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35616 No. 35616
Well, we finally know what Demo Reel will be about:
129 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 38273
Admittedly, I've never watched any of the anniversary specials. Where do I start?
>> No. 38275
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Start going over the summaries, and see if you like the premise. Loose continuity aside, they are all self-contained.
>> No. 38319

>> No. 38329
Bet they didn't had a good time with the first one.
And since the second one seems to be worse...
>> No. 38330
>Hasn't seen Smurfs 1/Chipwrecked videos
educate yourself son
>> No. 38348
I kinda want Linkara or someone (Nash?) to do a comic book review show of "this is a movie you didn't know was based on a comic, here's how the two stack up".
>> No. 38400
15 minutes of qualifiers made by two people with the most annoying voices on the site before a five minute review doesn't sound that appealing.
>> No. 38432
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This one just came out of nowhere
>> No. 38433
Eh, YMMV, they're two of my favorites. And I don't know who else would be suited to do such a review.

With shit like, idk, Men in Black and Cowboys vs. Aliens and stuff, I didn't even know there was a comic beforehand. And it's so rare to find anyone who's read them. With books adapted to film, 9 times out of 10, you can find one person (at least) who's read it. And Nash did a convincing rant on Radio Dead Air on why he hates the writer that did Kick-Ass, and why he relies on shock value and bad things happening to children, and Nash (as much as he dislikes kids sometimes) hates that.
>> No. 38445
>What made this annoying show a hit?
That its swedish dub was good for its time and had non of the amarican bs?
And next to other shows of the era it had some balls. Girl balls but still.
Just watch this ep: Sailor Moon - Episod 24 (På Svenska)youtube thumb
He fucking dies! And covered in blood no less, green blood sure but still, balls. And when she trys to put out the spikes she gets electrocuted but still puts it out. Da Feels...
Yeah its the ep that made me a fan.
Hope the re-whatever is good.
>> No. 38456
I want the see the reboot as much as you, just because the concept can be made into a gold brick that shits candy.
>> No. 38457
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Jacob's Ladder review:
>> No. 38651
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Le Mis movie review... it is epic. Go see it.
>> No. 39254
DA injokes.
>> No. 39298
Nostalgia Critic - Man of Steelyoutube thumb
So, this happened...
>> No. 39402
A must see
>> No. 39403
This guy really likes damning modern super hero franchises by comparing the hero to the Bush administration, doesn't he?
>> No. 39404
He is the guy with the opinions. Like them or not, at least he is not afraid to speak them.
>> No. 39406
I honestly don't give much credit to a person just for expressing his opinions on the internet. There seems to be no short supply of that, no matter where you look.
>> No. 39419
True. But at least, instead of saying "I like this", he says "I like this because...". It is that part that makes his videos interesting to watch (for me at least).
>> No. 39499
>> No. 39651
Good night, Sweet prince.
R.I.P. JewWario
>> No. 39652
Damn, and I just saw his tweet a few days back about him recording for a project.
>> No. 39653
Well shit...
There goes the pokémoviethon...
>> No. 39655
Aw man.
Rest in peace fella.
>> No. 39657
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Well, poop.
>> No. 39660

And so I have my concerns for Spoony during this time as well given his history.
>> No. 39662
What kind of concerns?
He seems to be pretty fine right now.
Or am I being too naive?
>> No. 39663
He's stable at the moment from all appearances, but so was JewWario from the reaction people had to this though maybe those that worked with him knew more about whatever condition he had. You just never know when things just will strike you and just knock you into that kinda hole, its kinda scary.
>> No. 39673
Farewell Justin Carmicalyoutube thumb
>> No. 39675

Brad lays it all out.
>> No. 39682
And surprisingly enough, Stuttering Craing did a quite respectful video about him.
Justin "JewWario" Carmical 1971 - 2014youtube thumb

And now, that video is private.
>> No. 39683
/co/ had a brief good discussion about things, if what was said is actually what happened, damn.
>> No. 39685

What did they say?
>> No. 39686
he shot himself in the bathroom while his wife was trying to talk him out of the hole he'd fallen into
>> No. 39690
I think anon meant "what did /co/ said about his demise?".
>> No. 39691
Its started well with concern and people wanting understand, I was able to give some insight since I've been in the bottom of that kinda hole before and its fucking scary how it feels. But then it went into the same trash talk that seems to accompany those threads. It was a selfish act blah blah blah. Bunch of trolls.
>> No. 39808
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Saints be praised!
>> No. 39815
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Aw man, no one expected those 2 min with JewWario to be so prophetic.
>> No. 39816

>I need to pee

that's the worst part of the whole intro.

Especially when you recall everything.
>> No. 39818
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>You just need an excuse to leave for a bit don't you.
>> No. 39987
>> No. 39988
Here we go again.
>> No. 39989
I was surprised how positive he was to the first few shows.
>> No. 40013
File 139638476745.png - (42.26KB , 144x193 , Nostalgia Critic will eat you after you go asleep.png )
Check the newest AT vlog. NOW.

>> No. 40014
>Talking shit on Bonkers
Yeah, opinions, etc.
Also, I never thought Quack Pack was terrible, just fairly mediocre; and Mighty Duck wasn't really remarkable, yet silly and fun.
He also forgot to mention that plenty of QP episode where just Donald and Daisy(and some blonde jerk) around the world and the duckling trio was just tagging around.
>> No. 40052
>> No. 40058
Well, I know what I'll be watching soon.
>> No. 40085
I think I found a plothole. The movie is likely more than one hour long.
>> No. 40115
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Why Suede, why?... Why did you put the two things so close?
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