scope is quite different.
>> No. 37273
I guess so. But its not like most people arguing against the fact factor that in.

I think you'd be surprised with the similarities.
Playing devil's advocate, I'm sure... But just don't toss that out.
Sure, its not cool. But... I dunno. Maybe I'm too multicultural for me own good
>> No. 37281
Who gives a crap so long as Cumberbatch does a good job, which he did?
>> No. 37283
There are some people who have been saying that actors and actresses who are not white are regularly not given a chance to star in a film, or that characters who were not white in the original are regularly whitewashed in an adaption (see: The Last Airbender). This has some merit to its argument.

And then there are others who are not offended, but just hate Sherlock fangirls so much that they don't want Benedict Cumberbatch to star in anything ever again. And those people can stuff it, because acting-wise, he was fantastic in this role.
>> No. 37285
Oh, yeah totally.
Its why I specified I dislike the arguments in-universe.
Speaking in meta, of course I fucking agree. Its just not giving ethnic actors an opportunity.
Its well described as "a race-wide nepotism."

...Anyway he DID do a brilliant job there.
>> No. 37299
I guess I can see that.

Oops I meant to say that this in the SECOND best. WoK is the best of course, but to be fair the mission statement is very different with the reboot series so maybe it isn't fair to make the comparison between say, '09 and Undiscovered Country.

Anyway GB's been talking about Star Trek this week and they talk about how they think Star Trek is more suited to TV than film simply because of how slow burn the whole thing is. I've only seen random episodes from every series except Enterprise and DS9, but the case they make fits. So I'm thinking maybe I should try watch some on Netflix. I'm probably going to with TNG, since that seems to be universally considered the best one.
>> No. 37314
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>> No. 37335
There's alot of people who hate on Enterprise, and maybe with good reason.
But I saw it without any outside influence (and without being TOO attached to Star Trek beforehand even if I had very much enjoyed TOS and TNG) and I liked it very much myself.
>> No. 37342
Realization: Star Trek 2009 is the best Tyler Perry movie.
>> No. 37348
A few years ago I worked the night shift at a hotel with a TV in the lobby. Every night, Space Network would show every single Trek series back to back: TNG, then Voyager, then DS9, then Enterprise, then ToS. I watched an episode of each every night. And I found that the more I watched of Voyager the less I liked it, and the more I watched of Enterprise the more I didn't mind it.
>> No. 37349
I have to admit, doing the SAME FUCKING SCENE as Spock's death scene in WoK for Kirk in this movie was just lazy as all get out, I mean hot damn, Spock even does the scream. I could forgive the way Kirk dies, the way he puts his hand on the glass to meet Spock's in the exact same way it happens in WoK, but I can't forgive the scream. There's fun little references, and then there's blatant fourth-wall breaking. When that happened, I literally put my face in my hands and said "Oh god, please no."

But other than the at times distracting references, the Enterprise doing jack shit through the whole movie, and the almost offensive amount of blue lens flare I thought it was damn good.
>> No. 37359
The scream isn't even from that sequence, making it even more egregious than it already was.
>> No. 37363
My friends and I were talking about the Khan-being-a-white-dude issue and the secondary issue of "ok yeah that blows but Bumparump Crannybottom was amazing in this movie and removing him feels wrong."

I think my biggest problem was that he was KHAN. I dunno, I know Khan was originally played by fucking Ricardo Montalban but to me it just seems really weird to have a white guy walking around calling himself Khan Noonien Singh. I know it's the future and maybe hes got an indian dad or something but Cuddlebutt is SO VERY WHITE. Plus him being Khan reeks of Shamalamadingdong levels of "WHAT A TWEEST" which is ridiculous and becoming Abrams' directorial crutch ugh.

But it's like I don't want to take him out of the movie either because holy shit what a badass right? I think it would have worked in a really cool way if "Harrison" hadn't been Khan at all, but his first officer from 300 years ago or something. Admiral Who-The-Fuck-Cares could justify it by saying that they chose to revive that dude instead because they figured they could gain his cooperation by holding his beloved captain hostage. You wouldn't lose the "What would you do for your family" thing between him and Kirk, nor would you lose the idea of his technical expertise. The bonus is that there would have been this neat parallel between him and Spock at the end of the movie when they would both be slugging it out for the sake of captains they thought were dead. Plus then it would be some weird reverse-twist-thing where everyone would assume he's Khan until it came out in the movie "nope j/k it's someone else."

or something. fuck if i know. im rambling. i really like this movie a whole fucking lot (tho once again it has a serious deficiency of Bones-screentime but it makes up for it by giving Scotty a bigger role) and im just trying to reconcile that one little thing that bugs me.
>> No. 37364
STC-E01 "Pilgrim of Eternity"youtube thumb

Interesting Trek Fanshow.
>> No. 37368
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It's a shame they didn't end up using Joaquin or Joachim, being how they both look EXACTLY LIKE HIM.

Space Seed Khan remains my favorite version, because Khan being a clean-cut super-buff Sikh guy that Kirk was jealous of is just really really cool to me.
>> No. 37370
Oh fuck I completely forgot about him. See?! That would have worked beautifully, been completely canon, and probably would have thrown off peoples expectations of who "John Harrison" really is.
>> No. 37372
There are people who are insisting he is and has been him the entire time, and that the pods were just a lead-in for a third film, where the crew will be introduced to the real Khan.
>> No. 37413
I never watched any of Trek growing up. Not before the 2009 movie. I always thought Trek was for supernerds, and that I would never ever stoop to that level. But after watching both reboot movies and liking them a lot, I have decided: I will watch every TV show and movie of Star Trek from TOS up through Enterprise. It'll be a long journey, hopefully not 5 years.

I've started watching TOS and so far I've been watching in stardate order, 10 episodes behind my back. It has a very, very slow pace. Episodes feel more like character studies than fun adventures in space. That's not a bad thing at all, but given that episodes are 50 minutes long, they don't lend themselves very well to marathoning. I get around 3 episodes a day in before I burn out. It hasn't aged all that badly, despite what others say I think. The only thing noticeable to me are that some of the episodes are just heavily cliche. Understandable, since back then it wasn't cliche at all, but it's still there. That's really all I have to say at this point.
>> No. 37414
> but Cuddlebutt is SO VERY WHITE.
Yeah I'll concede this.

He very much is.
Hell, he's fuckin' British Nobility in his family tree I think.
>> No. 37417
The only thing that I think has aged really badly are some of the effects, and the TNG uniforms. But that second one may stem from growing up in the 1990's and always having a strong dislike of the fashion of that decade.
>> No. 37418
The 80s Next Gen uniforms were way worse than the ones they started wearing past the third season.
>> No. 37448
They must've been the 80's jumpsuits, not the 90's ones, then. My mistake. I'm catching up on it on reruns, so I don't always know the age of the episode.
>> No. 38952
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I thought the same thing but then I saw the old The Motion Picture and I've been binging on TOS

I might love it too much and it might be unhealthy how happy it makes me

one thing I find funny is despite the blatant sixties sexism, there is an attempt at representing females as equals. there's one scene where some kind of airman who is literally from the sixties is beamed on the ship, sees a woman walking by and is like "what? a woman?" and kirk just says, "a crewman."

I have little to no interest in the new movies - I mean, they could be good but I don't care to watch them.
>> No. 38961
The new ones are fun, space adventure movies made for just being toyetic and wide-eyedness.

...Naturally, they're the perfect fit for me.
>> No. 39039
well that isnt much of the reasons i love star trek aside from space adventur

I watched part of one of the new movies. Didn't feel anything. There were a few moments when I could actually recognize a character but that was it. And, well, I also don't like to watch bright flashy things in any context besides specific drugs. It made me uncomfortable.
>> No. 39451
Is it too much to ask for one damn episode of TOS where they CAN beam back up, their phasers DON'T lose power, and they DON'T lose contact on their communicators?
>> No. 39455
So, you want an episode where everything goes according to plan and nothing interesting happens.
>> No. 39456
Yes, because the only good drama in Star Trek is that which comes from malfunctioning equipment.
>> No. 39463
Can Vulcans tell lies? I distinctly remember a TOS episode where Spock says they can't.
>> No. 39464
and later he bullshits it through telling a half truth or "misdirection" or something. Cue Exasperated Bones and Wry Chuckle from Kirk.
>> No. 39465
I vaguely remember an episode of DS9 where Quark was flirting with a Vulcan woman and he brings up the fact that Vulcans don't lie, so I guess that's still a thing.
>> No. 39468
Pure yes but Half-breeds get the bullshitting half race bonus. And if we stick to the New Universe that bonus can be applied racially instead of by individual now I'd guess since the number of Half-breeds would outnumber the still pure-blood Vulcan. Specially since once them Vulcan's get into alien gene pools, they aren't getting out of the water for nothing. I always find it humorous that Vulcan's are kinda horndogs for aliens once they get off planet and start mingling.
>> No. 39520
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This thread could use a little more Romulan Warbird. The best ship in all of Trek.
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